Morton Grove Community Guide
Community Overview
Morton Grove is a village of about 22,000 15 miles north of downtown Chicago. Morton Grove has a mix of industrial, commercial and residential development. Recreational opportunities include the programs and facilities of the Morton Grove Park District. Grade school-aged children attend schools in districts 63, 67, 69 and 70. Secondary students go to Niles Township High, district 219 or Maine Township High, district 207. (See below for details on schools).
Transportation needs are served by area highways (I-94/Edens Expwy., I-90/Kennedy Expwy.), and major local roads (Milwaukee Ave., Waukegan Rd., Touhy Ave.). Commuter service to downtown is provided by Metra. Travel time to the downtown Chicago station is about 24 minutes (Express). Local bus service is available from PACE. The RTA Travel Info. Number is 1-800-972-7000.
Important Phone Numbers:
Village Hall: 847-965-4100 Northern Illinois Gas: 847-729-4300
Commonwealth Edison: 1-800-334-7661 Ameritech (Phone): 1-800-942-8163.
Fire Dept. For emergencies, 911. Otherwise, 847-470-5226
Police Dept.: 911 for emergencies. Otherwise, 847-470-5208
Public Library: 6140 Lincoln Ave, 847-965-4220
Lutheran General Hospital: 847-723-5154 Rush North Shore Medical Center: 847-677-9600
Resurrection Medical Center: 312-774-8000 Holy Family Medical Center: 847-297-1800
Web Site Addresses:,
Maine Township District 207 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/'97 school year.
Maine Township District 207
1131 S. Dee Rd.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Foreign Language, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Extra-Curricular Activities, Sports, Special Education, Counseling, Summer School, Hot Lunch Program, Computer Literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL).
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Table below.
Features: Library, Gym(s), Auditorium/Stage, Cafeteria, Computers/Computer Lab(s), Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Outdoor Stadium/Arena.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Vocational Education, Special Education, Guidance, Social Work, Nurse.
Curriculum/Courses: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geology, Physics, English I, II, III, IV, American Studies, World Cultures, History of the Western World, United States History, Government, Computer Science, Oral Communication, Foreign Language, Vocational Education/Business (Introduction to Technology, Drafting, Industrial Drawing, Computer Aided Design/CAD, Auto Service, Auto Fundamentals, Electronics, Carpentry, Home Maintenance, Coop Work Program, Diversified Occupations, Accounting, Airline Reservation Specialist, BASIC Computer Programming, Business Law, Business Math, Computer Applications, Computer Communications, Entrepeneurship, Office Procedures, Office Occupations, Distributive Education), Consumer Education, Intro. to Business, Keyboarding, Art I, II, III, IV, Art Appreciation, P.E.I, II, III, IV, Health
Elective Courses: Composition, American Literature, English Literature, Journalism, World Literature, Writing for Readers, Probability & Statistics, Computer Science, European History, Economics, Modern History, Sociology, Law in American Society, Anthropology, Current Affairs, Design & Materials, Photography, Guitar, Chorus, Band (Beginning, Advanced, Concert, Symphony), Orchestra (Beginning-Intermediate, Concert), Music Theory, Drama, Broadcasting, Technical Theater, Child Care Occupations/Preschool, School-age Child/Parenting, Child Care Occupations - Out-of-school, Child Development/Parenting, Clothing, Foods, Home Economics, Interior Design, Hotel Restaurant/Management, Independent Living, Personality, Behavior and Relationships, Aerobics, Lifeguarding/Water Safety Instructor, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness, Outdoor Education.
Honors/AP Courses: Math, Science, English, Social Science, Computer Science, Foreign Language (Exam only).
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Learning Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed, Behavior Disordered, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired students. Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, Theater/Drama, Orchestra, Band, Chorus, School Clubs.
Web Site Address:
District Schools:
Maine East High School
. 2601 Dempster St., Park Ridge, IL 60068, 847-825-4484.Web Site Address:
Maine South High School
. 1111 Dee Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068, 847-825-7711.Web Site Address:
Maine West High School
. 1755 S. Wolf Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60018, 847-827-6176.Web Site Address:
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Maine East High |
9-12 |
2,234 |
6,097 |
402 |
23.3% |
76.7% |
17.8:1 |
$12,189 |
Maine South High |
9-12 |
1,992 |
6,097 |
402 |
23.3% |
76.7% |
17.8:1 |
$12,189 |
Maine West High |
9-12 |
1,871 |
6,097 |
402 |
23.3% |
76.7% |
17.8:1 |
$12,189 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Maine Twp. High School District 207 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Averages |
208 |
264 |
26.1 |
260 |
245 |
81.6% |
21.3 |
District Averages |
244 |
322 |
28 |
296 |
274 |
92.1% |
22.4 |
School Averages |
Maine East High |
225 |
319 |
27.4 |
288 |
258 |
90.6% |
22 |
Maine South High |
276 |
340 |
28.4 |
314 |
294 |
95.7% |
23.1 |
Maine West High |
229 |
305 |
28 |
284 |
268 |
90.5% |
22 |
School District Report - Niles Township High School District 219
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/'97 school year.
Niles Township School District 219
7700 Gross Point Rd.
Skokie, IL 60077
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, P.E. Classes, Special Education, Computer Literacy, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, Sports, Extra-Curricular Activities, Foreign Language, Counseling, Summer School, English as a Second Language (ESL).
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Table below.
Accreditation: Yes. State Department of Education, Regional Accrediting Agency.
Features: Music Room/Area, Gym(s), Art Room/Area, Library, Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Cafeteria, Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Swimming Pool, Science Labs, Vocational Labs.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Special Education, Social Work, Guidance, Library, Gifted/Talented, Nurse, Vocational Education.
Curriculum/Courses: Includes (but not limited to) English, Intro. to American Literature, American Literature & Composition, Public Speaking, Applied Math, Basic Math, Foundations of Math, Algebra, Geometry, PreCalculus, Calculus, American History, People and their Cultures, Western Civilization, Economics, Earth Science, Life Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, German, French, Hebrew, Art, P.E., Health, Consumer Education.
Elective Courses: Creative Writing, Journalism, Newspaper Production, Yearbook Production, World Literature, English Grammar, Humanities, Debate, Statistics, Computer Science, Math Analysis, Advanced Math Topics, Computer Programming, Economics, European History, Psychology, Sociology, Family Living, Social Problems, Spanish, French, German, Hebrew, Spanish Conversation, Art Studio, Acting, Play Production, Stagecraft, Theater Workshop, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Guitar, Theory of Music, Accounting, Advertising, Business Management, Business Law, Business Math, Computer Applications, Intro. to Business, Marketing, Intro. to Computers, Cooperative Vocational Education, Cosmetology, Chef's Course, Commercial Foods, International Foods, Meals & Entertaining, Fashion Workshop, Interior Design, Child Development, Architectural Drafting, Automotives, Electronics, Engineering Drafting, Material Processing Technology, Technical Drafting, Technology, Keyboarding, Work/Study
Honors/AP Courses: English, Math, Science, Foreign Language, Economics, History, Psychology.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Speech Therapy, Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, Orchestra, Band, Chorus, School Clubs, Theater/Drama.
Web Site Address:
District Schools:
Niles North High School
. 9800 Lawler Ave., Skokie, IL 60077, 847-673-6900.Web Site Address
: West High School
. Oakton at Edens Expwy., Skokie, IL 60077, 847-966-3800.School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Niles North High |
9-12 |
1,971 |
4,172 |
270 |
25.4% |
74.6% |
18:1 |
$11,641 |
Niles West High |
9-12 |
2,201 |
4,172 |
270 |
25.4% |
74.6% |
18:1 |
$11,641 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Niles High School District 219 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Averages |
208 |
264 |
26.1 |
260 |
245 |
81.6% |
21.3 |
District Averages |
246 |
330 |
28.2 |
302 |
293 |
91.3% |
22.7 |
School Averages |
Niles North High |
258 |
339 |
28.4 |
310 |
310 |
91.3% |
23.4 |
Niles West High |
238 |
323 |
28.1 |
295 |
278 |
91.3% |
22.1 |
Skokie School District 69 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/'97 school year.
Skokie School District 69
5050 Madison St.
Skokie, IL 60077
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: English as a Second Language (ESL), Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, P.E. Classes, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, Early Childhood, Preschool Screening, Foreign Language, Before/After-School Care* (Skokie Park District, 847-674-1500 for info.), Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Sports, Computer Literacy, Extra-Curricular Activities, PTA, Counseling.
Features: Gym(s), Library, Auditorium/Stage, Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Cafeteria, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-5).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Special Education, P.E., Art, Music, Social Work, Guidance, Nurse.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, P.E., Art, Music, Computer, Foreign Language (Grades 7-8), Industrial Arts (Junior High), Home Economics (Junior High), Drama (Junior High), Guitar (Junior High).
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation, Before- & After-School Care* (Grades K-5).
Special Needs: Learning Disabled, Member of the Niles Township Department of Special Education (NTSDE). Speech Therapy, Counseling, Learning Disability Resource provided.
Extracurricular: Band (Grade 4 & up), Orchestra (Grade 4 & up), Sports (Grades 6 & up), Chorus (Grades 6 & up), School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools:
Lincoln Junior High
. 7839 Lincoln Ave., Skokie, IL 60077, 847-676-3545.Madison Elementary
. 5100 Madison St., Skokie, IL 60077, 847-675-3048.Thomas Edison Elementary. 8200 Gross Point Rd., Morton Grove, IL 60053, 847-966-6210
Web Site Address:
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Lincoln Junior High |
6-8 |
438 |
1,357 |
83 |
57.3% |
43.7% |
19.5:1 |
$6,900 |
Thomas Edison Elementary |
3-5 |
479 |
1,357 |
83 |
57.3% |
43.7% |
19.5:1 |
$6,900 |
Madison Elementary |
PK-2 |
440 |
1,357 |
83 |
57.3% |
43.7% |
19.5:1 |
$6,900 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Skokie District 69 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
288 |
280 |
288 |
18.6 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
260 |
237 |
241 |
300 |
321 |
326 |
19.6 |
22.9 |
26.8 |
School Averages |
Lincoln Junior High |
N/A |
237 |
241 |
N/A |
321 |
326 |
N/A |
22.9 |
26.8 |
Thomas Edison Elementary |
260 |
N/A |
N/A |
300 |
N/A |
N/A |
19.6 |
N/A |
N/A |
Madison Elementary |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Skokie District 69 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
268 |
272 |
276 |
264 |
School Averages |
Lincoln Junior High |
N/A |
272 |
N/A |
264 |
Thomas Edison Elementary |
268 |
N/A |
276 |
N/A |
Madison Elementary |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Golf School District 67 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/'97 school year.
Golf School District 67
9401 Waukegan Rd.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, English as a Second Language (ESL).
Features: Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Library, Gym(s), Auditorium/Stage, Cafeteria, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-5).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Special Education, Art, Music, P.E.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools:
Golf Middle School
. 9401 Waukegan Rd., Morton Grove, IL 60053, 847-065-3740.Hynes Elementary. 9000 Belleforte Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, 847-965-4500.
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Golf Middle |
5-8 |
227 |
497 |
43 |
59.6% |
40.4% |
13.7:1 |
$9,483 |
Hynes Elementary |
K-4 |
270 |
497 |
43 |
59.6% |
40.4% |
13.7:1 |
$9,483 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Golf District 67 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
288 |
280 |
288 |
18.6 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
308 |
289 |
273 |
392 |
362 |
340 |
20.7 |
26.1 |
29.1 |
School Averages |
Golf Middle |
N/A |
289 |
273 |
N/A |
362 |
340 |
N/A |
26.1 |
29.1 |
Hynes Elementary |
308 |
N/A |
N/A |
392 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.7 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Golf District 67 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
283 |
282 |
296 |
281 |
School Averages |
Golf Middle |
N/A |
282 |
N/A |
281 |
Hynes Elementary |
283 |
N/A |
296 |
N/A |
East Maine School District 63 Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/97school year.
East Maine School District 63
10150 Dee Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
School System Statistics
: See tab1e below.District-Wide Programs: Computer Literacy, Early Childhood (At-Risk preschoolers), Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Gifted Program (Grades 4-8, Language Arts - Humanities Enrichment Program), Band (Grades 4-8), Orchestra (Grades 4-8), Foreign Language (Spanish, Grades 7-8), Special Education, Counseling, Hot Lunch Program, PTA, Before-/After-School Care, Preschool Screening, English as a Second Language (ESL).
Features: Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Library, Gym(s), Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-6), Cafeteria.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Special Education, Guidance, Social Work, Gifted/Talented, Nurse.
Curriculum (Middle School): Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library, Foreign Language (Spanish), Life Skills Management (Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Money Management, etc.).
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation (at parental request, fee-based, with partial subsidy from district).
Special Needs: Gifted, Physically Handicapped, Learning Disabled, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired, Behavior Disordered, Mildly/Moderately Retarded students. Speech Therapy, Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Theater/Drama (Grade 5 & up), Orchestra (Grade 4 & up), Band (Grade 4 & up), Sports (Middle School).
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools:
Gemini Junior High
. 8955 Greenwood Ave., Niles, IL 60714, 847-827-1181.V.H. Nelson Elementary. 8901 Ozanam Ave., Niles, IL 60714, 847-965-0050.
Mark Twain Elementary. 9401 N. Hamlin Ave., Niles, IL 60016, 847-296-5341.
Washington Elementary. 2701 Golf Rd., Glenview, IL 60025, 847-965-4780.
Apollo Elementary. 10100 Dee Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016, 847-827-6231.
Melzer Kindergarten Center. 9400 N. Oriole Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, 847-965-7474.
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Gemini Junior High |
7-8 |
783 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
V H Nelson Elementary |
1-6 |
671 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
Mark Twain Elementary |
1-6 |
554 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
Washington Elementary |
1-6 |
472 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
Melzer Elementary |
PK-K |
402 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
Apollo Elementary |
1-6 |
701 |
3,583 |
201 |
62.2% |
37.8% |
21.6:1 |
$6,127 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
East Maine District 63 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
288 |
280 |
288 |
18.6 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
266 |
254 |
240 |
302 |
303 |
303 |
19.9 |
23.4 |
25.4 |
School Averages |
Gemini Junior High |
N/A |
N/A |
240 |
N/A |
N/A |
303 |
N/A |
N/A |
25.4 |
V H Nelson Elementary |
281 |
255 |
N/A |
334 |
308 |
N/A |
20.1 |
24 |
N/A |
Mark Twain Elementary |
271 |
248 |
N/A |
319 |
290 |
N/A |
19.5 |
22.6 |
N/A |
Washington Elementary |
291 |
270 |
N/A |
302 |
322 |
N/A |
20.3 |
23.9 |
N/A |
Apollo Elementary |
233 |
242 |
N/A |
260 |
293 |
N/A |
19.7 |
22.9 |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
East Maine Elementary District 63 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
271 |
273 |
271 |
271 |
School Averages |
Gemini Junior High |
N/A |
273 |
N/A |
271 |
V H Nelson Elementary |
276 |
N/A |
283 |
N/A |
Mark Twain Elementary |
272 |
N/A |
271 |
N/A |
Washington Elementary |
306 |
N/A |
313 |
N/A |
Apollo Elementary |
242 |
N/A |
234 |
N/A |
Morton Grove School District 70 School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '96/'97 school year.
Morton Grove School District 70
6200 Lake St.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Computer Literacy, Foreign Language (Middle School. Possibly will be offered to Grades 1-5 as an after-school, tuition-based class.), Chorus (Middle School), Extra-Curricular Activities (Student Council), PTA, Sports (Middle School), Preschool Screening, English as a Second Language (ESL).
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
Features: Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Library, Gym(s), Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Playground, Cafeteria.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Park View Elementary |
K-8 |
718 |
718 |
45 |
48.8% |
51.2% |
17.7:1 |
$6,822 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Morton Grove Elementary District 70 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
288 |
280 |
288 |
18.6 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
282 |
255 |
269 |
300 |
296 |
327 |
21.3 |
23.5 |
27.3 |
School Averages |
Park View Elementary |
282 |
255 |
269 |
300 |
296 |
327 |
21.3 |
23.5 |
27.3 |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Morton Grove Elementary District 70 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
291 |
293 |
285 |
308 |
School Averages |
Park View Elementary |
291 |
293 |
285 |
308 |
Private Schools
Editor's Note
: Annual tuition quoted in this table is for one child, Full-day Kindergarten (if available)/Grades 1-8 for Elementary Schools and Grades 9-12 for High Schools. For Catholic Schools, annual tuition quoted is for parishioners. For other denominations, annual tuition quoted is for members (whenever there is a difference between member/nonmember tuition). Any school with an asterisk (*) offers before- and/or after-school care. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Grade Levels |
Tuition |
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran School* |
6218 Capulina Ave. |
847-965-4750 |
PreK - 8th. |
No tuition for church members, financial support of church expected. |
St. Martha School* |
8535 Georgiana Ave. |
847-967-6286 |
PreK - 8th. |
$2060 |
Child Care & Preschool Programs
Editor's Note
: Tuition quoted is the weekly rate for full-time care. Codes in parenthesis: I for Infant, T for Toddler, 2 for Age 2, P for Preschool (Ages 2-5 or 3-5), K for Kindergarten, SA for school-age. For part-time preschool programs (2, 3, or 5 mornings or afternoons per week), the tuition quoted is monthly, with 2x, 3x, or 5x in parenthesis to indicate the number of days per week for each program. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct. For any categories that are blank, please call the center for that information.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Ages Enrolled |
Hours |
Tuition |
Precious Child Early Learning Center |
6218 Capulina Ave. |
847-965-4750 |
3 to 5 |
8:00 - 5:30 |
Children's Bright Beginnings |
8944 Austin |
847-965-1003 |
2 to 10 |
7:00 - 6:00 |
$118 |
Kids Academy |
9233 Shermer Rd. |
847-966-9007 |
2 to 12 |
7:00 - 6:00 |
$120 |
Morton Grove Park District
6834 Dempster St.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Equipment/Physical Features
: Sports Fields, Outdoor Playground(s), Swimming Pool(s), Tennis Court(s), Handicapped Accessible, Gym(s), Track.Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Fitness, Cooking, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Arts & Crafts, Music, Reading/Stories, Swimming, Gymnastics, Karate, Wrestling, Volleyball, Piano, Dance, Ballet, Wallyball, Computers.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Volleyball, Pet Obedience Training, Karate, Women's Self Defense, Basketball, Dance, Fitness, Racquetball, Swimming.
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Newsletter, Men's Group, Women's Group, Speakers, Fitness, Line Dancing, Crafts, Bridge, Trips.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Developmentally Delayed, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired
Special Services: Adapted Materials, Adapted Equipment, Remedial Help. Park District belongs to the Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR). Call the Community Outreach Coordinator, at 847-966-5522 for info.
Other Services: Child Care, Preschool, Summer Day Camp.
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