Scrumptious Logo

Many years ago in the far off land of England a wee breed of dog was developed from humble  terrier stock of many a disputed source.  Its spirit was tenacious and unquenchable - with an added spoon full of mischief.  Faithful and true was the heart they gave him.  Though  coated with soft, shining blue and gold  fit for a queens parlor - this little one seldom stays beautiful with grass, dirt and holes to explore.  Being designed as companion to Yorkshire’s weavers small homes - this small fellow handled the vermin population which sought food in the residences around the Factories and mills.  We dedicate this site to this loving, lifelong companion. If ever man was meant to have a dog so perfect a friend  - it would be the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkie Profile

Come and see one of our AKC Champions winning back to back major wins!! His photo's are at Our Yorkies

Where did the name
"Scrumptious" come from?

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Fire" theme song?

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An old saying from the British Isles:
Show me a man th’cannot love a dog - and I will show you a man th’ cannot love his fellow man

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Thanks Shooter for the Award!


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