In Loving Memory of  
David IsaacYorty 
David was killed in a one car accident at approximately 2:50a.m. on August 5, 1997
less than 1/2 mile from his home in Westfield, MA. 
It has been  
since David's accident.
"Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us consider the two possibilities. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Hesitate not, then, to wager that He is." Blaise Pascal,(1623-1662)

This is the approximate location of David's car accident on Montgomery Road in Westfield, MA on August 5, 1997.  


  Dave's On-line Photo Album 

Dave's accident report  

Newspaper Photo of Dave's car  

 Jesse's Webpage
 David Isaac Yorty 
David Isaac Yorty 
March 18, 1979 - August 5, 1997 
Remember to set a bookmark and come back to visit Dave's webpage as often as you like !

A trust fund has been established by David's father to provide a monetary award in David's name for the graduating senior wrestler with the highest GPA at David's high school in Westfield, MA. Awards are presented by David's brother, Jesse R. Yorty
for more information please send email to: Tim Yorty

1998 David Isaac Yorty Memorial Award Recipient: David M. Hadley

 1999 David Isaac Yorty Memorial Award Recipient: Daniel Deery

 2000 David Isaac Yorty Memorial Award Recipient: Kevin Kelleher

2001 David Isaac Yorty Memorial Award Recipient: Jesse Robert Yorty

Trust Fund Contributors:
David's Dad - Timothy Yorty
Jackson National Life Insurance Company IT Support Services Staff 
Pat and Sue Romeo
Len and Kay Yorty
Tom and Carol Yorty and sons.
Mr. & Mrs. - Nescopeck, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biacchi - Berwick, PA
Ms. Jennie Romeo - Berwick, PA
Ms. Christine Woods - Holt, MI

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