you deal with stress;
you calm down when you were feeling tense;
pep you up when you were feeling lethargic;
you concentrate more effectively;
it easier to control unpleasant feelings;
a mild state of euphoria.
Suppose too that this
new drug could help you fine-tune your nervous system to achieve exactly
the mood you desired -- larger doses would help you relax, while smaller
doses would pep you up and help you focus on the task at hand. And
on top of all that, suppose that "Drug X" could help you shed excess pounds
-- without dieting.
"Drug X" may sound
like a drug company's dream, but there is such a drug. In
the United States alone users take well over 10 billion doses per day.
The drug, of course, is nicotine.
~ Tom Ferguson, M.D.
"The no-nag,
no-guilt, do-it-your-own-way guide to quitting smoking"
(I highly recommend
this book)
be a to this horrible
& deadly drug !