RudeDogs Discus Page
Last Updated: 10 June 1997

Welcome, I'm glad you stopped by. This is my first shot a creating a web page
so be patient, I'm learning. I wanted to have a page about Discus because that's where
my interest and most of my money goes to. Currently I have 40 discus, 2 breeding pairs 5
unpaired adults and 31 juveniles I'm growing out. Hopefully this will not simply be another
link page, I've got some new stuff to post, but for now enjoy the links they are some of
the most helpful places on the net if you're a Discus nut like me. Want to know more about
RudeDog? Here is a few of my tank setups
if you're interested

Some Very Fishy Links
DISCUS-L Home Page
DBWS - Discus Links
Irc #discus Information
Discus Notes
discus it!
Page O'Links - Aquaria
Discus Links
Discus Breeder
Discus Culture
Rocky Mountain Discus
Gwynnbrook Farms
Discus Hobbyist Direct
Bing Seto's Discus World
Discus Unlimited
Discus Breeder
April's Healthy Hatchery
Diskus Connection
Discus-Breeder D. Schlingmann
Discus Hobbyist Direct
April's HealthyHatchery
Raffaele Bufo Productions
Gwynnbrook Farms Discus Hatchery
Discus Unlimited
The Discus Connection
French Creek Fishery Discus Hatchery
World Wide Fish Farm - USA - 96/05/08JB

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Since June 7, 1997
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