Miracle 3

              This testimony might shock alot of people and my family, (at that time) turned against me because of what took place but it has to do with forgivness when you've been raped or molested by a family member.

              I knew I had been molested and raped at a very early age but I could never remember the face of the person who did this to me. My Doctor, David Kunz, told me that God didn't want me to have a distored memory of a father image since God was my Heavenly Father. I pondered this since my Dad was living with us now and I had 2 small girls at home. I had the girls in daycare so I didn't have to worry and God would take care of my memory if what David said was true.

              One Saturday I went into work (working with large mainframe computers) when suddenly I had this sickening feeling to go home. I had taken the girls over to a babysitter since daycare was closed so I wasn't worried about that....just the urgency to go home.

              So I shut everything down and went home. When I pulled into the drive, it didn't occure to me why Mandy was home but I heard screams from inside (from Nicole) so I picked up my pace a bit. Standing in the kitchen, I could hear her screams (have never heard before or since from Nicole) and I wasn't sure where my Dad was. I looked in the direction of the screams but was frozen to move. Not sure why. I asked Dad what was going on and I saw him rush from the bedroom to the bathroom in a pair of shorts...well my Dad never wore shorts. I demanded to know what was going on and he said "oh she wet her pants and I scolded her." and I reached Nicole, she said "Mommie, papa tried to put his private in my private" and to this day from this point on is blank to me. I don't know where my Dad went but he left. Hopefully I went through preparing dinner etc. as if everything were normal but I just don't know.

              The next morning I called my Mom and called Nicole over as I wanted to make sure I wasn't just hearing things...I said "Nicole, what did papa do yesterday?" and she said the same thing as before. I asked my Mom if she heard what Nicole said and she thundered "Yes I did..now call the police."

              Well, I somehow got the girls ready for Church and called for someone to pick them up as I wasn't going this morning. Someone came and off they went. Now I did the next thing in calling their Doctor. I told him what had happened and he said to meet him with the girls at the hospital (Joan Glancy). I had to wait for them to get home so I waited. How I loved my Dad and how this hurt my heart is a feeling hard to describe but I had to do right by my two girls. Ages 2 (Nicole) and 5 (Mandy). The outcome of a long story that I won't put up here ended with me and my Dad standing before a court judge to hear his sentence. He had been in jail for over a year now and I never missed a Sunday of visiting him..making sure he had his cigarette money etc..

              You know what was funny is the Judge let me be the one to impose a sentence on my Dad. He turned and asked me what I wanted done to him and I asked the Judge to please free him to a life of probation as his health was bad and he was up in age. The Judge asked my Dad if he heard what I had said and my Dad said "yes" and the Judge granted my request and said my Dad also had to leave the state of Ga and never return. I guess my Mom called my brother in LasVegas to come out and take him back with him as that is what happened. His probation was transferred to LasVegas, where I was during the last days of my Dad's life. Having worked with Hospice I was allowed to care for him and I stayed as long as I could. The link below is a letter I wrote to my Dad for his memorial. Will stop here as enough has been said and it was hard to get this out as there are so many blanks memory spots for me. Praise the Lord, remember, there is a "gift" in everything if you only take time to find it.

              Snake bite click here

              Touch NOT God's Anointed..click here

              My letter for my Dad's Memorial..click here

              MPD..is it possible for a Christian? Click here.

              Karen's Vision..

              Jesus Hugged me today!

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              here, then it's not on the Internet.

              Tribute To Tragedy Of Sept.11 2001

              Dreams & Visions

              Near Death(1)

              Near Death (2)

              Through Heaven's Eye's

              Living Waters


              Prophecy For Today

              Gospel In All Tongues

              Vision Of hell..enter here

              My Girl's Today..to would be stalkers..they now live in different states!

              Memorial Site of my Dad & other's

              eXTReMe Tracker

              Am still working on this site but had to break away from it temporarily. Will finish it up when I can....please come back to visit

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              Since I'm writting a book to be published, I want to protect my testimonies from being duplicated or used in the wrong way. If you want to link my site to your's then please feel free. I would be honored! Thank you....