Matthew and
Peyton's Homepage
Page 2--Matthew's Station
Matthew and Peyton have a lot
of fun together. Peyton couldn't ask for a better big brother than Matthew
- no one can make her laugh quite like he can. They are starting to play
together, although Matthew thinks Peyton can be a bit of a pest when she
destroys his train layout! Peyton has decided to do everthing her big
brother does - her favorite activity is climbing...chairs, the couch, the bed -
you name it and she will try to climb it. At a year old, she has been
walking for three months. Her first word was "bye, bye" and now she is
trying to say "night, night". She has entered the toddler phase a bit
early and is becoming the Queen of Tantrums but you couldn't ask for a sweeter
Page 4--Peyton's First