Who Are We?
Welcome to our Home. We are Lucy and Ethel - a sibling pair of
tortoiseshell cats who adopted our friend and caregiver, Mary, in late 1995. We had spent
6 weeks at the Animal Shelter before that and boy, were we happy to find such a lovely big
house. (Not to mention the fact that Mary is such a pushover - we've got her firmly
wrapped around our tails, paws, claws and whiskers - and she doesn't seem to mind one
bit!) All Ethel had to do was lick her fingers when she came by our tiny apartment and she
was a GONER!!! We knew it the moment she came in the room.
Lucy, being cute
Ethel, reading up on birds
Our Hobbies and Interests
Among the things we like to do are
- Chase anything that moves (including Mary's toes under the bed covers)
- Eat whenever we like (Lucy is the self-appointed taste tester for all of Mary's
- Sleep whenever we like (Ethel has a soft spot for Mary's lap - now that's a real soft
- Catch mice and birds, when we can sneak outside or off our harnesses (Lucy has 2 dead
birds, numerous mouths full of feathers from the ones that got away, and 2 live mice to
her credit - Mary insists on a "Catch and Release" program whenever possible.
Ethel prefers to maim grasshoppers and chase flying insects, which sometimes chase her
- If you'd like to learn more about each of us, click on our pictures.

You Might Like to Know About Some of Our Favorite Things


Keep our "litter (oops, letter)
box" full - Mary usually empties it daily for us
Page designed while learning HTML and Notepad, with the initial
help of the HotDog 16-bit v.2.55 Web Editor
Now being
edited using FrontPage Editor v.

Credit for the graphics in this site goes to Mike Shaikun's collection as well as
the kind folks at the following: