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My name is Kristina,. I want to start by saying yes, that is me in the pics I use and yes I am a true red head!!!! *S* The pictures I use of me in the waterfall were taken in Ketchikan Alaska in 1993.
I recently moved from the last Frontier...Alaska (land of moose nuggets, earth quakes and SNOW). December 1st,2000 I am movnig again, this time to Texas (details farther down the page).
I have 2 children,(both boys) ages 5yr, and 10yr. I was a theraputic foster parent in NC, and for about a year in Alaska & have been involved with fostering for about 4 years now. I tried adopting an 11yr old girl after finding her through NW Adoption Exchange and a 16 yr old boy I fostered previously but unfortunatly the placements did not work out. Adoption is a difficult process and after the past few years, I don't know if I will continue this avenue though I still think about having a daughter. If you are interested in adopting THIS is a good place to start.
I've been involved with animal behavior modification and rehabilitation since 1985, when I began with "pound puppies" trained as signal dogs for the hearing impaired. I have found some neat sights on assistance dogs. If your interested, please check them out. I later went on to Shutzand for working dogs(my specialty is Rottweilers) and rehab for abused and neglected pets. I now have a beautiful mutt (named Saber)who is the most wonderful dog!!! She compares only to my Sadie whom I lost to cancer in 1993. I also have 2 ragdoll cats(that is an actual breed)named Riggs and Raggs. This spring we will be adding a new addition to our family, a Pembroke Corgie male. (I am going to have to suck up BIG TIME for this one with my honey!!!!!) (The puppies are due to be born by Nov.19th, 2000) and Malinda (my best friend, who's picture is on my photo page, and yes, she is a hottie) will be sending him down this spring from Colorado!!!!
I have traveled a bit (7 countries and 43 states), and lived overseas in Norway for a time where I attended OAS (my school) and was a dj on the AFRS station. I have a number of hobbies (just not time for them all).
I enjoy camping, writing, am an amature equestrian (that just means I like to fall off horses while trying to look cool!),dance (my honey is going to teach me two-step again, it has been 11 years since the last time I tried), sing (way off key), love stand up comedy, & cooking and baking (I put Betty Crocker to SHAME!!). I used to do voice overs and copy writing while I was involved with radio broadcasting and journalism (okay fine, I was a dj and wrote commercials for both radio and t.v.!!!) I guess you could say I am a Jane of all trades! As you can see, I am NEVER bored, just REALLY tired. *LOL* I spend alot of time creating crafts & silk flower arrangements.
I completed my BA in Liberal Studies in 1998 and am now a college graduate!!!!! I resigned my position as Director of Research for a national media corporation in March of 1999, and spent the summer with my children. I obtained a new position (with better pay and perks) in the fall of 1999. I resigned that position (a mental health EAP company in an administrative capacity.)in September of 2000 to be able to move back to the Continental U.S. I loved my job!!!! There is nothing like dealing with those who's perspective of the world is not in the here and now. (Think about the old phrase "A few fries short of a happy meal") I am a Southern Baptist, and I am a firm believer in pro-life. I would also like to help promote some special sights I have found, such as this really cool page from Kent Hovind on Creation vs Evolution, and you can also recieve $250,000...I am an advocate to my beliefs because I want to be. I do not force these beleifs on anyone, but offer them as information.
Finally, one of my favorite past times is locating lost aquaintances. I have found my dearest friends I lost contact with from all the moving around I did, put closure to some of the more painful chapters in my life and am rekindling my highschool flame. (Okay, this is where the story gets good!!!) Everyone has a love they cant get over, and goes through life wondering "what if". Steve was mine.

Now, don't leave just yet...be sure to check out my "credits", and don't forget to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!

Any ideas or suggestions are always appriciated. I thank you for stopping by. Feel free to catch me on ICQ (oh you dont have it? Get it free by clicking ICQ My ICQ # is 93187717. I would love to mention many special people who have touched my life, but since I cant possibly list them all, just because your not mentioned doesn't mean I dont think of you.

To Diamond Dave, without him this page would not exist...your patients is emense!!!!
To Caddy, for giving me strength, and teaching me to "surf the web"!! (Also for that great spinich dip recipe...YUM!) Hugs GF!!!!

To Malinda, my oldest and dearest friend. Go easy on those Colorado men...they arent an endless supply you know!!! I am glad you followed your dreams, and that you will be a part of me realizing and obtaining mine. You are the truest kind of friend, and I am lucky to have you. PS, want to borrow my bra? *LOL*
Want to know more about me and my mom? Watch the movie Terms of Endearments or Anywhere But Here .
To my cat..Elska who was with me for many hours on here and off here...and unfortunatly crossed the rainbow bridge on 3/24/2000 after 12 & 1/2 years of companionship. There will never be another like you and I will miss you always.
To Riggs,& Raggs who are with me now, surfing along.....and purring away..."Good Kittys". And let us not forget my "baby" Saber who is beneath my feet. Words can not discribe them, they are amazing.

And last, but certainly not least; To Steve, my highschool sweetheart. Funny how after so many years, and different paths in life, we are more alike than before. I am thankful to the forces of life (chance, fate, God) that you are again a part of my world and that we have a 3rd chance to get this right. I have never known someone who had so much love to give unconditionally. I am greatful and blessed that it is me you want to share that love with. Lets start our journey soon, it is time to begin a new path in our lives, together.


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