Computers use bits to communicate with each other.
Inside your computer, bits are usually seen as 1's and 0's.
When lots of bits are put together, they tell your computer what to do.
You can adopt a bit to put on your own homepage!
1. Click on the bit that you want to adopt with the right mouse button then save the image to your computer
2. Do the same thing to save the Bit Adoption Center certificate image (the purple picture)
3. Put your bit along with its certificate on your homepage and link the certificate to xeero's zone:
4. E-mail xeero with your URL so xeero
can visit your homepage. :)
You can pick one of these bits if you have a white background
Sparky the red bit
Gummi the green bit
Breeze the blue bit
Rose the rose bit
Shine the yellow bit
You can pick one of these bits if you have a black background
Sparky the red bit
Gummi the green bit
Breeze the blue bit
Rose the rose bit
Shine the yellow bit
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