This report is a testimony from one of our single mothers. There are times
when you wonder if a ministry is doing any good. Then one night
Nancy said she had something to share with the group. The following
is what she shared:
My name is Nancy and I am changed by the Lord Jesus Christ who came
into my life four years ago.Before I knew Jesus, my life was a complete
mess. I struggled withbitterness, hot temper, hatred towards other people,
jealousy, and even violence. I also fought with people quite easily. I had
many problems and addictions, like drinking too much alcohol, having an
affair with a married man, and trusting people of the world to give me
financial support. I hated married women because my own marriage was broken
and theirs seemed to work. I hated their children because I thought they
were better than mine.
But since I met Jesus, my life changed. I do not struggle with hatred,
jealousy, adultery, etc. I now experience peace that passes all
understanding. Jesus gave me a new heart and a new mind. He taught me how
to be satisfied with who I am, and how to love my children even without
their father's presence. He also taught me to love everybody. I am now
content with myself and the circumstances of my life.
As soon as I confessed to Jesus that I am content with myself, God just
started working in my life in a beautiful way. He has transformed me to a
person who is now helping out other single mothers who are experiencing
rejection, loss of love, loss of confidence, changed attitude and even those
who are seeking love from alcohol, drugs, and adultery. As soon as I share
my testimony of what the Lord Jesus has done for me, they know they can also
be changed by Him.
I can describe m life now as one of fulfillment in the Lord Jesus, one
of waiting upon my Lord, and one of having a Companion, a Counselor, and a
dear Friend in Jesus Christ.
My experience with Jesus has shown me that THERE IS LIFE AFTER ALL THE
Well, God is good,
Jim Reppart