Welcome to North Tara Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Ed and Debbie Patrone

The North Tara Chesapeake Bay Retriever Gang
Our Tennessee Walking Horses

Some pictures of our last litter, Born July 2, 2003

Sire and Dam pictures & Pedigree

puppy pictures

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The Farm

Our 33 acre farm is located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay.

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Puppies The North Tara Gang In Memory of Chelsea In Memory of Ashley The Horses The Farm Chessie Humor Favorite Chessie Treats [E-Mail]

This Friends of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Ring site is owned by:
The North Tara Gang
Want to be a Chesapeake Bay Retriever friend? Click here for info
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Chesapeake Bay Retriever Rescue Adopt a Chessie!

HELP STOP PUPPY MILLS...Buy your Chessie from a responsible, reputable breeder...Check for OFA and CERF clearances...Examine the pedigree...Or adopt an adult Chesapeake from rescue, there are many wonderful adults waiting to be adopted- see the above link for CBR Rescue