Hello everyone, I'd like to welcome you to my little world of Pomeranians. |
margaret mcconnell - 02/01/00 16:10:05 My URL:http://angelfire.com/on3/roselane My Email:roselane@istar.ca Address: rr 5 langton ont canada noe1go Phone #: 1 519 875 2265 Favorite Dog Site: most good poms dog breed: pomeranian | Comments: you have a very nice web site |
kevin white - 01/12/00 04:10:52 My Email:kevin | Comments: |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
Roger & Rose Busby - 10/08/99 09:34:14 My Email:rugby@hvisions.com Address: 101A Neptune St, Gordon Heights, Olongapo City 2200 Phone #: 047-224-8554 dog breed: Pomeranians | Comments: Just recently retired and moved back to the Philippines. We have just purchased two dogs, male and female, and are thinking of starting up a kennel here in Olongapo. I have no doubt that we will be looking for breeding stock later on and would like to g t your address/phone number. |
margaret mcconnell - 09/21/99 14:02:20 My Email:roselane@istar.ca Address: canada Phone #: 1 519 875 2265 Favorite Dog Site: most of web page dog breed: poms | Comments: hi i run roselane kennel,s i would like to see more photo,s of your pom,s |
Pomlady - 08/03/99 03:45:06 My URL:/Petsburgh/6523/ My Email:fantasy2@gate.net Favorite Dog Site: Many dog breed: Poms | Comments: Hello, I enjoyed my visit to your site your Poms Are Just Beautiful!! Continued Success in the Future!! |
Pirjo-Riitta & Maarit Alppinen - 06/18/99 22:06:22 My URL:http://Bicontys.nic.fi My Email:pirit@nic.fi Address: Finland dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Your poms are beautiful! ![]() |
Dennis J. Quiambao - 06/13/99 05:45:14 My Email:djkyu@hotmail.com Address: Pinoy expat in K.S.A. Favorite Dog Site: www.canismajor.com; dog breed: Chihuahuas (and thinking of Poms, too!) | Comments: Never seen such lovely Poms before! I have attended a couple of shows 2 years ago while on vacation and i've viewed poms merely as miniaturized Jap. Spitz, but the dogs on your web page have changed all that. Although the Chihuahua is my favorite breed, i really do admire your Pomeranians. I have bookmarked your webpage and will visit often. Would love to hear from you if you know of any REPUTABLE Chihuahua breeder. I need not ask for a reputable POM breeder coz you look like one. More power. |
kim raymundo - 03/29/99 06:20:55 My URL:http://iwantcharger.com My Email:vkr23@hotmail.com Favorite Dog Site: Charger | Comments: Nice page.....Can I have Charger.....please? ;) |
mary silva - 03/10/99 02:09:03 My Email:mary@earthlink.net dog breed: poms | Comments: i love tour babies |
Michi Ball - 12/31/98 03:57:01 My Email:jetdr@busprod.com Address: rt2 box 182 sapulpa Ok. 74066 USA Phone #: 918-321-9407 dog breed: pom | Comments: Love to own one of your dogs ,please send me information. |
Le Bois de Moque-Souris, (Spitz & Pomeranians) Annie GOURAUD - 12/13/98 20:38:46 My URL:http://perso.wanadoo.fr/loicg My Email:gouraud.moq-sou@wanadoo.fr Address: France | Comments: Very nice poms with great US lines. I love your puppies, they are so cute. I wish you more and more lovely poms. Annie |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Shari Shields - 08/27/98 22:46:02 My Email:sshields@erols.com Address: Lanham, Maryland` Phone #: 301-577-9010 | Comments: Hi Jun, just a quick hello!!! How is Teddy???? enjoyed seeing all the POMS this weekend --- Hopefully, I'll see you again soon!!!! Shari |
Brigitte Sovonja - 08/22/98 21:26:38 My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/chips.pom My Email:chips.pom@t-online.de Address: Schifferstadt, Germany dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Nice web page, you have wonderful Poms! I really enjoyed all the photos of your dogs, especially of Susie Q ... Congratulations on all the wins! |
Terri Arzie - 08/22/98 14:37:43 My Email:terrijerrysam@prodigy.net dog breed: Pomeranians | Comments: nice page, beautiful little dogs. :) |
Janice Young - 07/22/98 14:14:20 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/7152 My Email:youngjl@usmo.com Address: USA Phone #: 314-629-2754 dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Nice website. Nice dogs. I know your freind Dennis Litonjua. Star Haven Pomeranians Home of B.I.S.S. Ch. Star Haven's Righteous Rock |
Linda - 06/12/98 15:01:23 My URL:http://members.aol.com/LPOMER/index.html My Email:LPOMER@aol.com Address: Valparaiso, IN Favorite Dog Site: All pom web sites! dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: It was nice meeting you at the Mt Pleasant, MI show. Good luck in the future! ![]() |
marivic lim - 06/12/98 09:56:56 My Email:cbear@amanet.net Favorite Dog Site: all dog sites dog breed: golden retriever | Comments: hi, Jun! It's nice to see your webpage here. We all miss you here and we hope to see you back soon.I hope you have not forgotten all about us.Take care.. |
Roxanne - 05/04/98 13:11:19 My Email:pommom@cuteandcuddly.com Address: Hebron, IN Favorite Dog Site: Many dog breed: POM | Comments: Well we are here again visiting and checking on all the winners in your gang. Hope you get the chance to come see our puppy hopeful. We are very proud of him. His first time at a match, he placed. We also have the Bi-Mar and we love them dearly. Keep up t e good work and may many more CH's come your way! |
Chico Gosalvez - 02/25/98 13:11:22 My Email:rcgosalvez@skyinet.net Address: 37 bulacan st. qc Phone #: 9284901 Favorite Dog Site: yours? so far...He he he dog breed: Phul-gazo | Comments: Hello Jun, I like your dogs, especially "JACK" Unfortunately, he's not in your list anymore. Anyway, congratulations on your web page. Hope to see more of your poms, we (team) miss you back here. Hope to hear from you. Well, what more can I say? It seems thay have said it all. Wait, I have one thing to say, I strongly disagree when a certain michael carlos (tan)stated that a fine "young" man...That's it for now, Take good care of your dogs, good luck and God bless. Keep in touch! |
Mustafa - 02/21/98 00:51:49 My Email:msimm@grove.ufl.edu Favorite Dog Site: dang I forget the url dog breed: Dalmation | Comments: Hi I really liked your site. It must take a lot of discipline to raise show dogs. Eventhough I'm going to school to be a vet I dont know much about various breeds of dogs etc, I mainly concentrated on learning about the behavior and physiology of various animals. Maybe you can teach me a few things if you don't mind. I can't say that poms are my favorite breed (and yes I do know dalmations have a bad temprament and genetically vulnerable to deafness and liver disorders), but I think they are pretty cute especially the puppies. Well I'll try and check out your site later for any new additions, later. Mustafa. |
Roxanne - 02/20/98 21:00:24 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/kissamikennel My Email:pommom@cuteandcuddly.com Address: Hebron IN Favorite Dog Site: to many to name dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: You have gorgeous animals. Good luck and continued success with them all. Please come see our little fur-babies and give us your comments. |
william thio - 01/29/98 07:27:18 My Email:MThio@aol.com Address: foster city CA Phone #: 650-5778469 Favorite Dog Site: daisy dog breed: boxer | Comments: tito jun, where are you? pls. write back if you can at MThio@aol.com or UQEY11A@prodigy.com. Take CAre William |
Sjaan van der Lek - 12/15/97 08:45:08 My Email:95100529@hhs.nl Address: Walnootstraat 63, 2555 XJ DEN HAAG, The Netherlands Phone #: 0031-70-3688378 Favorite Dog Site: Pom sites dog breed: Poms | Comments: Congratulations with your BIS winner! It is always great publicity to the breed and a great honour to you afcourse! May there follow many BIS again! Anyway, you have a nice website, go on this way! If you like to know more about the Dutch/Euro Pomworld, drop me a line (see above for email and strain address), and i will take care of the rest! |
Jean Goodson - 12/02/97 02:59:39 My URL:http://GoodsonMRG@aol.com Address: South Carolina Favorite Dog Site: Yours dog breed: Pomeranians | Comments: |
Jean Goodson - 12/02/97 02:56:44 My URL:http://GoodsonMRG@aol.com Address: 3044 Sims Rd. Rock Hill,SC. 29730-7692 Phone #: 803-325-8475 Favorite Dog Site: Yours dog breed: Pomeranians | Comments: |
Bronya Johnston - 11/18/97 18:20:28 My Email:dick@gower.net Address: Tyler Texas Favorite Dog Site: All pomeranians dog breed: The ONLY breed, poms | Comments: Jun, I love your web page and your lovely dogs. You are starting with such lovely dogs, there's only one way you can go. Perfection. Good luck in this wonderful breed. Hope to see you again soon. Bronya |
Chuck Robbins & Bear - 10/18/97 21:47:36 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/2077 My Email:ChuckRobb@Juno.com Address: Arkansas, USA Favorite Dog Site: impossible to pick dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: I too, am a Pom owner ... however mine is not a show dog, just a pet, a buddy, a companion ... we invite you to visit his homepage ... and would like, if okay, to add a link from his page to yours ... a terrific page, and beautiful dogs. |
Phyllis Ripley - 10/18/97 20:04:28 My URL:http://www.infodog.com/dogpubs/PomRegst/htm My Email:ripley@primenet.com Address: 6902 E. First St. Tucson, AZ 85710 Phone #: (520) 721-7620 Favorite Dog Site: too many good ones to choose - this is one of the best! dog breed: Current: Pembroke Welsh Corgi | Comments: Jun, This is a very nice website. I'll look forward to watching the progress of eMPee Pomeranians. Phyllis |
veronica - 09/16/97 14:14:53 My Email:Prismpom@AOL.com Address: Lutz FL USA Favorite Dog Site: pomchat@aol.com dog breed: poms what else | Comments: Hi Jun, CONGRATULATIONS !! You must be very excited about that group 1. Keep up the good work. Finally got a faster computer so I can visit more often now. Next time I visit I want to see a BIS on Charger. Go get 'em. Veronica |
abc - 09/12/97 06:03:24 | Comments: ... |
Mari Litonjua - 09/08/97 14:59:13 Favorite Dog Site: Chrisden Poms | Comments: CONGRATULATIONS! on Charger group win. He performed ver well on that day facing tough competition. |
holly - 08/23/97 05:40:38 GMT My Email:pompin@aol.com Address: kearneysville wv Favorite Dog Site: all dog breed: poms |
Comments: hi im back!!!they all look good!!i see you on ICQ :D |
Euvil Chavez - 08/13/97 20:40:24 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/1888 My Email:corazon@skyinet.net Favorite Dog Site: Ours dog breed: Belgian Groenendael & Chinese Shar-Pei |
Comments: I guess you're still figuring out your new computer, huh! Not much change since I last viewed your site. At least, Howitzer's still there! It might be a good idea if you link it up to ours, don't you think? |
Gigi Panlilio - 08/09/97 04:21:43 GMT My Email:gigip@aol.com Address: San Francisco, CA dog breed: Pomeranian |
Comments: I'm glad you're getting to communicate with people who love dogs as much as you do. Ever since I can remember you've loved dogs and devoted a lot of your time and effort in breeding and taking care of dogs. I just want to wish you the best of luck with everything. Take care. :) |
Mom Kieffer - 08/03/97 01:36:01 GMT My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/6819 My Email:dkieffer@seidata.com Address: Milan, Indiana Phone #: 812-623-2290 Favorite Dog Site: Poms of course dog breed: Poms of course |
Comments: Dear Jun Love the addition of your puppies. Am still waiting for my BIS male!!!! Where is he??? Your site is looking great. Looking forward to some chats on ICQ. Mom Kieffer |
Martha Brann - 08/02/97 19:45:05 GMT My Email:eliza@fuse.net Favorite Dog Site: Love 'em all |
Comments: Your site is just great. All the little ones are adorable. Keep up the good work and the best of luck with your site and your business. |
D.J.Litonjua - 08/02/97 19:26:51 GMT My URL:/heartland/meadows/7573/ My Email:chrisden@compass.com.ph dog breed: Poms Of course |
Comments: Jun, Nice to see your gorgeous puppies! Can't wait to see them become your new homebred Champions, Someone would be green with envy,Ha! |
Fred Stevens - 08/02/97 11:18:39 GMT My Email:fstevens@mich.com dog breed: Pekes |
Comments: Very well presented!!! I am truly impressed!! |
holly spielman - 07/30/97 04:22:48 GMT My URL:www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/4535 My Email:pompin@aol.com Address: west virginia Phone #: 304-728-9937 Favorite Dog Site: all of them!! dog breed: poms,poodles,min pins,yorkies,and pekes,and shar-pies |
Comments: your dogs are beautiful!! |
Jeanne "Buddy" Blank - 07/25/97 01:53:33 GMT My Email:jrblank@qtm.net Address: Buchanan, MI |
Comments: Hi there! Are you alive? E-Mail me when you can! Are you getting my messages? Talk to you soon! |
michael carlos - 07/21/97 09:08:23 GMT My Email:michaelt@skyinet.net Address: 65 south maya drive, philam homes, quezon city Phone #: 4143333 Favorite Dog Site: yours(it's the only one i've seen, he,he, he) dog breed: mikelai, loremike, mastiffs |
Comments: you are such a wonderful addition to the dog world. it makes me happy to see such a fine young man giving his time, effort and money to the advancement of the breed and also the dog world in general. congratulations to your ideas. hope that many would follow your footsteps, so help you God. (pahiram ng scanner) |
Corazon - 07/20/97 19:45:53 GMT My Email:corazon@skyinet.net Address: 47 Sto. Domingo Ave., Q.C. Phone #: 7121550 Favorite Dog Site: All dog sites dog breed: Belgians, Aussies, Shelties, Peis, etc. |
Comments: Thanks Jun! But Howitz ain't an American Champion. Just A BIS Phil. Grand Champion. Yabang 'no? Ikaw ang nagturo sa akin eh. Kaya lang hindo ko talaga ma-feel masyado yung panalo kasi mas hit 'yung away eh. I'll send you a copy of my letter to PCCI. Check if it's okay and let me know your comments after your read it. |
NOEL MANANKIL - 07/17/97 01:15:51 GMT My Email:angelcom@mozcom.com Address: 8-10 josefina drive, villa teresa, angeles city,philippines Phone #: 001-6345-5992080 dog breed yorkie/shih tzu | Comments: |
Angela Prollamante - 07/15/97 07:38:32 GMT Favorite Dog Site: yours of course dog breed: pomeranian | Comments: Congratulations for having beautiful pomeranians. I love your dogs specially SUSIE Q and STEALY and i guess you know the reason why. I'll try to give them the love that im giving to my own dogs. Last but not the least, I will continue to give you all the support a friendship should give. |
Paolo - 07/14/97 13:15:05 GMT My Email:sunhaven@webquest.com Address: Makati City Philippines Phone #: 632 8435775 dog breed: poms | Comments
Dear Jun, I really like your hompage. My favorite dog in your kennel is Charger and Susie Q. They are both very flashy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you with all your support in our kennel. I really admire your talent with pomeranian. Continue you sucess, wish you luck in your breeding program. See you at the dog shows. Empee Poms are really Charged and ready to Steal the Show. PAO |
Ruth Ripperger - 07/14/97 03:16:09 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4989 My Email:rrip@fuse.net Favorite Dog Site: difficult question! Probably the Pom Registry Magazine dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Love your web page & your dogs!!!! Charger sure looks a lot like his dad. And Susie Q is incredible. Let me know when you have puppies for sale. |
Ting J. Panlilio - 07/13/97 16:34:06 GMT Address: empee's home Favorite Dog Site: definitely empee's poms dog breed: pomeranians | Comments: I love pomeranians! and the best website to se is empee's poms definitely the best! I love "Susie Q" coz she looks so hugable and such a fur ball. I love spending time with "Susie Q" I even look for her first before my brothers when i get home from school. I hope alot of people would check out empe 's poms website, coz if you don't visit this site you're missing half of your life!!! not because he's my brother... i just love poms! Especially the puppies and the "bestest pom of all" ... "Susie Q" !!! |
Karl Miller - 07/12/97 20:01:37 GMT My Email:karm@webtv.net Favorite Dog Site: yours ! dog breed: poms and pugs | Comments: I really enjoyed the photos Keep up the great work ! |
Corazon Salazar - 07/12/97 15:39:23 GMT My Email:corazon@skyinet.net Address: 47 Sto. Domingo Ave., Q.C. Phone #: 712-1550 Favorite Dog Site: The site of my dogs, siem re! dog breed: GUESS! | Comments: Hi Jun! Ang bilis mo mag-update! |
Veronica Boudreau - 07/11/97 22:32:59 GMT My Email:PRISMPOM@AOL.COM | Comments: DearJun, I have tried to send you an E Mail but they keep coming back. I loved your nice comments about Charm and Deion. I can't wait to finish him. He has 9 pts including 1 major. He is just coming back into coat. I hope that you have much success with your showing and breeding. You have started on the right track with quality dogs. Please keep in touch. I would love to hear from you again. Yours in Poms - Veronica ("Ronni") |
Dulani Moore - 07/11/97 20:11:37 GMT My Email:dulu@hotmail.com Address: P.O. Box 18162 Richmond, Va 23226 Favorite Dog Site: This one dog breed: Doberman | Comments: Loved the page. It is very nice. |
Alexandre-AleFer Kennel - 07/11/97 19:40:24 GMT My URL:/Heartland/Hills/5133 My Email:alefer@uol.com.brdog breed: poms & pekes | Comments: Dear Jun, I tried to send you a message but it was returned. Maybe some problem with your server. Anyway I'll try later. Best Wishes! |
Alexandre from AleFer Pomeranians - 07/11/97 14:34:37 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5133 My Email:alefer@uol.co .br Phone #: 5511 5499686 dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Congratulations on your WONDERFUL pomeranians!!! |
William Thio - 07/11/97 08:00:49 GMT dog breed: Chinese Crested | Comments: First of all I'd like to say that this is the most "HARRASSING" web site that I have ever seen. No, seriously I wish you continu d success in the pursuit of breeding the perfect dog or bitch and maybe, just maybe you might just be able to throw the world reknowned, "King" or better yet Queen of Pomeranians of her throne!!! Good luck. |
Regina Nunn - 07/11/97 01:09:07 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/2179 My Email:Reginapoms@bigfoot.com br>Address: Rt. 1 Box 2890 Berryville Va. 22611 Phone #: 540-955-1209 Favorite Dog Site: everybodys dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Jun, I really like your home page. You have very p etty dogs. I do not know anything about designing homepages, my friend Diana Downey of Dimonde Pomeranians designed mine. I think she really does a nice job. She does do this for a living if you are interested. Her E-mail address is Dimonde@bigfoot.co Thanks for veiwing my homepage, and thanks for the nice compliments. Good luck in your breeding program! Regina Nunn of Reginapoms |
Sherri Smith - 07/10/97 21:28:56 GMT My Email:robw@sinosa.com Address: 103B Hall Circle Ft. Huachuca, AZ 85613 Phone #: 520-417-9428 Favorite Dog Site: Pom Sites do breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Hello; Just would like to say that you have Beautiful Poms. I'm studying up on Poms so I can become a breeder some day. Any advice you could give me would be helpful. Thank You! Sherri |
Jim & Genny Dupre - 07/09/97 03:32:20 GMT My URL:http://www4.linknet.net My Email:JimDupre@linknet.net Address: 10649 U.S. Hwy 71 N. Colfa , LA 71417 Phone #: (318)627-5180 Favorite Dog Site: AKC dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: |
Mari Litonjua - 07/08/97 15:46:48 GMT My Email:ibamar@compass.com.ph Favorite Dog Site: Heartland dog breed: ONLY POMS | Comments: Jun, It's me again. Major photos were excellent, specifically, the 3rd one. I believe that's his best photo ever and handled extremely well during the shoot. What makes it look really great is the handler in the background. Ooops! I guess it was me, ha, ha, ha! |
Mari Litonjua - 07/08/97 15:36:02 GMT My Email:ibamar@compass.com.ph Address: Manila Philippines Phone #: 656-2586 Favorite Dog Site: Heartland Poms dog breed: /b> Pom | Comments: Jun, Finally, I had the chance to view your website. Well, you even got ahead of us. Hope, ours will be done soon. I suggest that you put dogs of your own breeding. In that way it is more interesting to look at because this speaks of your success in breeding. I'm sure in time your webpage will get better and better. Hope to monitor that improvement. Good luck, Mari :) |
veronica boudreau - 07/07/97 13:22:31 GMT My Email:prismpom@aol.com Address: lutz, fl usa Phone #: (813)631-9008 dog breed: pomeranian | Comments:
very impressed by your web site and your choice of bloodlines. i also have absolute plus starfire. wish you much success in the future. |
Dianne Kieffer - 07/07/97 12:13:50 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6819 My Email:dkieffer@seidata.com Address: Milan,Indiana dog breed: Poms of course | Comments: Dear Jun I am with Jeannie, have tried several times to reach you and messages have been returned. Checked your site out again and it is getting better everytime I view it. Keep up the good work!!!! |
Jeanne - 07/07/97 09:54:57 GMT My Email:jrblank@qtm.net | Comments: Jun! I tried to reply today to your e-mail, it bounced right back! I think the problem is on your e d! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! Sorry!!!! |
Denise Leo - 07/06/97 23:32:59 GMT My URL:http://users.mcmedia.com.au/~dochlagg/ My Email:dochlagg@echuca.net.au dog breed: > The only breed the Pomeranian | Comments: Great work.Your dogs look lovely, very pleasing to see great Pomeranian sites on the net. |
Denise Leo - 07/06/97 23:26:30 GMT My URL:http://users.mcmedia.com.au/~dochlagg/ My Email:dochlagg@echuca.net.au dog breed: > pomeranian | Comments: I loved your page, especially the photos of Major, who looks just georgous. Many thanks for the kind words about my page it is still a little rough and I need to do a bit of work. I will have more ph tos up soon so will send you a quick email.It was lovely to hear from you. Bye Denise Leo |
Jeanne Blank - 07/05/97 20:19:57 GMT My Email:jrblank@qtm.net Phone #: 616-695-7308 dog breed: Pom of course! | Comments: Hi Buddy! What a great web ite! Your dogs are beautiful ( not that I am the least bit prejudice!) My continued success to you! |
Jeanne Blank - 07/05/97 20:15:08 GMT My Email:jrblank@qtm.net Phone #: 616-695-7308 dog breed: Pom of course! | Comments: I love what I have seen so f r! Please let me in on some of the comments you may get on my dogs!!!!! |
Aris Olegario - 07/05/97 03:40:56 GMT My Email:agolegario@hotmail.com dog breed: Shih Tzu | Comments: Jun, congratulations on your very intresting web pa e. Do not forget to take care of Major...and don't forget Denise's wedding gift (pom puppy).....See you soon!!! |
Dennis Litonjua - 07/03/97 13:00:42 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/7573/ My Email:chrisden@compass.co .ph Address: 15 San Juan St. Kapitolyo, Pasig City, Philippines 1603 Phone #: (632) 632-7025 dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Great Work! Nice to visit your webpage and I like your gorgeous dogs specially "MAJOR". I'm sure there will be more photos and Major Wins in the coming weeks. A toast for your continued success in the showring and in breeding quality poms. You wouldn't go wrong with the quality of your stock, It's EXCELLENT! |
Dianne Kieffer - 07/03/97 02:27:23 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6819 My Email:dkieffer@seidata.com< Address: 7523 N. St. Rd. 101 Milan, In. 47031 dog breed: Pomeranian | Comments: Dear Jun To a dear friend and adopted son. So glad to see your web site up and to view your lovely dogs. Wish you continued s ccess in the future. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.Thanks for being my friend. Topper says Hiiiiii. |