was widely known as a scaredy cat
when I was younger, but as you can see by my banner, I'm not scared no more!
Just ask my wombmate Lucy and she will tell you that I can beat her up any time anywhere.
Ethel wasn't my name at first. My humaine purrson had a hard time deciding what to call me. She read a few books trying to get some ideas, and for a while she'd call me "Wacky" and said it was short for an old classic cat name - Pyewacket. I must admit, I was a bit unpredictable in the early goings. Well, wouldn't you be, after being cooped up in a little tiny room with wire walls and having to share it with your sisfur for 6 whole weeks!! I just couldn't believe my good fortune the night my purrson showed up. I licked her fingers a few times and that's what got us both sprung for good. And the new place was just so BIG! but it didn't take us long to explore it from one end to the other and claim it for ourselves.
Anyway, I was a bit "off-the-wall" in my younger days. Now, I can control my urges much better and only act berserk on proper occasions. I also come running anytime Meowry says things like Ethel Bethel, Ethy, Snookums, Pookie, BooBoo Kitty, and also when I hear the can opener!
You've probably already read my sisfur's story and seen how domineering she tends to be. I'm the laid-back one in this family as you've no doubt guessed from some of my pictures. Not for me the chasing of balls and bringing them back. Uh-uh! I'll swat at them as they go by, but that exercise stuff is not for me. I'd rather help Meowry make the bed. I'm really good at getting under each layer and staying there for a long time. Meowry calls me the lumpy bump and says it always seems like a full day's work to get the bed made. That makes me very purroud of my work!
I have many other skills too. One of my favorites is to jump way up high. Meowry even thinks she has taught me a trick. She will pat her chest and tell me to jump and if I feel like it I will leap right into her arms for a snuggle (I love to snuggle). What she doesn't understand is that I don't need her to tell me - I'll jump whenever I need a special hug. Another game she tries to get me to play is "Bang, you're dead." She points her fingers at me and says those words and I'm supposed to fall over. Sometimes I do, but it's mostly because I'm tired. Besides, each time I do, she gives me a yummy belly rub, so that makes it quite worthwhile. Next to snuggles, I like belly rubs a lot.
Lucy & I both love to eat. Meowry feeds us good grub. I have a very discerning palette and prefer only food that comes in cans. We get lots of that every day and sometimes we get special canned stuff that Meowry eats too. I am particularly fond of asparagus, niblet corn, and sometimes, peas or green beans.
So much for now. Meowry says it's time to go nite-nite, so I'll have to go get her bed ready and tuck her in. But come back soon and learn more about me, OK?
This page was created on March 8, 1999
Last updated March 27, 1999