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Archived for 12 Oct. 1997 - 22 Feb. 1998


Archived Guestbook Entries #2
Archived Guestbook Entries #3

Pearl Odom Volpe - 02/22/98 01:21:05
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Ca.
First known ODOM ancestor?: Samuel
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Christina Christian Jones

Reva Kirkland - 02/19/98 19:46:28
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Lubbock,Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Louis Jack Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Elizabeth Jane Anthony

Margie Pearce - 02/12/98 05:49:58
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Ponchatoula, LA
First known ODOM ancestor?: John Oldham NC>AL>LA
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: McIntyre, Owens

John Oldham had four children born in NC: Margaret Jane (b. 1847), Thomas (b. 1848), Mary (b. 1852) and Malcolm (b. 1855). The family moved to AL, 1855-1859, but there home was burned out during the Civil War and they joined a wagon train heading west. They stopped in north LA and settled there.

frank e odom - 02/08/98 15:40:42
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: north augusta sc
First known ODOM ancestor?: john odom
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: sion

first known ancestor is john odom from bennettsville sc. 2nd ancestor is jacob, born in sc and moved to ala around 1805. 3rd ancestor is lewis odom. 4th ancestor is isaac odom. 5th ancestor is george odom. 6th ancestor my daddy is lem. my name is frank odom. my son's name is franklin wallace odom. his son's name is caleb franklin odom.

Mary Anna Odom Hammons - 02/05/98 21:19:12
My Email:Maryah526
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Houston, Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Robert H. Odom

Mary Anna Odom Hammons - 02/05/98 21:12:38
My Email:Maryah526
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Houston, Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Robert H. Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Zeralda Angeline Swift
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Stewart, Swift,

I am in desperate need of information on my gggrandfather, Robert H. Odom, b. Wayne Co., TN. M. Zeralda Angeline Swift, Mar. 11, 1844, in Johnson Co., AR. Died and Buried in Harmony, Johnson Co., AR. Children include: Charity, 1846, Jacob, 1848, John Dean 1850, Jesse, 1851, Richard, 1854, George, 1860, Edward, 1862, William Lenthecum, 1865.

A. J. ODOM Jr. - 02/03/98 22:55:03
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Ridgeland, MS
First known ODOM ancestor?: Thomas G. ODOM
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Eliza ?

Looking for information on Thomas G. ODOM b.1816 in SC and wife Eliza b 1816 in SC. These children were born in AL; Millety, Mary A and Aaron. They moved to Choctaw Co. MS about 1837 or 1838. Sarah A., Lucinda, Joseph G., Eliza A., Thomas R., Tobias (My g grandfather) and Martha V. were born in MS. Thomas G. ODOM married Margaret SULLIVAN in Lafayette Co. MS in 1859. They disappeared. Any help will be appreciated.

John D. Anderson - 02/03/98 07:26:49
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: El Paso, Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: George S. Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Jane Russell

Lynda Chandler - 02/02/98 17:43:16
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Richton,MS
First known ODOM ancestor?: Jefferson Davis Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Annie Guy

FLOYD ODOM - 01/31/98 22:20:51
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: SAND SPRINGS,OK.
First known ODOM ancestor?: LLOYD ODOM
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: RUTH BUTTON

Valerie Odom - 01/30/98 23:43:57
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Houston Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Thomas Bennet Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Elizabeth J. Watson
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Nicholos

BRUCE CAMPBELL - 01/29/98 01:02:58
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: HOUSTON,TEXAS
First known ODOM ancestor?: MARTHA ODOM
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: FERDINAMD LAFAYETTE WILLIAMS
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: MALACHI ODOM

My mothers maiden name is Bridges and she was born in Cherokee County, Texas. Her grandmother is a Cotton whose mother was Mary Josephine Williams, daughter of Ferdinand Williams and Martha Odom. Martha Odom is the granddaughter of Malachi Odom. Malachi O om is my 5th Great-grandfather. My roots are deep in Cherokee County. Jackson Smith, who the town of Jacksonville is named for is my 3rd Great-grandfather. Jackson was married to Jane Evaline McAdams whose family came to Texas in the 1830's. Their daughte Fannie married my 2nd Great-grandfather Thomas Ingram Bridges. Their son Charley Bridges married my Great-grandmother Blanche Cotton. There is a Cherokee County, Texas Ancestor Swap-Meet planned Saturday, June 27, 1998 at the Norman Activity Center in J cksonville, Texas. Computers will be available for downing load files to 3.5 " disks and copy machines will be there for copying records from other genalogists. For more info e-mail Gordon Bennett at Iam very pleased to find your site and would like to join.

Scott Odom - 01/27/98 02:09:03
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Madison, TN
First known ODOM ancestor?: James Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Crisp
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: More info On James Odom Family

If anyone has pictures of James Odom, or any pictures of his children, grandchildren, etc. Please Email me.

Ashley R. Nichols - 01/27/98 01:28:24
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Nashville, TN
First known ODOM ancestor?: James Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Crisp

Jim Yates - 01/22/98 03:07:06
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Magnolia,Arkansas
First known ODOM ancestor?: James Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary

Looking for information on JAMES S. ODOM son of WILLIAM C. ODOM of Cannon County. JAMES S. is my great great grandfather. He married POLLY ANN SMITH in Cannon County in 1883. In the 1900 federal census his children are listed as : GUS 1885, WILLIAM F. 1888, STANFORD FRANKLIN 1890 (My great grandfather), CANTRELL "BETHEL" 1892, CALVIN 1894, ROY B. 1896, RUBE L. 1898, MARY E. 1906. My great grandfather STANFORD moved to Texas in 1914 with his family and settled in the Corsicana area of NAVARRO county. Does anyone have any information about any of the above listed persons? Any information would be greatly appreciated and I will share all information I have with anyone who needs it. Thanks! Jim

Jimmy L. Odom, Sr. - 01/19/98 21:49:57
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Chesterfield, MO 63017
First known ODOM ancestor?: John Jackson Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Harriett Sullivan
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Sara White

I am ancious to get additional details about John Jackson Odom. I know that the Sullivan's have an annual reunion in Union County, GA the third weekend in June. As far as I know, the majority of the descendants of John Jackson lived in Union County or B adley County, TN.

Maury - 01/10/98 20:51:55

I'm looking for information about Madison Odam's ( born 1813 ) second wife Susan born 1848. According to your information Madison married Susan in the 1870's.The story i'm trying to piece together from very scant information is as follows: There was a Susan Odam who married David Columbus Keener a Baptist preacher and they lived in the area of Knoxville Tn. Before she married David ( my great grandfather) she had a son. His name was James Thomas born in 1875 in Savannah Ga. died 1939. James Thomas is my Grandfather. James Thomas took the Keener name married Anna Duff and had 12 children all taking the Keener last name. What i'm trying to find out is any information about a Susan Odam and James Thomas. The Susan unknown that you referred to as marrying Madison Odam fit the right date. It may not be the Susan i'm looking for but it is the only lead i have so far. I am totally new to any geaneology searching but with the computer maybe i can find some answers. Thank you so much for all your work. If you can refer me in any direction to pursue my search i would appreciate it very much. Maury

Jack W.Odom - 01/07/98 04:57:06
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Seattle, Washington
First known ODOM ancestor?: Jack Willard Odom
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Ann Odom

I am aware I have lots of family in Odoms,GA that I have never met & would like to get in touch with.

Victoria Smith - 01/04/98 20:12:55
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Conyers, GA
First known ODOM ancestor?: Newton Lafeyette ODOM
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Canney

I have only been doing genealogy for 2 months. I have only been on-line since Dec. 29, 1997. I do not know what I am doing or what I can find out here; but I am enjoying looking around.

John D. Anderson - 12/30/97 20:04:01
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: El Paso, Texas
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Sara Odom

Chris Jones - 12/29/97 06:44:41
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Gilmer, Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Emanuel Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Sarah Ann Grafton

My maternal 2nd great grand-father was Emanuel E. Odom. We know he was born September 13, 1811, probably in South Carolina. We just haven't been able to find who his parents were. My mother, Joyce Odom Jones, has researched this for years to no avail.

Ronnie D. Odom - 11/26/97 21:47:33
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Corsicana, Texas
First known ODOM ancestor?: Jim or James S.
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Rube, Roy B. ,Bethel

Can't seem to sort through the Jims and James in Cannon County. Went to Auburntown and Woodbury last Summer. No luck at the Odom Cemetary. Thanks.

Hartley Odom - 11/23/97 11:02:19
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Darlington, SC
First known ODOM ancestor?: James Odom

Gloria, saw your request that I contact you on the USS AMERICA Reunion Assn. page. If you have any questions re: ODOM that I might help you with, email me at the above address. I am certain that you and you page(s) can assist me. I have a pretty good istory on maternal side but very little on paternal side. I will continue to check back on your site.

Thomas Eugene Odom - 11/23/97 04:12:46
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Madera Ca
First known ODOM ancestor?: Christopher Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mildred Chriswell

Looking for info on Odoms from Wichita Falls Texas

Amy Conger - 11/20/97 22:07:46
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Ft. Mitchell, KY
First known ODOM ancestor?: Diane Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: George Conger, Jr.

My husbands grandfather was Eugene Odom. He was an orphan and never knew his parents. He grew-up and died in Missouri (St. Louis area). Rumors are that he was native american (Sioux). If there is any information our there on this my husband would be t rilled.

Imo greenwood - 11/14/97 21:57:56
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Alice, Tx
First known ODOM ancestor?: John Odom,1
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Jane
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Jacob Odom & Mary

John Odom,Sr & Rhoda Haines, need more proof their daughter Mary who married Jacob Odom, children 1850 Ala census, Wm, Martha, Elizabeth, Aaron (my grgrandfather), James, John , Andrew; are the family of John Sr. as, i find other Jacob & Mary Odom in Ga Ala at this same time. If Mary is John's daughter, I need name of Jacob's parents.

GERALD DEE ODOM - 11/02/97 20:52:59
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: HAVANA, FLORIDA


Teresa Odom Braziel - 10/30/97 23:34:03
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Kingwood, TX
First known ODOM ancestor?: Aaron Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Amanda Lamb
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Gibson

Jane Ward - 10/27/97 14:40:55
My Email:SMTP:Ward.Jane@NJRC.ORG
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Denver, CO
First known ODOM ancestor?: Anna Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Melgie Ward
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Ward, King

I am so glad to find this site. My Odom ancestors lived in Georgia in Dooley County and each (Odom & Ward) lived on farms.

Danny Odom - 10/26/97 02:57:06
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Paxton, IL
First known ODOM ancestor?: Joseph Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Matilda

I'm helping my sister reseach our ancestry. We know our family to come from the KY. area. Seems like the further back you go the further south. I suspect this is because I have learned the first Odom to imigrate to the U.S.. came in through a Mississippi ort in the 1700's.

Jean Owens/Betty Odom Hicks - 10/19/97 03:16:59
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Oklahoma
First known ODOM ancestor?: James Odom Sr.
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Anne ?
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Crisp, Higgins,Magness,Cathcart

Fred Sanders - 10/18/97 14:54:48
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Del Rio, TX
First known ODOM ancestor?: Dianah Matilda ODOM
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Henry GADD ROBINSON

Henry GADD and his brother Mills married ODOM sisters in 1847 in Lauderdale, AL

Jimmy Ray Odom - 10/17/97 02:02:56
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Palestine, TX
First known ODOM ancestor?: Malachi Odom
Spouse of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Russell

Kathy Odom - 10/15/97 02:18:18
My URL:http://E-TEX
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Palestine, TX
First known ODOM ancestor?: Malachi Odom
SPOUSE of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary Russell

Mel Odom - 10/14/97 02:31:40
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: Taylors, S.C.
First known ODOM ancestor?: John Odam
SPOUSE of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Mary (Polly) Dill
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: Brown, Sudduth, Campbell, Babb, Pearson, Dill,

Visit with the Odom families in up state South Carolina. Several lines of Odom in Greenville and Spartanburg Counties and the many related families.

Gloria (first webmaster; retired) - 10/12/97 02:34:55
What CITY & STATE do you reside in?: PA
First known ODOM ancestor?: James ODOM (Sr) & James ODOM (Jr)
SPOUSE of first ODOM ancestor (maiden surname if known)?: Ann(e) (__) & Mary CRISP
Other related ODOM surnames you are researching?: CRISP, OWEN, WARD, AYRES, OSBORN(E)

URL included here is for my home page NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES RENDEZVOUS where I am currently constructing a database for the surnames AYRES, ODOM & related families. Some of my lineages and AYRES research material is on the page at this time. Regards - Gloria

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