Flowers by Mo

As you push open the door, a bell tinkles from just above your head. A girl behind the counter looks up and smiles. "Welcome to Flowers by Mo. I'm Mo. May I help you?"

You nod.
Mo smiles. "You're in luck! I'm back from vacation and Flowers by Mo is open for business again! The available flower are over there, and you can order them right here."

"If you aren't interested in flowers, you can go across the street to the Library."
You turn your attention to a billboard on the far side of the room. Amidst the various flower orders, a poem catches your eye.
You return to the counter, where the girl, Mo, is still waiting for you to order flowers. She glances at the clock on the wall and says, "I've got a little time off. Would you like to chat?"
Mo points to a funny-looking metal box in the corner. "That's our jukebox. It's not much, but it has a lot of MIDI files that you can listen to."
As you head for the door, Mo calls, "Leaving so soon? Visit Ivy's Garden or Lauryn's Art Gallery, they'd love the company!"
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