Buffalo Grove Community Guide
Community Overview
Buffalo Grove is a village of about 40,000 30 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. Originally named for the buffalo that used to graze here, the town now features residential development at various price ranges and an active Park District program. Schoolchildren attend district 102 and 96 (Lake County) or district 21 (Cook County). High School age students go to Adlai Stevenson High, District 125, in Lake County or Buffalo Grove High, District 214, in Cook County. (See below for details on schools).
Transportation needs are served by area highways (I-294/Tri-State Tollway, I-53, I-90/Northwest Tollway), and major local roads (Dundee Rd., I-83/Elmhurst Rd.). Commuter service to downtown is provided Metra at the Arlington Heights or Deerfield stations. Local bus service is available from PACE. The RTA Travel Info. Number is 1-800-972-7000.
Important Phone Numbers:
Village Hall: 847-459-2500 NICOR: 847-490-8900
Commonwealth Edison: 1-800-334-7661 Ameritech (Phone): 1-800-942-8163.
Fire Dept. For emergencies, 911. Otherwise, 847-537-0995
Police Dept.: 911 for emergencies. Otherwise, 847-459-2560
Public Library: Indian Trails - 335 S. Schoenbeck Rd., Wheeling, 847-459-4100
Vernon Area - 300 Olde Half Day Rd., Lincolnshire, 847-634-3650
Good Shepherd Hospital: 847-831-9600 Northwest Community Hospital: 847-259-1000
Lutheran General Hospital: 847-696-2210 Alexian Brothers Medical Center: 847-437-5500
Web Site Addresses:
http://www.co.lake.il.us/planning/communit/buffalo.htm, http://www.vbg.org/Adlai Stevenson High School District 125 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Adlai Stevenson High - District 125
2 Stevenson Dr.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, English as a Second Language (ESL), Foreign Language, Extra-Curricular Activities, Learning Centers, Gifted Program, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Sports, Counseling, Special Education, Tutoring, (Learning Disabled Students), Summer School, Computer Literacy.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores table below.
Features: Auditorium/Stage, Swimming Pool, Cafeteria, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Computers/Computer Lab(s), Art Room/Area, Music Room/Area, Gym(s).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Vocational Education, Guidance, Special Education, Gifted/Talented.
Curriculum/Courses: Basic Math, Consumer Math, Technical Math, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, World, U.S. History, Civics, Sociology, Psychology, Current Social Issues, Natural Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Spanish, French, German, Art, P.E.
Elective Courses: Discrete Math, Computer Science, Advanced Statistics, Speech, Creative Writing, Journalism, World Literature, Political Thought, World Masterpieces, Yearbook Production, Literary Analysis, Spanish, French, German, Dance, Typing/Word Processing, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Business Law, Marketing, Office Technologies, Entrepeneurship, Foods, Child Development, Clothing & Design, Interior Decorating, Introduction to Desktop Publishing, Technical Drawing, Graphic Arts, Technology Education Survey. Lake County Area Vocational Center (LCAVC) Courses: Administrative Office Technology, Air Conditioning/Heating/ Refrigeration, Automotive Mechanics, Auto Body, Building Maintenance, Building Trades, Business Data Processing, Child Care, Computer Assisted Drafting, Commercial Food Service, Cosmetology, Electronic Equipment Repair, Graphic Communications, Health Care Assisting, Industrial Electrical System, Machine Shop, Media Specialist, Medical Assisting, Ornamental Horticulture, Principles of Technology, Small Engine Repair, Welding Fabrication.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Mildly/Moderately Retarded, Physically Handicapped, Emotionally Disturbed, Behavior Disordered, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired, Learning Disabled students. (All services except for Learning Disabilities provided through the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL)). Counseling, Tutoring provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, School Clubs, Theater/Drama, Band, Orchestra, Chorus.
Web Site Address: http://www.district125.k12.il.us/
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Adlai E Stevenson High |
9-12 |
3,121 |
3,121 |
188 |
21.5% |
78.5% |
17.5:1 |
$9,997 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Stevenson High School District 125 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Averages |
228 |
264 |
26.2 |
263 |
249 |
81.8% |
21.5 |
District Averages |
293 |
349 |
29 |
322 |
320 |
97.2% |
24.4 |
School Averages |
Adlai E Stevenson High |
293 |
349 |
29 |
322 |
320 |
97.2% |
24.4 |
Arlington Township High School District 214 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Arlington Township High School District 214
2121 Goebbert Rd.
Arlington Hgts., IL 60005
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Computer Literacy, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Special Education, Counseling, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Sports, Extra-Curricular Activities, Foreign Language, Hot Lunch Program, Gifted Program, English as a Second Language (ESL).
Accreditation: Yes. North Central Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools (NCACSS).
Features: Handicapped Accessible, Music Room/Area, Computers/Computer Lab(s), Gym(s), Library, Auditorium/Stage, Outdoor Stadium/Arena, Cafeteria, Art Room/Area.
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Guidance, Special Education, Social Work, Library, Gifted/Talented, Nurse.
Curriculum/Courses: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Foreign Language, Vocational Education.
Elective Courses: Journalism, Creative Writing, Sociology. Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Typing/Word Processing, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Automotive, Carpentry, Painting, Sculpture, Photography.
Honors/AP Courses: Math, Science, English, Foreign Language, Social Science, History.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation, Summer Camp.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Learning Disabled, Mild/Moderately Retarded, Gifted/Talented, Emotionally Disturbed, Behavior Disordered, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired students. Speech Therapy, Tutoring, Counseling provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, Theater/Drama, Orchestra, Band, Chorus, School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
Web Site Address: http://www.dist214.k12.il.us/
District Schools
(Buffalo Grove only):Buffalo Grove High School
. 1100 W. Dundee Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-541-5400.Web Site Address
: http://bghs.dist214.k12.il.us/Vanguard School
(Alternative school combining academics with career education and community service).Web Site Address: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/vanguard/vdb.html
Forest View Alternative School
(for students experiencing difficulty in the regular high school programs).Web Site Address: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/fvas/default.html
Nipper Career Education Center
Web Site Address
: http://www3.dist214.k12.il.us/nipper/default.htmlSchool System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Buffalo Grove High |
9-12 |
1,955 |
10,719 |
697 |
19.2% |
80.8% |
18.6:1 |
$12,726 |
IGAP Scores - 10th. Grade Reading-Writing-Math; 11th. Grade Science-Social Studies
Arlington Heights School District 214 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 10 |
IGAP Scores - Grade 11 |
Graduation Rate |
ACT Composite |
Subjects |
Reading |
Math |
Writing |
Science |
Social Studies |
Statewide Average |
228 |
264 |
26.2 |
263 |
249 |
81.8% |
21.5 |
District Average |
257 |
306 |
27.8 |
280 |
276 |
86.7% |
22.5 |
School Averages |
Buffalo Grove High |
276 |
332 |
28.3 |
292 |
288 |
90.1% |
23.4 |
Kildeer Countryside C C School District 96 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year.
Kildeer Countryside C C School District 96
1050 Ivy Hall Lane.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Special Education, Gifted Program (Grade 6 & up), Computer Literacy, Counseling, Foreign Language (Grades 7-8), Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Early Childhood, (Special Education), Preschool Screening, Orchestra (Grade 4 & up), Band (Grade 6 & up), Sports, Extra-Curricular Activities, PTA, Tutoring, (Chapter 1 Math), Summer School, English as a Second Language (ESL).
Features: Music Room/Area, Gym(s), Art Room/Area, Library, Auditorium/Stage, Cafeteria, Outdoor Playground, Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Special Education, Guidance, Social Work, Nurse, Gifted/Talented.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library, Computers, Health.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Learning Disabled, Gifted students. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counseling (Some services provided through the Special Education District 96 of Lake County or SEDOL).
Extracurricular: Orchestra, Band, Sports, School Clubs.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Table below.
Web Site Address: http://www.kildeer.district96.k12.il.us/
District Schools:
Twin Groves Junior High
. 2600 N. Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-821-8946.Web Site Address
: http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Ivy Hall Middle School
. 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-459-0022.Web Site Address
: http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us/Prairie Elementary
. 1530 Brandywyn Lane, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-634-3144.Web Site Address
: http://www.prairie.district96.k12.il.us/Willow Grove Elementary
. 777 Checker Dr., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-541-3660.Web Site Address
: http://www.willowgrove.district96.k12.il.us/Kildeer Countryside School
. Box 3100 RFD, Long Grove, IL 60047, 847-634-3243.Web Site Address
: http://www.kildeer.district96.k12.il.us/School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Ivy Hall Middle |
5-6 |
834 |
3,607 |
214 |
43.2% |
56.8% |
18.8:1 |
$5,552 |
Twin Groves Junior High |
7-8 |
816 |
3,607 |
214 |
43.2% |
56.8% |
18.8:1 |
$5,552 |
Willow Grove Elementary |
K-4 |
564 |
3,607 |
214 |
43.2% |
56.8% |
18.8:1 |
$5,552 |
Kildeer Countryside Elementary |
PK-4 |
735 |
3,607 |
214 |
43.2% |
56.8% |
18.8:1 |
$5,552 |
Prairie Elementary |
PK-4 |
658 |
3,607 |
214 |
43.2% |
56.8% |
18.8:1 |
$5,552 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grade
Kildeer Elementary School District 96 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
248 |
237 |
287 |
282 |
290 |
18.7 |
22.6 |
24.5 |
District Averages |
303 |
290 |
283 |
354 |
340 |
356 |
22 |
24.6 |
27.2 |
School Averages |
Ivy Hall Middle |
N/A |
290 |
N/A |
N/A |
340 |
N/A |
N/A |
24.6 |
N/A |
Twin Groves Junior High |
N/A |
N/A |
283 |
N/A |
N/A |
356 |
N/A |
N/A |
27.2 |
Willow Grove Elementary |
295 |
N/A |
N/A |
341 |
N/A |
N/A |
21.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Kildeer Countryside Elementary |
308 |
N/A |
N/A |
352 |
N/A |
N/A |
22.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Prairie Elementary |
306 |
N/A |
N/A |
369 |
N/A |
N/A |
22.4 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Kildeer Elementary School District 96 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
N/A |
260 |
269 |
261 |
District Averages |
292 |
306 |
332 |
339 |
School Averages |
Ivy Hall Middle |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Twin Groves Junior High |
N/A |
306 |
N/A |
339 |
Willow Grove Elementary |
305 |
N/A |
359 |
N/A |
Kildeer Countryside Elementary |
288 |
N/A |
316 |
N/A |
Prairie Elementary |
286 |
N/A |
326 |
N/A |
Aptakisic-Tripp C C School District 102 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year).
Aptakisic-Tripp School District 102
1231 Weiland Rd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Hot Lunch Program, Tutoring, Extra-Curricular Activities, Sports, Special Education, Computer Literacy, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, P.E. Classes, Counseling, PTA, Early Childhood, Preschool Screening, Gifted Program, Band, Orchestra, Chorus (Junior High for preceding three), Before/After-School Care (Grades K-6), English as a Second Language (ESL).
Features: Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Gym(s), Library, Auditorium/Stage, Cafeteria, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-6).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus Art, Music, P.E., Library, Special Education, Social Work, Gifted/Talented, Guidance.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
Special Needs: Counseling, Speech Therapy, Tutoring (including Reading & Math Labs at the elementary level) provided.
Extracurricular: Sports, School Clubs, Band, Chorus, Theater/Drama, After-School Activities Program (Junior High), Club Meridian (Middle School).
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools:
Aptakisic Junior High
. 1231 Weiland Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-634-5300.Meridian Middle School. 2195 Brandywyn., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-634-1050.
Tripp Elementary School. 850 Highland Grove, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-634-3580.
Earl Pritchett School. 200 Horatio Blvd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-520-0870.
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Aptakisic Junior High |
7-8 |
602 |
2,614 |
160 |
34.2% |
65.8% |
18.6:1 |
$6,669 |
Pritchett Elementary |
K-4 |
702 |
2,614 |
160 |
34.2% |
65.8% |
18.6:1 |
$6,669 |
Tripp Elementary |
PK-4 |
710 |
2,614 |
160 |
34.2% |
65.8% |
18.6:1 |
$6,669 |
Meridian Middle |
5-6 |
600 |
2,614 |
160 |
34.2% |
65.8% |
18.6:1 |
$6,669 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Aptakasic-Tripp Elementary School District 102 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
248 |
237 |
287 |
282 |
290 |
18.7 |
22.6 |
24.5 |
District Averages |
285 |
283 |
273 |
332 |
346 |
334 |
21.1 |
26.1 |
28.2 |
School Averages |
Aptakisic Junior High |
N/A |
N/A |
273 |
N/A |
N/A |
334 |
N/A |
N/A |
28.2 |
Pritchett Elementary |
285 |
N/A |
N/A |
331 |
N/A |
N/A |
21.8 |
N/A |
N/A |
Tripp Elementary |
285 |
N/A |
N/A |
333 |
N/A |
N/A |
22.5 |
N/A |
N/A |
Meridian Middle |
N/A |
283 |
N/A |
N/A |
346 |
N/A |
N/A |
26.1 |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Aptakasic-Tripp Elementary School District 102 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
251 |
260 |
269 |
261 |
District Averages |
299 |
293 |
338 |
261 |
School Averages |
Aptakisic Junior High |
N/A |
293 |
N/A |
307 |
Pritchett Elementary |
311 |
N/A |
346 |
N/A |
Tripp Elementary |
289 |
N/A |
331 |
N/A |
Meridian Middle |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Wheeling C. C. School District 21 - School District Report
All IGAP Test Scores are from the '97/'98 school year).
Wheeling C. C. School District 21
999 W. Dundee Rd.
Wheeling, IL 60090
School System Statistics
: See table below.District-Wide Programs: Preschool Screening, Science Discovery Center, Computer Literacy, P.E. Classes, Special Education, Hot Lunch Program, Art Instruction, Music Instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL), Early Childhood.
Features: Music Room/Area, Art Room/Area, Library, Gym(s), Computer(s)/Computer Lab(s), Auditorium/Stage, Cafeteria, Outdoor Playground (Grades K-5).
Personnel: Teachers in academic curriculum areas, plus P.E., Special Education, Art, Music, Library.
Curriculum: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, P.E., Library.
Extras: Hot Lunch, Field Trips, Transportation.
IGAP Test Scores (Average): See IGAP Scores Tables below.
District Schools
(Buffalo Grove only):Cooper Middle School
. 1050 Plum Grove Circle, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-520-2750.Joyce Kilmer Elementary. 655 Golfview Terrace, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-520-2760
Henry W Longfellow Elementary. 501 S. Arlington Hgts. Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-520-2755
School System Statistics
School Name |
Grade Levels |
Enrollment - School/District |
Number of teachers (district) |
District % teachers with Bach. Degree only |
District % teachers with Master's & above Degree |
District Ave. - Pupil/ Teacher Ratio |
District Per-Pupil Cost |
Cooper Middle |
6-8 |
680 |
7,152 |
471 |
45.8% |
54.2% |
17.2:1 |
$6,912 |
Joyce Kilmer Elementary |
K-5 |
553 |
7,152 |
471 |
45.8% |
54.2% |
17.2:1 |
$6,912 |
Henry W Longfellow Elementary |
K-5 |
467 |
7,152 |
471 |
45.8% |
54.2% |
17.2:1 |
$6,912 |
IGAP Scores - Reading-Math-Writing, 3rd, 6th. & 8th. Grades
Wheeling Elementary School District 21 |
IGAP Scores - Reading |
IGAP Scores - Math |
IGAP Scores - Writing |
Grades |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Statewide Averages |
246 |
229 |
227 |
287 |
280 |
288 |
18.7 |
22.7 |
24.7 |
District Averages |
301 |
256 |
241 |
332 |
328 |
322 |
20.6 |
25.4 |
26.6 |
School Averages |
Cooper Middle |
N/A |
266 |
259 |
N/A |
344 |
337 |
N/A |
25.8 |
26.5 |
Joyce Kilmer Elementary |
289 |
N/A |
N/A |
313 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Henry W Longfellow Elementary |
350 |
N/A |
N/A |
391 |
N/A |
N/A |
23.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
IGAP Scores - Science-Social Studies, 4th & 7th. Grades
Wheeling Elementary School District 21 |
IGAP Scores Science |
IGAP Scores Social Studies |
Grades |
4 |
7 |
4 |
7 |
Statewide Averages |
251 |
253 |
269 |
252 |
District Averages |
256 |
266 |
281 |
270 |
School Averages |
Cooper Middle |
N/A |
270 |
N/A |
287 |
Joyce Kilmer Elementary |
292 |
N/A |
322 |
N/A |
Henry W Longfellow Elementary |
306 |
N/A |
351 |
N/A |
Private Schools
Editor's Note
: Annual tuition quoted in this table is for one child, Full-day Kindergarten (if available)/Grades 1-8 for Elementary Schools and Grades 9-12 for High Schools. For Catholic Schools, annual tuition quoted is for parishioners. For other denominations, annual tuition quoted is for members (whenever there is a difference between member/nonmember tuition). Any school with an asterisk (*) offers before- and/or after-school care. While we make a reasonable effort to maintain accuracy, we don't guarantee that all information is correct.
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Grade Levels |
Tuition |
St. Mary School* |
50 N. Buffalo Grove |
847-459-6270 |
K - 8th. |
$1733 |
Child Care & Preschool Programs
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Ages Enrolled |
Hours |
Tuition |
Buffalo Grove Montessori School |
950 Ellen St. |
847-541-8111 |
6 weeks to 6 |
7:00 - 6:00 |
Little Bison Day Care Center |
1100 W. Dundee Rd. |
847-718-4190 |
2 to 5 |
7:00 - 4:15 |
$120. Note: Center is closed summers & school holidays. |
Children's World |
651 W. Busch Rd. |
847-459-6995 |
15 months to 12 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
$159 (T), $172 (2), $146 (P) |
KinderCare |
1395 N. Arlington Heights Rd. |
847-541-3230 |
6 weeks to 12 |
6:30 - 6:00 |
$189 (I); $165 (T); $145 (2); $132 (P) |
Miss Muffet's Nursery School |
401 W. Dundee Rd. |
847-394-4849 |
3 to 5 |
9:00 - 3:00 |
$88 (2x); $98 (3x) |
Rainbow Path Early Learning Center |
1141 N. Arlington Hgts. Rd. |
847-541-7666 |
6 weeks to 10 |
6:45 - 6:00 |
$183 (I); $161 (T); $163 (2); $137 (P, K); $81 (SA, before- & after-school) |
Buffalo Grove Park District
530 Bernard Dr.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Equipment/Physical Features
: Handicapped Accessible, (Indoor Facilities), Swimming Pool(s), Tennis Court(s), Sports Fields, Ice Rink(s), Gym(s), Outdoor Playground(s).Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Arts & Crafts, Music, Cooking, Reading/Stories, Science, Computers, Fitness, Theater, Ballet, Dance, Guitar, Piano, Horseback Riding, Gymnastics, Baton, Babysitting, Nutrition, Judo, Yoga, Basketball, Karate, Hockey, Wrestling, Swimming, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Football, Tennis.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Yoga, Dance, Arts & Crafts, Fashion/Appearance, Singing, Gardening, Computers, Horseback Riding, CPR, Pet Obedience Training, Karate, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Judo, Fitness, Swimming.
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Yoga, Bridge, Bingo, Speakers, Trips, Tours, Newsletter, Driving, Euchre, Pinochle, Fitness, Nutrition, Transportation.
Special Needs: Physically Handicapped, Developmentally Delayed, Hearing-Impaired, Sight-Impaired.
Special Services: Adapted Materials, Adapted Equipment, Remedial Help, Member of Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA), 847-392-2848.
Other Services: Child Care, Preschool, Summer Day Camp.
Web Site Address
: http://nsn.nslsilus.org/wgkhome/BGPARK/Northwest Suburban Jewish Community Center
1250 Radcliffe Rd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Equipment/Physical Features
: Gym(s), Outdoor Playground(s), Sports Fields.Parent/Tot & Children's Classes/Leagues/Camps: Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Fitness, Ballet, Dance, Piano, Reading/Stories, Bowling, Arts & Crafts, Gymnastics, Babysitting.
Adult Classes/Leagues/Activities: Hebrew, New Adult School (Jewish Education), Parenting (S.T.E.P.), Fitness, CPR, Dance, Bridge, Mah Jongg, Current Events, Novel/Short Story Discussions, Men's Club, Arts & Crafts, Financial Planning, Cooking, Basketball, Bowling, Piano.
Senior Adult Classes/Clubs/Services/Programs: Couples Club, Trips.
Other Services: Child Care, Preschool.
Other Recreational Facilities
The village operates two municipal Golf Courses: Buffalo Grove Golf Club, 48 Raupp Blvd., adjacent to Village Hall, and the Arboretum Golf Course, 401 Half Day Road. Buffalo Grove Gymnastics Center, 1362 Barclay Blvd., 847-459-88422, offers gymnastics instruction for all ages as well as competitive gymnastics.