Anacapa Island has beautiful, rugged rocks and cliffs, mysterious caves,
a picutesque arched rock and a lighthouse, many things to keep a budding
photographer and lighthouse buff entertained! |
The Vanguard took us around the east end of the island and to get there
we had to go around the big arched rock stationed there. |
Many birds spend their time on and around this rock. We saw mostly
sea gulls and pelicans although I think I saw a killdeer or two and perhaps
a merganser. |
When we reached the southeast side of the island we saw harbour seals.
I don't know if you can see them on the rocks below. I can but I know where
to look and they are very, very rock colored. There are seven of them in
all. I recommend looking at the bigger picture if you really want to see
them. |
After we said hello to the harbor seals we went to the other side of
the island to Landing Cove. I wish I'd gotten a picture of it but I was
so busy making my way to the ladder that I forgot. We climbed a short
ladder up to a platform and then climbed the 153 steps up to the top of
the island. Anacapa island is surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs which
makes it quite a climb and quite picturesque at the same time. |
The first thing I spotted on the island was the lighthouse. We couldn't
go near it though because it has a very loud foghorn. This is because the
cloud cover is very unpredictable there and the foghorn works better than
the light. |
I think it is beautiful! |
There are several buildings on Anacapa Island. There is a small museum
and a gift shop and quarters used to house researchers. While we were there
the gift shop was not open but I hear they have it open during the normal
tourist season. There are trails around the island and people are urged
to stay on them. Many of the plants on the island are unique to the Channel
Islands and they are doing their best to preserve them. One of the more
interesting buildings (not pictured) on the island looks like a church
but it was built around two redwood water tanks. It was built in a church
style to prevent people from shooting at the tanks. Fortunately, they don't
have to worry about people shooting at them anymore. |
Most of the plants we saw were dormant. The one plant that seemed to
be taking over was the ice plant. The dry, brown stuff in the picture here
is dormant Coreopsis. I would like to go back in the spring and see Anacapa
Island in bloom. I'm sure it is beautiful! |
This is my favorite picture. In my photo at home you can see down in
the bottom, righthand corner a group of sea lions. This was taken off of
Pinniped Point. The barking of the sea lions can easily be heard from the
top of the cliff and the view is spectacular! Sea lions were swimming in
the clear blue water and basking on the rocks below. |
Here is my husband, Gary, with our two kids, Ryan and Kristen, at Inspiration
Point. From here you can see all the other Channel Islands. Here, lets
get these people to move out of the way so you can see what it really looks
like. |
Here it is! There are trips similar to the one we went on that go to
the other islands. I'd like to try one of them another time. |
Here is a gull we met on our walk around the island. There was plenty
to see and we stayed busy the whole time learning history, geography, biology,
ecology and having a great time doing it. |
Here we are back at the lighthouse and time to head back to Ventura.
I hope you enjoyed your cyber-visit to Anacapa Island. Next time you're
in California take a look around. You don't have to get on a boat to see
some spectacular scenery. And if you get a chance DO get on a boat and
visit one of the many islands off our lovely coast! |