Books About Cats You MUST Read
The Literary Cat published
by Running Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1990. Quips,
Quotes, and Observations"
Ms. Millers Etiquette for Cats by
Melissa Miller. A Penguin Book, 1995. Illustrations by Anna
Currey. Written exclusively for cats, this helpful guide
illuminates many of the finer points of cat decorum...
A Cats Little Instruction Book by
Leigh W. Rutledge. A Dutton Book, published by Penguin Books,
1993. 201 warm and funny, and very wise pieces of advice, as
overheard from a mother cat instructing her kittens.
A Cat by Leonard Michaels, Riverhead
Books, New York, 1995. Illustrated by Frances Lerner. A
beautiful and brilliant ode to cats, as subtle and sly and often
as funny as cats themselves. - Alice Adams
French for Cats (All the French Your Cat
Will Ever Need) written by Henri de la Barbe (Henry Beard),
illustrations by Gary Zamchick. A John Boswell Associates Book,
Villard Books, New York, 1991.
Advanced French for Cats (Sophisticated
French for a Cat as Smart as Yours). written by Henri de la Barbe
(Henry Beard), illustrations by Gary Zamchick. A John Boswell
Associates Book, Villard Books, New York, 1992.
Why Do Cats Sulk? researched and written
by Arline Bleeker. Globe Digests, published by Globe
Communications Corp., Boca Raton, FL or New York, NY, 1996.
How do they Purr? Can they see in Color? Why does Catnip
flip them out? and much more
Diary of a Cat by Leigh W. Rutledge. A
Dutton Book, published by Penguin Books, 1995. True
Confessions and Lifelong Observations of a Well-Adjusted House
City Cats edited by J. C. Suarès.
Collins Publishers San Francisco, 1994. A collections of black
and white photographs showcasing cosmopolitan felines.
The Cat by Muriel Beadle, drawings by E.
John Pfiffner. A Fireside Book published by Simon & Shuster,
Inc., New York, 1977. A Complete Authoritative Compendium
of Information About Domestic Cats.
Cat Love Letters by Leigh W. Rutledge,
paintings by Robert Crawford. A Dutton Book, published by Penguin
Books, 1994. Collected Correspondence of Cats in
The Cat Lovers Companion - Joan
Moore, Colour Library Books Ltd., Godalming, Surrey England,
1992. Published in 1993 by Tormont Publications Inc., Montreal,
Canada. A book of cat days and cat ways
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
- Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker, D.V.M., Carol
Kline, Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, Florida,
1998. Stories About Pets as Teachers, Healers, Heroes and
Taking Care of Your Cat (A Complete Guide
to Your Cats Medical Care) by Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld,
V.M.D. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1982. Everything
you need to keep your cat healthy and happy...
Zen for Cats (from the
author of French for Cats) - Henry
Beard, illustrations by Ron Barrett, A John Boswell Associates
Book, Villard Books, New York, 1997. Ponders such questions as
"How could a cat get a humna's tongues" and 'If there
were no inside, would you still want to go outside?"
The Cat Who Cried for Help
by Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Author of The Dog Who Loved Too
Much. Bantam Books, New York, 1997. "Attitudes,
Emotions, and the Psychology of Cats".
James Herriot's Cat Stories with illustrations by Lesley Holmes. McClelland & Stewart Inc., Toronto, Ontario, 1994. "...a selection of the very best of James Herriot's stories about cats."
The Little CAT CARE Book by Elizabeth Martyn and David Taylor. Dorling Kindersley, Inc., New York, 1991. "Being a Tiny Treasury of Health, Behavior, Grooming, Feeding, & Pampering of those Felines in need of extra-special CAT CARE."
Kittens! A Helen Exley Giftbook written by Pam Brown, paintings by Maria Teresa Meloni. Exley, New York - Watford, UK, 1997. "One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."

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Last updated on June 24, 1998