Lombard Community Guide
Community Overview
Lombard, located in DuPage County, comprises 10.5 square miles and has a population of around 40,000. 19 public and 6 private (religious) schools serve the village, which contains the townships of York, Addison, Milton and Bloomingdale. Grade school-aged children are served by districts 44 and 45, while secondary students go to Glenbard East High School, district 87, and Addison Trail or Willowbrook High Schools, district 88. 29 churches and 4 hospitals are located in the area. A variety of retail stores are located in the downtown area and along Lombard's southern edge at Roosevelt Road. Yorktown Shopping Mall is also located in Lombard on Highland Ave. *See below for details on schools.
Transportation needs are served by area highways ((Eisenhower Expwy. - I-290, Tri-State (I-294), North/South Tollway (I-355), East-West Tollway (I-88)) and major local roads (Rte. 38 - Roosevelt Rd., Routes 64, 56, 53, and 83). Commuter service to downtown is provided by Metra. Travel time to downtown Chicago is about 45 minutes on the train. The Lombard Child Care Commuter Center (495-6539), a KinderCare facility, is adjacent to the train station. Local bus service is available from PACE. The RTA Travel Info. Number is 1-800-972-7000. The local train station's number is 627-2508 and PACE can be reached at 364-7223, ext. 500.
Important Phone Numbers:
Lombard Village Hall: 630-620-5700
NICOR: 630- 629-4000.Commonwealth Edison: 1-800-334-7661 Ameritech (Phone): 1-800-942-8163.
Fire Dept.: For emergencies, 911. Otherwise, 630-620-5738
Police Dept.: 911 for emergencies. Otherwise, 630-620-5955
Helen Plum Library: 110 W. Maple, 630-627-0316. Hours: 9-9 M-F, 9-5 Sat.
Central DuPage Hospital: 630-682-1600 Glen Oaks Medical Center: 630-
545-8000Good Samaritan Hospital: 630-963-5900 Memorial Hospital (Elmhurst): 630-833-1400
Web Site Addresses:
http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/lombard1/contents.html, http://www.villageoflombard.org/Glenbard Township District 87 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Glenbard Township District 87
596 Crescent Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Computer Literacy, Gifted Program, Extra-Curricular Activities, P.E. Classes, Sports, Band, Choral, Vocational Education, Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL), Foreign Language, Counseling, Summer School.
Accreditation: Yes. State Department of Education, Regional Accrediting Agency.
Features: Music Room/Area, Computers/Computers/Computer Lab(s), Library, Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Cafeteria, Gym(s), Art Room/Area.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Guidance, Special Education, Music, Social Work, P.E., Library, Gifted/Talented, Vocational Education (including Technology Center of DuPage Courses), Nurse.
Curriculum/Courses: Applied Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Special (Plane) Geometry, Geometry, Probability & Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Computer Programming, College Algebra & Trigonometry, Computer Science, Science Survey, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, World Geography (Global Studies), World History (Global Studies), United States History, United States Government, Consumerism & Media, Economics, Business & the Consumer, Consumer Economics, English 1, 2, 3, 4, Intro. to Speech, Speech with Advanced Technology, Social Studies, P.E, Art, Music, P.E., Foreign Language, Vocational Education.
Electives: Senior Composition, Major British Writers, World Literature, Modern Literature & Composition, Journalism, Creative Writing, Sociology, Modern Issues, Ecology, Psychology, Humanities, French, Spanish, German, Intro. to Theater Arts, Play Production, Film Analysis, Intro. to Radio & Television, Stagecraft, Acting & Directing, Intro. to Art, Cartooning, Drawing, Sculpture & Painting, Printmaking, Commercial Art, Ceramics, Photography, Keyboarding, Word Processing, Business Computer Applications, Computer Concepts, Accounting, Business Law, Business Management, Marketing, Speedwriting, Business Internships
Honors/AP Courses: Part of ACHIEVE program for gifted/talented students, includes a Humanities course providing an interdisciplinary study of Western culture.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Gifted/Talented students. Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, Theater/Drama, Band, Chorus, School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Score Tables below.
Web Site Address: http://www.glenbard.dupage.k12.il.us/index.html
District Schools
(Lombard only):Glenbard East High
. 1014 S. Main St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-627-9250.Web Site Address: http://www.glenbard.dupage.k12.il.us/east/index.html
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Glenbard East |
9-12 |
2,312 |
7,872 |
480 |
16.4% |
83.6% |
18.1:1 |
$8,654 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Glenbard District 87 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Averages |
228 |
264 |
26.2 |
263 |
249 |
81.8% |
21.5 |
District Averages |
259 |
310 |
28.1 |
291 |
285 |
88.5% |
22.7 |
School Averages |
Glenbard East |
256 |
298 |
27.8 |
277 |
263 |
81.7% |
22.9 |
DuPage High School District 88 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
DuPage High School District 88
1250 S. Ardmore
Villa Park, IL 60181
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, P.E. Classes, Computer Literacy, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL), Extra-Curricular Activities, Sports, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Counseling, Foreign Language, Summer School.
Features: Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Library, Gym(s), Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Swimming Pool, Cafeteria.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Special Education, Library, Guidance, Social Work, Gifted/Talented.
Curriculum/Courses: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Foreign Language (Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese), Vocational Education (including Technology Center of DuPage Courses).
Honors/AP Courses: English, Math, Science, History, Psychology, Political Science.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Extracurricular: Sports, Band, Chorus, School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Score Tables below.
Web Site Address: http://www.hsdist88.dupage.k12.il.us/
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Addison Trail High School |
9-12 |
1,759 |
3,621 |
219 |
30.3% |
69.7% |
17.9:1 |
$9,737 |
Willowbrook High School |
9-12 |
1,862 |
3,621 |
219 |
30.3% |
69.7% |
17.9:1 |
$9,737 |
District Schools:
Addison Trail High
. 213 N. Lombard Rd., Addison, IL 60101, 630-628-3302.Willowbrook High. 1250 S. Ardmore, Villa Park, IL 60181, 630-530-3439.
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Dupage High School District 88 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Averages |
228 |
264 |
26.2 |
263 |
249 |
81.8% |
21.5 |
District Averages |
258 |
298 |
27.4 |
271 |
274 |
83.3% |
21.9 |
School Averages |
Addison Trail High |
258 |
298 |
27.4 |
271 |
274 |
82.6% |
21.7 |
Willowbrook High |
267 |
319 |
26.9 |
296 |
281 |
83.9% |
23.4 |
Lombard School District 44 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Lombard School District 44
150 W. Madison St.
Lombard, IL 60148
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Early Childhood, (At-Risk, to develop Kindergarten readiness skills), Gifted Program, English as a Second Language (ESL), Preschool screening, Counseling (Grades 6-8), Band (grades 4-8), Orchestra (grades 4-8), Art Instruction, Music Instruction, Hot Lunch Program, Extra-Curricular Activities (grades 6-8), Sports (grades 6-8), Computer Literacy, Special Education, P.E. Classes, English as a Second Language (ESL), PTA, Chorus.
Features: Music Room/Area, Library, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-5), Cafeteria, Science Labs, Art Room/Area, Gym(s), Auditorium/Stage, Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Guidance, Special Education, Music, Social Work, P.E., Library, Gifted/Talented, Nurse.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library, Home Economics, Industrial Arts.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation, Grades K-5 - Before School Care, After School Care (YMCA School Age Enrichment Program, 630-629-9622 for info. & registration, runs from 8 AM until school opening & school dismissal until 6 PM).
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Learning Disabled, Mild/Moderately Retarded, Gifted/Talented, Gifted, Emotionally. Disturbed, Behavior Disordered, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired students. Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Orchestra*, Band*, Sports (Middle School). * Grade 4 & up
IGAP Test Scores: See table below.
Web Site Address: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/
District Schools
:Glenn Westlake Middle School
. 1514 S. Main St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3785.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/GlennWestlake.htmlButterfield Elementary
. 2 S 500 Gray Ave., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3737.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/Butterfield.html.Hammerschmidt Elementary
, 617 Hammerschmidt Ave., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3755.Web Site Address: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/WmHammerschmidt.html.
Madison School
. 150 W. Madison St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3780.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/Madison.html.Manor Hill Elementary
. 1464 S. Main St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3770.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/ManorHill.html.Park View Elementary
. 341 N. Elizabeth St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3773.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/ParkView.html.Pleasant Lane Elementary
. 401 N. Main St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-620-3780.Web Site Address
: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/PleasantLane.html.School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Glenn Westlake Middle |
6-8 |
1024 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Butterfield Elementary |
K-5 |
255 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Hammerschmidt Elementary |
K-5 |
428 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Madison Elementary |
PK-5 |
270 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Manor Hill Elementary |
K-5 |
279 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Park View Elementary |
K-5 |
331 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
Pleasant Lane Elementary |
K-5 |
584 |
3171 |
197 |
45.9% |
54.1% |
19:1 |
$6,579 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Lombard Elementary District 44 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
248 |
290 |
287 |
282 |
290 |
18.7 |
22.6 |
24.5 |
District Averages |
290 |
293 |
327 |
349 |
324 |
327 |
20.2 |
26 |
26.7 |
School Averages |
Glenn Westlake Middle |
N/A |
293 |
267 |
N/A |
324 |
327 |
N/A |
26 |
26.7 |
Butterfield Elementary |
277 |
N/A |
N/A |
328 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Hammerschmidt Elementary |
282 |
N/A |
N/A |
352 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Madison Elementary |
247 |
N/A |
N/A |
275 |
N/A |
N/A |
19.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Manor Hill Elementary |
309 |
N/A |
N/A |
372 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.8 |
N/A |
N/A |
Park View Elementary |
315 |
N/A |
N/A |
367 |
N/A |
N/A |
19.8 |
N/A |
N/A |
Pleasant Lane Elementary |
291 |
N/A |
N/A |
357 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.6 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Lombard Elementary District 44 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
251 |
260 |
269 |
261 |
District Averages |
336 |
285 |
336 |
312 |
School Averages |
Glenn Westlake Middle |
N/A |
285 |
N/A |
312 |
Butterfield Elementary |
341 |
N/A |
348 |
N/A |
Hammerschmidt Elementary |
300 |
N/A |
321 |
N/A |
Madison Elementary |
328 |
N/A |
368 |
N/A |
Manor Hill Elementary |
332 |
N/A |
357 |
N/A |
Park View Elementary |
356 |
N/A |
364 |
N/A |
Pleasant Lane Elementary |
287 |
N/A |
303 |
N/A |
Villa Park School District 45 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Villa Park School District 45
255 W. Vermont St.
Villa Park, IL 60181
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Early Childhood (for at-risk preschoolers, Gifted Program, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Learning Centers, Tutoring, Computer Literacy, Preschool Screening, Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Summer School PTA, Extra-Curricular Activities (Grades 6-8), Chorus (Grades 6-8), Sports (Grades 6-8), Band.
Features: Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Library, Gym(s), Art Room/Area, Music Room/Area, Cafeteria, Auditorium/Stage.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Special Education, Gifted/Talented.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Gifted/Talented students. Variety of programs and support personnel.
District's Comments: York Center Elementary houses the Iowa Early Childhood Center, a PreK program for children 'at-risk' for academic failure.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Score Tables below.
District Schools
(Lombard grade schools only):Jackson Junior High
. 301 W. Jackson St., Villa Park, IL 60181, 630-530-6240.Jefferson Junior High. 255 W. Vermont St., Villa Park, IL 60181, 630-530-6230.
Schafer Elementary. 700 E. Pleasant Lane, Lombard, IL 60148, 630-932-6470.
Westmore Elementary. 340 S. School St., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-932-6490.
Stevenson Elementary. 15th. St. & Michigan Ave., Lombard, IL 60148, 630-932-6540.
York Center Elementary. 14th. & School Streets, Lombard, IL 60148, 630-932-6540.
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Villa Park District 45 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
288 |
280 |
288 |
18.6 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
274 |
254 |
244 |
310 |
306 |
304 |
20.1 |
24.4 |
26.4 |
School Averages |
Jackson Junior High |
N/A |
260 |
240 |
N/A |
303 |
305 |
N/A |
24.4 |
26.3 |
Jefferson Junior High |
N/A |
245 |
250 |
N/A |
311 |
303 |
N/A |
24.4 |
26.6 |
Schafer Elementary |
238 |
N/A |
N/A |
281 |
N/A |
N/A |
19 |
N/A |
N/A |
Westmore Elementary |
275 |
N/A |
N/A |
331 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.5 |
N/A |
N/A |
York Center Elementary |
281 |
N/A |
N/A |
270 |
N/A |
N/A |
19.1 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Villa Park District 45 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
282 |
276 |
282 |
289 |
School Averages |
Jackson Junior High |
N/A |
270 |
N/A |
296 |
Jefferson Junior High |
N/A |
285 |
N/A |
278 |
Schafer Elementary |
272 |
N/A |
271 |
N/A |
Westmore Elementary |
296 |
N/A |
308 |
N/A |
York Center Elementary |
244 |
N/A |
254 |
N/A |
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Jackson Junior High |
6-8 |
722 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
Jefferson Junior High |
6-8 |
474 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
Schafer Elementary |
PK-5 |
605 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
Westmore Elementary |
K-5 |
514 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
York Center Elementary |
3-5 |
208 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
Stevenson Elementary |
K-2 |
220 |
3,803 |
228 |
58.2% |
41.8% |
20.2:1 |
$5,747 |
Private Schools
Editor's Note
: Annual tuition quoted in this table is for one child, Full-day Kindergarten (if available)/Grades 1-8 for Elementary Schools and Grades 9-12 for High Schools. For Catholic Schools, annual tuition quoted is for parishioners. For other denominations, annual tuition quoted is for members (whenever there is a difference between member/nonmember tuition). Any school with an asterisk (*) offers before- and/or after-school care. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Grade Levels |
Tuition |
Montini Catholic High |
19W070 16th. St. |
630-627-6930 |
9th.-12th. |
$3600 |
St. John's Lutheran* |
215 S. Lincoln St. |
630-629-2510, ext. 101 |
K-8th. |
$1960 |
Christ the King School |
115 E. 15th. St. |
630-627-0640 |
K-8th. |
St. Pius X School |
601 S. Westmore Ave. |
630-932-9328 |
PreK-8th. |
$1390 |
Sacred Heart School |
322 W. Maple St. |
630-629-0536 |
PreK-8th. |
$1475 |
Trinity Lutheran School |
1008 W. Roosevelt Rd. |
630-627-5601 |
PreK-8th. |
$1710 (nonmember) |
Child Care & Preschool Programs
Editor's Note
: Tuition quoted is the weekly rate for full-time care. Codes in parenthesis: I for Infant, T for Toddler, 2 for Age 2, P for Preschool (Ages 2-5 or 3-5), K for Kindergarten, SA for school-age. For part-time preschool programs (2, 3, or 5 mornings or afternoons per week), the tuition quoted is monthly, with 2x, 3x, or 5x in parenthesis to indicate the number of days per week for each program. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct. For any categories that are blank, please call the center for that information.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Ages Enrolled |
Hours |
Tuition |
Peace Community Learning Center |
21W500 Butterfield Rd. |
630-627-1135 |
3-5 |
9:00 - 3:15 |
$75 (2x), $110 (3x) |
Tender Loving Care Professional Montessori |
30 N. Park Ave. |
630-932-7777 |
2-5 |
7:00 - 6:00 |
$485 (maximum). Monthly rate. |
The Growing Place |
1111 E. Madison St. |
630-627-0306 |
6 weeks to 5 |
9:00 - 3:00 |
$91 (2x), $102 (3x, afts.), $120 (3x, morns |
Coop Nursery School - 1st. Church of Lombard |
220 S. Main St. |
630-629-2630 |
6 weeks to 5 |
9:00 -3:30 |
$68 (2x, ages 3-4), $52 (2x, ages 2 1/2-3 1/2 |
Pioneer Child Care Service |
820 S. Finley Rd. |
630-620-0033 |
2 to 12 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
Next Generation Child Care |
2S660 Lloyd |
630-629-4126 |
2 1/2 to 12 |
7:30 - 6:00 |
$135 |
Creative Montessori Learning Center |
550 S. Edgewood |
630-620-5505 |
2-6 |
7:00 -6:00 |
$505 (max., monthly) |
Lombard Park District
150 S. Park Ave.
Lombard, IL 60148
Equipment/Physical Features
: Sledding Hills, Ice Rink(s), Handicapped Accessible, Game Room (Senior Adults), Water Park, Golf Course, Computer(s), Gym(s), Outdoor Playground(s), Tennis Court(s).Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Dance, Ballet, Arts & Crafts, Theater, Fashion/Cosmetics, Karate, Aikido, Basketball, Softball, Soccer, Ping Pong, Gymnastics, Saturday Fun Club, Fishing, Trendsetters (Teen Club), Fitness, Music, Reading/Stories, Science & Nature, Games, Computers, Parties, Cooking, Tae Kwon Do, Swimming.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Arts & Crafts, Financial Planning, Fashion/Cosmetics, Investing, Karate, Pet Obedience Training, Aikido, Fitness, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Golf, Tae Kwon Do, Swimming.
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Crafts, Fitness, Men's Group, Women's Group, Financial Planning, Dance, Singing, Trips, Golf, Speakers.
Special Needs: Through Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA) - 790-9370, Physically Handicapped, Developmentally Delayed, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired.
Special Services: Adapted Equipment.
Other Services: Summer Day Camp, Preschool, Child Care, Before & After-School Care through Lombard YMCA (629-9622).
Web Site Address: http://www.district44.dupage.k12.il.us/lombard1/parks.html
Lombard YMCA
300 E. St. Charles Rd.
Lombard, IL 60148
Equipment/Physical Features
: Gym(s)Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Swimming (Midwestern University, 555 31st. St. in Downers Grove), sponsored by the YMCA, Village of Lombard and Lombard Park District for children in grades 1-5.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Women's Self-Defense (ages 12 & up), Fitness (held at Glenn Westlake School, 1st. Church of Lombard, 1st United Methodist Church, Calvary United Methodist Church, different times for each location), Yoga (held at 1st United Methodist Church).
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Fitness, Speakers, Health Insurance Info, Outreach.
Other Services: Child Care (school-aged, various public schools in Lombard - See schools listed in school section above; Summer Day Camp, Holiday Day Camp, Hi Y Teen Club (informal, recreational & special events, and drop-in center; for students at Jefferson and Jackson Junior High Schools, district 45 & Glenn Westlake Middle School, district 44. For info. call the YMCA at 629-9622).