Triplecrown 's Home Page

Horsin' Around!

You are riding your horse through a torrent of stinging, unrelenting rain. You feel you mount's already swift gait quicken as you try to find shelter of some sort from the blinding storm.

You spot what looks like a stabling complex in the distance. Quickly you heel your mount toward the group of buildings. Your horse dashes forward willingly, feeling threatened by the rain and thunder. Finally, you reach the farm. Large steel gates are open, pointing you at a pathway. You signal your horse to enter.

You have barely entered the property when you see another horse approaching through the storm. Curiously, the horse has no rider or tack of any kind. The slim-looking chestnut slows to a halt beside you and you are amazed to hear him speak. "Hi. My name is Triple Crown," he says. You are too stunned to reply , but the horse herds you and your mount off to one of the barns. "C'mon," he says, "Let's get you out of this rain."

After having silently settled your horse in one of the stalls for the night, you summon up the courage to speak to Triple Crown. "So," you say tentativly, "Do many people come here?"

"Oh, you're not the first," replies the handsome chestnut, who is standing under a specially-installed air dryer to rid himself of his damp coat. "In fact," he adds, "You are the person to have visited this farm since I started counting November 29, 1997. You see, I keep careful track."

"And... do all the horses here... talk like you?"

"Not all," he says. Then, looking you in the eyes, he says, "I am one of the few to escape... to guard it."

"Guard what?" you ask, your curiosity roused.

"Questions, questions. Later. Come, I will show you around." Triple Crown tosses his head toward the window, showing that the rain has come to a pause.

You follow Triple Crown out into the damp air. The young chestnut leads you along the path. "There are many barns here, devoted to many different things," he says. "During your stay here, you may go where-ever you want, visit any barn. But whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT enter the portal."

"What portal?" you inquire.

"Follow me," replies the colt. He leads you to a shady spot amid some trees beside one of the barns. There seems to be nothing there but a harmless wooden shed. Confused, you ask "Where is the portal?"

"This is it," says Triple Crown.

You walk a little closer. He gallops in front of you and blocks your way. "No!" he cries. "You must not enter! Never! It is the quickest way, perhaps, but also the most painful. You will pay a lot in the end."

By this time you are getting really confused and also a little cocky. "What do you mean, it is the quickest way? How can I pay? Where does it lead to?"

"I know it sounds strange, but please..." his voice trails off. He suddenly looks very uneasy, looking around with widened eyes and flaring nostrels. Finally, the chestnut says, "It's a parallel universe," and gallops off, leaving you alone with the Portal and the other barns.

The Barns

Barn 1: The Quiz Center

Barn 2: Horsey Links on the Internet

Barn 3: The Breed Directory

Stalls in Barn 4:
Different horses take you to different places

Tip Of The Week:
When you discipline your horse, the correction should come immediately after the offending behavior. If even just a few seconds pass, the association between the correction and the behavior could be lost.

Non-Horsey Sites I recommend:

Visit my friend's ElfQuest and Beyond: Fantasy Page

If you read about Jinx, you know he likes Nintendo. Visit his pal's Nintendo and Pokemon page, The Nintendo Zone

If you've read the Redwall series by Brian Jacques visit the Sentinels of Mossflower

Graphics, once I get a scanner
Additions to the club (you have to really search to get there the right way.)

This page last updated April 17, 1999

"Come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops
Sail o'er the canyons and up to the stars
And reach for the heavens and hope for the future
And all that we can be and not what we are"
--"The Eagle and the Hawk," John Denver

"Believing I had supernatural powers I slammed into a brick wall."
--"Gumboots," Paul Simon

And remember, he who does not hear the music thinks the dancer is mad.

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