About Myself and My Family

Hi!  We are a family of seven:  Mom and Dad and five children aged 11 to 20 years. We have a Shetland Sheepdog. We also have a gecko and a turtle which are being raised for 4-H.

We keep ourselves busy in lots of ways.  My younger two are in 4-H Club. Our younger sons are in Scouts.  

My youngest son has Asperger's Syndrome. As he is on the Autistic Spectrum, he has trouble with Social Skills, but is brilliant in so many other ways. He has a very unique way of looking at the world.

My oldest son is allergic to the artificial food colorings:  blue #1, red #3, and yellow #5. They cause hyperactivity and make him feel unwell. They cause skin irritation when present in hand creams and the like. Caffeine and cinnamon complicate the problem as they are stimulants, so we have had to limit them. After a lot of research, I learned that these particular early dyes are made from coal tars and are also carcinogens.  Therefore, I don't want any family members to ingest them and am always looking for ideas/alternate ways to color food, such as beet juice or grape juice...   He doesn't have any known natural food allergies. Holidays such as Valentines (lotsa red#3) and Halloween are the hardest to deal with.  My son has had to learn to read every label. Even white marshmallows have blue dye in them!

I am interested in Energy Medicine and am a Reiki Practitioner.

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Contact us at ce.aller@verizon.net

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