Elk Grove Village Community Guide
Community Overview
Elk Grove Village is a village of about 33,400 22 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. The town's industrial base keeps property taxes low and helps fund recreational opportunities, such as the programs of the Park District. Nearby Ned Brown Woods, a Cook County Forest Preserve, provides for boating, fishing and bicycling. Grade school-aged children attend district 54 and 59 schools. Secondary students go to Elk Grove High School, district 214. (See below for details on schools).
Transportation needs are served by area highways (I-90/Kennedy Expwy./I-53, I-290/Eisenhower Expwy.), and major local roads (Arlington Heights Road, I-72/Higgins Rd., I-83/Busse Rd.). Commuter service to downtown is provided by the Metra Milwaukee District West Line (MD-W) in Itasca or Medinah. Travel time to the downtown Chicago station is about 45 minutes (express). Local bus service is available from PACE. The RTA Travel Info. Number is 1-800-972-7000.
Important Phone Numbers:
Village Hall: 847-439-3900 NICOR: 847-490-8900
Commonwealth Edison: 1-800-334-7661 Ameritech (Phone): 1-800-942-8163
Fire Dept. For emergencies, 911. Otherwise, 847-364-2672
Police Dept.: 911 for emergencies. Otherwise, 847-364-2680
Public Library: 1001 Wellington Ave. 847-439-0447
Alexian Brothers Medical Center: 847-437-55200 Hoffman Estates Medical Center: 847-843-2000
Good Shepherd Hospital: 847-831-9600 Northwest Community Hospital: 847-259-1000
Web Site Address:
http://www.elkgrove.com/Arlington Township High School District 214 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Arlington Township High School District 214
2121 Goebbert Rd.
Arlington Hgts., IL 60005
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Computer Literacy, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Special Education, Counseling, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Sports, Extra-Curricular Activities, Foreign Language, Hot Lunch Program, Gifted Program, English as a Second Language (ESL).
Accreditation: Yes. North Central Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools (NCACSS).
Features: Handicapped Accessible, Music Room/Area, Computers/Computer Lab(s), Gym(s), Library, Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Cafeteria, Art Room/Area.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Guidance, Special Education, Social Work, Library, Gifted/Talented, Nurse.
Curriculum/Courses: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Foreign Language, Vocational Education.
Elective Courses: Journalism, Creative Writing, Sociology. Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Typing/Word Processing, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Automotive, Carpentry, Painting, Sculpture, Photography.
Honors/AP Courses: Math, Science, English, Foreign Language, Social Science, History.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation, Summer Camp.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Learning Disabled, Mild/Moderately Retarded, Gifted/Talented, Emotionally Disturbed, Behavior Disordered, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired students. Speech Therapy, Tutoring, Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, Theater/Drama, Orchestra, Band, Chorus, School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
Web Site Address: http://www.dist214.k12.il.us/
District Schools
(Elk Grove only):Elk Grove High School
. 500 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-439-4800.Web Site Address
: http://eghs.dist214.k12.il.us/html/Vanguard School
(Alternative school combining academics with career education and community service).Web Site Address: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/vanguard/vdb.html
Forest View Alternative School
(for students experiencing difficulty in the regular high school programs).Web Site Address: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/fvas/default.html
Nipper Career Education Center
Web Site Address
: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/nipper/default.htmlSchool System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Elk Grove High |
9-12 |
1,771 |
10,719 |
697 |
19.2% |
80.8% |
18.6:1 |
$12,726 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Arlington Heights School District 214 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Average |
228 |
264 |
26.2 |
263 |
249 |
81.8% |
21.5 |
District Average |
257 |
306 |
27.8 |
280 |
276 |
86.7% |
22.5 |
School Averages |
Elk Grove High |
249 |
294 |
27.6 |
273 |
259 |
80.8% |
21 |
Schaumburg School District 54 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Schaumburg School District 54
524 E. Schaumburg Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60194
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Foreign Language (Pilot after-school program at Collins School - paid for by parents, run by International Educational Systems - IES., - French, Spanish & Japanese offered.) Chorus, Orchestra, Band, Before & After-School Care, Art Instruction, PTA, Early Childhood, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Extra-Curricular Activities, Gifted Program, Partnership Programs, Counseling, Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Computer Literacy.
Features: Gym(s), Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Cafeteria, Library, Auditorium/Stage, Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Outdoor Playground.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Special Education, Music, Social Work, Library, P.E., Gifted/Talented, Nurse.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library.
Extras: Field Trips, Transportation, Hot Lunch, Before & After-School Care (Grades K-6). Before-School Care Sites: Armstrong, Blackwell, Dirksen, Campanelli, Churchill, Collins, Enders-Salk, Link, Muir, Hoover. After-School Care Sites - Aldrin, Armstrong, Blackwell, Campanelli, Churchill, Collins, Enders-Salk, Fairview, Muir, Stevenson. Bus Service provided to and from sites from the other elementary schools.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools
(Elk Grove only):Mead Junior High
. 1765 Biesterfield Rd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-307-2100.Twinbrook School (Special Education). 1035 Ash Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195, 847-885-6725.
Adolph Link Elementary. 900 S. W. Glenn Trail Rd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-307-2130.
Adlai Stevenson Elementary. 1414 Armstrong Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-307-2150.
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Margaret Mead Junior High |
7-8 |
638 |
15,901 |
975 |
41.1% |
58.9% |
19.8:1 |
$7,514 |
Link Elementary |
K-6 |
520 |
15,901 |
975 |
41.1% |
58.9% |
19.8:1 |
$7,514 |
Stevenson Elementary |
K-6 |
497 |
15,901 |
975 |
41.1% |
58.9% |
19.8:1 |
$7,514 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Schaumburg Elementary School District 54 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
248 |
237 |
287 |
282 |
290 |
18.7 |
22.6 |
24.5 |
District Averages |
280 |
280 |
260 |
323 |
322 |
321 |
20.6 |
24.6 |
26.3 |
School Averages |
Margaret Mead Junior High |
N/A |
N/A |
245 |
N/A |
N/A |
313 |
N/A |
N/A |
25.4 |
Link Elementary |
290 |
285 |
N/A |
371 |
366 |
N/A |
20.9 |
25.4 |
N/A |
Stevenson Elementary |
315 |
303 |
N/A |
337 |
359 |
N/A |
20.4 |
25.2 |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Schaumburg Elementary School District 54 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
250 |
253 |
258 |
252 |
District Averages |
281 |
282 |
310 |
289 |
School Averages |
Margaret Mead Junior High |
N/A |
288 |
N/A |
293 |
Link Elementary |
287 |
N/A |
314 |
N/A |
Stevenson Elementary |
303 |
N/A |
347 |
N/A |
Arlington Heights C. C. School District 59 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
C. C. School District 59
2123 S. Arlington Hgts. Rd.
Arlington Hgts., IL 60005
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Special Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Early Childhood (Developmentally Delayed Preschoolers), Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Hot Lunch Program, Summer School, Gifted Program, (grades 4-8), grades 2-3 - Enrichment Program, Tutoring, Extra-Curricular Activities, Band (grade 5 & up), Orchestra (grade 4 & up), Counseling, Sports, Computer Literacy, Foreign Language (grades 6-8, French, German & Spanish), PTA, Preschool Screening.
Features: Library, Computers/Computer Lab(s), Music Room/Area, Gym(s), Art Room/Area, Handicapped Accessible, Cafeteria.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Special Education, Music, P.E., Library, Gifted/Talented, Social Work.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Foreign Language (Spanish, French), Library.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Gifted/Talented students.
Extracurricular: Orchestra, Band, Sports.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
Web Site Address: http://www.elk-grove.k12.il.us/
District Schools
(Elk Grove only):Grove Junior High
. 777 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60056, 847-593-4367Web Site Address: http://www.elk-grove.k12.il.us/schoolweb/grove/
Admiral Richard E. Byrd Elementary
. 265 Wellington Ave., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-593-4388.Web Site Address
: http://www.elk-grove.k12.il.us/schoolweb/byrd/Clearmont Elementary
. 280 Clearmont Dr., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-593-4372.Web Site Address: http://www.elk-grove.k12.il.us/schoolweb/clearmont/
Rupley Elementary
. 305 E. Oakton Rd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-593-4353.Web Site Address: http://www.elk-grove.k12.il.us/schoolweb/rupley/
Salt Creek Elementary
. 65 Kennedy Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, 847-593-4375School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Grove Junior High |
6-8 |
932 |
6,558 |
409 |
33.9% |
66.1% |
17.8:1 |
$7,563 |
Richard E Byrd Elementary |
K-5 |
464 |
6,558 |
409 |
33.9% |
66.1% |
17.8:1 |
$7,563 |
Clearmont Elementary |
K-5 |
573 |
6,558 |
409 |
33.9% |
66.1% |
17.8:1 |
$7,563 |
Rupley Elementary |
K-5 |
498 |
6,558 |
409 |
33.9% |
66.1% |
17.8:1 |
$7,563 |
Salt Creek Elementary |
PK-5 |
490 |
6,558 |
409 |
33.9% |
66.1% |
17.8:1 |
$7,563 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Arlington Heights Elementary School District 59 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
248 |
237 |
287 |
282 |
290 |
18.7 |
22.6 |
24.5 |
District Averages |
299 |
274 |
262 |
336 |
343 |
350 |
20.6 |
24.3 |
25.9 |
School Averages |
Grove Junior High |
N/A |
287 |
269 |
N/A |
350 |
350 |
N/A |
24.3 |
25.8 |
Richard E Byrd Elementary |
264 |
N/A |
N/A |
309 |
N/A |
N/A |
19.8 |
N/A |
N/A |
Clearmont Elementary |
300 |
N/A |
N/A |
347 |
N/A |
N/A |
21.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Rupley Elementary |
273 |
N/A |
N/A |
298 |
N/A |
N/A |
19 |
N/A |
N/A |
Salt Creek Elementary |
336 |
N/A |
N/A |
355 |
N/A |
N/A |
23.4 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Arlington Heights Elementary School District 59 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
251 |
260 |
269 |
261 |
District Averages |
299 |
279 |
323 |
282 |
School Averages |
Grove Junior High |
N/A |
282 |
N/A |
281 |
Richard E Byrd Elementary |
333 |
N/A |
348 |
N/A |
Clearmont Elementary |
295 |
N/A |
307 |
N/A |
Rupley Elementary |
286 |
N/A |
324 |
N/A |
Salt Creek Elementary |
299 |
N/A |
334 |
N/A |
Private Schools
Editor's Note
: Annual tuition quoted in this table is for one child, Full-day Kindergarten (if available)/Grades 1-8 for Elementary Schools and Grades 9-12 for High Schools. For Catholic Schools, annual tuition quoted is for parishioners. For other denominations, annual tuition quoted is for members (whenever there is a difference between member/nonmember tuition). Any school with an asterisk (*) offers before- and/or after-school care. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Grade Levels |
Tuition |
Queen of the Rosary School |
690 Elk Grove Blvd. |
847-437-3322 |
K - 8th. |
$1625 |
Child Care & Preschool Programs
Editor's Note
: Tuition quoted is the weekly rate for full-time care. Codes in parenthesis: I for Infant, T for Toddler, 2 for Age 2, P for Preschool (Ages 2-5 or 3-5), K for Kindergarten, SA for school-age. For part-time preschool programs (2, 3, or 5 mornings or afternoons per week), the tuition quoted is monthly, with 2x, 3x, or 5x in parenthesis to indicate the number of days per week for each program. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct. For any categories that are blank, please call the center for that information.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Ages Enrolled |
Hours |
Tuition |
La Petite Academy |
1030 Nerge Rd. |
847-307-0460 |
6 weeks to 12 |
6:00 - 6:00 |
$147 (I), $132 (T) |
KinderCare |
800 S. Arlington Heights Rd. |
847-956-7123 |
6 weeks to 12 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
$159 (I) |
Boulevard Preschool |
554 Devon Ave. |
847-640-1686 |
2 to 6 |
7:00 - 6:00 |
$120 (2), $123 (P) |
Child Development Center |
10 King St. |
847-640-6679 |
6 weeks to 11 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
$145 (I), $125 (T), $115 (2), $105 (P), $95 (K, before- & after-school); $70 (SA) |
Children's World |
1050 Bonaventure Dr. |
847-351-0202 |
6 weeks to 12 |
6:15 - 6:00 |
$159 (I), $139 (T), $128 (2), $118 (P), $102 (K), $69 (SA) |
Learning Circle Preschool |
600 E. Elk Grove Blvd. |
847-981-9266 |
3 to 5 |
9:15 - 2:45 |
$68 (2x), $102 (3x) |
Church of the Holy Spirit Nursery School |
666 Elk Grove Blvd. |
847-437-1666 |
2 1/2 to 5 |
9:15 - 3:30 |
$30 (Tot class, 1x/week); $95 (Preschool); $115 (Kindergarten) |
Alexian Brothers Hospital Child Care Center |
901 W. Biesterfield Rd. |
847-981-5929 |
6 weeks to 5 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
Elk Grove Twp. Community Day Care Center |
711 Chelmsford Lane |
847-439-5571 |
3 months to 11 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
$163 (I); $150 (T); $135 (P, 2-3); $121 (P, 4-5) |
Elk Grove Village Park District
499 W. Biesterfield Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Equipment/Physical Features
: Swimming Pool(s), Outdoor Playground(s), Gym(s), Sports Fields, Tennis Court(s), Volleyball Court(s), Basketball Court(s), Ice Rink(s).Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Swimming, Baseball, Football, Arts & Crafts, Soccer, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Tennis, Music, Reading/Stories, Theater, Dance, Karate.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Fitness, Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, Arts & Crafts, Tennis, Dance, Karate, Golf, Racquetball.
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Men's Group, Women's Group, Game Days, Crafts, Trips, Bridge, Tours, Fitness, Transportation, Speakers, Newsletter.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Developmentally Delayed, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired.
Special Services: Adapted Materials, Remedial Help, Adapted Equipment (Member of Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA), located at 3000 W. Central Rd., Ste. 205 in Rolling Meadows, 847-392-2848).
Other Services: Preschool, Child Care, Summer Day Camp.