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Priscilla's Dollhouse Miniatures Pages

This little doll started it all!
This little doll was the inspiration for my Great Aunt Hallie to start her miniature collection. When she was six years old she was in the hospital for a hip injury. The tiny doll was given to her by her doctor. This one little doll started a miniatures collection that lasted for most of her life. As a little girl I would love to go to her house and spend the night. We would always manage to go through the entire collection, looking at each piece she would tell me the story of where it came from and who brought it to her. People brought her miniatures from all over the world.
In 1956 Aunt Hallie gave most of her collection to the children's ward of Union Hospital in Terre Haute Indiana. It brought a lot of enjoyment to many people over the years. After her death a new hospital was built and somehow in moving from the old hospital to the new most of the collection disappeared. My cousin and I tried, unsuccessfully, for several years to recover the missing pieces.
Several members of our family either collect miniatures, make miniatures or both. My Mother (Martha Zawadzki) and I fall into the "both" category. We build miniature room boxes in 1 inch equals 1 foot scale. Most of the things we build have a specific purpose, such as to celebrate the birth of a child or a birthday or wedding. Since we give most of our things away we take pictures of our projects. We make a very good building team as we do not like to do the same things. My Mother builds furniture and she sews and paints. The only furniture I build is wicker. I make flowers, water gardens, needlepoint pillows and rugs, and macrame flower pot holders. I also do miniaturization of pictures for albums in our rooms and for book jackets.

Here are pictures of some of our projects that we have made over the years. Click on the pictures to see a larger picture of each project.
Tiel's Nursery
This box was made for my dear friend Jeani Newton on the birth of her daughter, Tiel.
Tiel is now married with a baby of her own!!!
Keith and Tracy Jones' Wedding
This wedding scene was made in a candle box. The small picture on the wall is Keith and Tracy's engagement picture which I miniaturized for lockets for the bride and groom's mothers.
Two Story Room Box
This two story room box was made from a kit from "The House That Jack Built". My Mother made the bed on the second floor and also painted the oil painting above the bed. There is an electric ceiling fan in the living room which has a light on it and 2 other electric lights in the upstairs. I made all of the wicker furniture myself. Besides the 3 chairs in the center of the room, under the stair way you can see a small wicker dog bed with a little white dog in it. There is also a wicker desk and chair across from the stair way under the mirror and a wicker day bed upstairs . At one point someone talked me into entering this room box in our county fair.(my first and last experience with fairs) It received no award of any kind and the paper I got with an explanation from the judges said that it had all commercial furniture in it. I was really ticked about that at first since there is very little commercial furniture in the room box, but I finally decided to take it as a compliment and let it go. This room box is one of my very favorite projects.
Park With Water Garden
This is a landscape I made on a piece of foam core board. The water garden has a light under it so the fish will show up. (My Mom makes super good fish that look like they are swimming!) The flower border is made of individual flowers of baby's breath that I painted all different colors. Flower pots are made of quilling paper coated in clear glue. The tree is a larger sprig of baby's breath.
Garden Scene In A Break-Away Box
A break-away box is one that when put together looks like a wrapped gift. One section comes off to reveal the scene within. This is another landscape I made using painted baby's breath for flowers. I used a woven place mat for the walls to the garden. The wicker couch has a cushion made by my Mother. If you look closely in the big picture you can see a squirrel standing on the ground by a basket of lilacs. The basket is made of starched needlepoint canvas and the lilacs in both the basket and on the bush are made of bunka thread.
Alter Society's Church Bazaar
This box was made mostly by my Mother. It took a very long time to make. This Church Bazaar has "paintings by local artists" (Mom), pies and cakes made of Fimo. There are some antiques in the scene from my Great Aunt Hallie's miniature collection. Mom also made stuffed animals and puppets. I made flowers and macrame hangers for them, needlepoint pillows, and I made the packages for the grab bag gifts and the bows on them. Mom made all the booths and the quilts and quilted pillows with them. This is one of those projects that you can look at every day and always find something you didn't see before.
Closeup Picture Of A Booth In The Bazaar
Flower Shop In Brass And Glass Box
This is one of my favorite projects. This is a flower shop complete with all the necessary elements for a successful business. Flower pots and baskets are on the shelves, and a rack of gift flower arrangements and macrame plant hangers stands at one end of the room. A rack for wrapping paper sits on the counter top, along with a plant in the process of being wrapped. Notice the telephone and order pad on the desk. The flooring is a piece of textured wallpaper from a sample book.
The Wedding Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Modesitt
This project is set in a dome. The wedding reception scene contains the table with the wedding cake and punch. The wicker chair holds the bridal bouquet, and has many wedding gifts on the floor beside it. On the easel is a needlepoint sampler with the name of the couple and the date of the wedding. My Mother made the table and also did the sewing of the table dressing. She also made the easel.
Photo Albums
In many of our scenes we add photo albums using real family photos that belong to the person the scene is being made for, we feel it adds a touch of realism.

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