Please, spend one minute of your time considering how many
unwanted, abused, abandoned pets are there in your own neighborhood...
Support your local Shelter and when You think You're ready to share your life
with a pet, look for a responsible, caring breeder or give your love to a pound dog
who so badly needs it

Please feel free to copy this animated GIF and put it on your own webpage...

NEW!!! IW Jigsaw Puzzles
While I'm still gathering material for this webpage, You might want to look at some pics of my Irish Wolfhound pup, Rabbitville Cyberstar Huan, who was born May 9, 1997. The pics were taken at the beginning of July, 1997, when I went to visit him and his lovely Mom Tina for a week at their home in Danmark.
To see the pics, just click on the thumbnails.
To come back click on the" back" button of your browser.
To wolfie pics
To sightseeing pics
June 16,1997
Graphics and images are my © unless otherwise stated.
If you see here something that you would like to use, send me a mail
and I will answer in just a few hours.
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