A.K.A. The Hyper Page

Life is chaotic. No one thing can be singled out.
This page doesn't do that.
We just sort of sub-classify things here.
You know, the whole deal with King Phillip's Cats.
What was it with those cats, anyway?
So Pikachu says


You may be wondering what this page is all about. Actually it's about my (Pikaslew)'s wide variety of interests. You see, I'm a person of many interests. (Who else would double major in animation and chemistry??) Most of this stuff you won't even want to know, but is put up just for fun. So have a good time and remember to come back every few months or so, this page will probably be a bit different every time!

*This page is under major construction! Some links may not work*

In fact, if my links don't work, then that means I'm having a lot more fun at my new page. Click HERE to survey the carnage.

New Pages to check out: The Yoshi Page, recently updated!!

Type once, Get results from 37 search engines!
Visit my new Pokémon page! (Actually, it's quite old, but you can visit it anyway if you want to.)

Horsin' Around!, Equi-Club Alliance and Roleplay-pages upon pages of a thoroughbred collection of horse stuff, a very unique equine roleplay, and a message board. There is a slight problem... um, I haven't been here in a few years. Oh well. Have fun anyway.

The Yoshi Page-of course you like Yoshi. Everyone likes Yoshi. And this page is 95% Yoshi, 5% Pikachu. This is THE site to learn everything from the history of Yoshi to his biography. Just in case you ever have to do a school report or anything. And don't we all want to write a research paper on Nintendo? Admit it!

Kakariko Windmill-Go around and around. You know you want to. Zelda Pictures Galore! I mean, come on, "Ocarina of Time" has got to be your favorite game.

Gregory's Dragon Ball Z Site-Hi, I'm Gregory. (You know, Grasshopper boy?) This site will increase your Power Level... but ya gotta catch me first!

MIDI Page-Just some random MIDIs I've collected over the months...


The World According to Pikestaff

Sentinels of Mossflower

Remnants of Castle Marl

This site has been visited total times

This page last updated at: 11:30 AM, April 7, 2003

E-mail me at

--"Believing I had supernatural powers I slammed into a brick wall." Paul Simon "Gumboots"

IRRELEVANT THOUGHT: I'm using a computer with a pink scheme... everything is pink, even the scrollbars... and the Internet Explorer logo... oh dear...