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I decided to have a central links page for all the subjects I've covered on my webpages. This lists the best sites I've found for each subject. It covers sites that I've found the past year. If you are into Genealogy, check out my webpage for online information. Out of 10,000+ sites, I've only used those with actual info. online, no charges of any type, & ones that cover a subject in depth.
Mom always said I was Jack of all Trades & Master of Some! In truth, I learned home repair & maintenance the hard way. When it comes to the fix-it, painting, weatherstriping, refinishing sites; I am hard to please! If they are trying to hard sell
an item I won't list them. If they sell a product that I know is hard to use & NOT the best, out they go!
Your home repairs can be easy if the right product is used or very difficult if the wrong one is used. I'm a researcher, so I'm after websites that are really helpful. I'll add to the list as new ones go online, so check back often. Let me know how I'm
doing with the Country Life pages, I'd appreciate it!
NOTE: COUNTRY DECORATING: Down Home / America's Country Decorating Book by Carleton Varney
is best found through Bibliofind, a group of used/new dealers on Internet. For locating used books online you can't beat them! Don't expect a glossy book, though it has a few color photos. It tells how to use the colors found in nature to make a house homey & inviting.
I found a copy for $12.00, hard back and dust jacket. This book would make a nice gift for those loving the country life!
I've listed book stores online I use a lot, they have older books & prices are C-H-E-A-P! I found a Dallas TV Series book in A-1 shape for $8.00. Another Christmas gift bought!
I bought a book Route 66 Remembered, by Michael Karl Witzel.
This covers places that were famous along the old road,
when people traveled & took time to visit along the way. It is loaded with color photos & helped me buy a neat gift for
someone hard to buy for! Of course, I enjoyed it before I wrapped it. Those were the days...
I ordered the cook book Farm Journals Country Cooking for me! It is my favorite cook book, uses things you have in stock. I hate to have a beautiful cook book that calls for things you normally don't have on stock. A few color photos in the hard back edition, the paperback doesn't have. I wanted the paper edition to take with me when I grocery shopped. Book Closeouts is my favorite online book store. Prices
are up to 90% off & I've returned items with no problems. I needed to learn about Computers & Internet and have bought $50.00 computer books for $2.99-$6.95. The SAME ones still being sold at book stores for full price. I personally guarantee them.
If you love books you have to visit them!
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Thanks To:
Michelles' Graphic Creations
Wax & Weeds
Just Janes
Cowgirls' Geocities