A Nurses Page!

Ruth Ellynn

I was born in St. Clair, Michigan and moved around a bit because of my daddy's career. It seems that we were doing ok in Lamoni, Iowa as this is where our church's college is located. Dr. Harvey H. Grice (father) was college president and we lived in Iowa then. He began a college professor at the University of Missouri Rolla teaching chemical engineering. We lived in Rolla, Missouri which included my brothers Bill, Jeff, and my sister Sheri. Jeff is no longer with us as he was in a traffic accident at the age of twelve. He was struck by a truck while on his paper route.

I attended Graceland College and went into the nursing career field. Most of my studies were in Kansas City, Missouri. After completing school I got a job in a hospital in Columbia, Missouri and met up with a Canadian friend Barbara. We decided to pack up our stuff and haul it all to Vancover, Canada along with the Ford Torino, and set sail on a ship the the Hawaiian Islands.

I worked in a mainly Japanese owned hospital in surgery. (the ole blood & guts game) Michael was stationed at Hickam AFB, and this friend of his stole my phone number from another guy. They came to our apartment one afternoon after they had been snorking. We were all a bit crazy that day and I told Barbara I didn't like these guys. Funny how things work out in time. Michael dated Barbara first, but just a few times. She finally got with a marine guy and another friend was in Hawaii. Her name was Susan. Susan and Michael use to get on their ten speed bikes and head out to the beach almost daily. Michael and I started dating as he called me up from his work one time. I remember telling him if he was just joking around the answer was no in going out. One thing led to another and he gave me a ring at the mall near Sears. Isn't that a romantic place!

After Hawaii, I worked in a very nice family clinic atmosphere in Jacksonville, Arkansas. It was here that the doctor offered the opportunity to adopt, which we did, and that's how we got Paul. That was in 1977. Moving to Arizona was ok except for the heat! It's like an oven. I worked in surgery again at Maryvale Hospital in Phoenix. Good part of being in Arizona was we took off one time and went to California and visited Michael's brother and then got to go to Disneyland.

Going to Europe was fun. Michael went first and Paul and I traveled on a few months after he got there. It was ok in England. It was so cold, I began drinking hot tea all the time and still do. I did not work in England. When we had the time off, we would just go somewhere. Spending a week in Sweden or Switzerland was great, or going to Paris and Brussells was excellent weekend get aways.

Now in South Carolina, home had been established. Paul went through Thomas Sumter Academy and almost finished with school. I worked at Toumey Medical Center in Sumter, SC and a nursing home for a few years. For the past twelve years I have been with the South Carolina Department of Corrections Medical Health Services. I worked at Wateree River Correctional Institution for about 7-8 years and then went to where Michael works at Lee Correctional Institution. We couldn't car pool because of different shift times. I'm back again at WRCI working the 10am-6pm shift. One things for sure, it's never dull around our house and there's lots of funny "war stories"

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