A Moonchild's Home
Thank you for stopping by my NEW home. It took me a long time to get around to updating and changing it. Over the past few years I have had a lot of help with learning how to do this. Although I thought for sure when I attempted to redesign these pages that I had forgotten far more than I had learned. But I do love working with these things. The Poems listed below are done by a good friend....they will have a home with my pages until he gets a home of his own here on the web.
I've redesigned some of the pages and only updated links on others. I think the Yuma and the Germany page are just fine the way they are. Obviously My Family page needed some major updating. I was just waiting for Joe Anna to finally finish college, LOL, or Carlton to start at the rate I was going.
I think one of the most special pages that I did this time is my WTC Page. It was a good outlet for my feelings. Take a look and let me know what you think.
You can read all about me at About this Moonchild.
From now on these pages will be a continuous work in progress. The general theme of these pages still reflect the romantic side of me. I am a true Moonchild who adores her family and friends and would love to see the whole world wrapped up in a big red ribbon with everyone happy, loving and most important, being loved. For those people out there that I love and care about, I will always be here for you, no matter what the future my bring. Love and peace to everyone everywhere.....
Please take a few minutes and sign my GuestBook And thanks again for visiting my pages.
About this Moonchild
My Family
WTC Tribute
Tribute to Morgan
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A very special Thank You to Kelsey's Graphics for sharing
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Since January 26, 2002