I want to introduce you to the wonderful people in my life that I am fortunate enough to call my Family...All of them are so very special to me~~Without them I would not be the person that I am today and I thank God for each of them...

On Tuesday, March 13th, 1984 at 3:07 PM I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy whom I named Nathan Charles...He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 21-1/2" long...Today that baby is 17 yrs old and is 6'2" and 185 lbs + *BG*
Nate is my only biological child and I couldn't have asked for a better kid. I never married Nate's dad and Nate & I moved into our own home when he was just 5 yrs old...For a single mother he has been the very best kid to raise, always helpful, never in trouble *Thanking God*
He is going into his Senior year at Ellet High School here in Akron, taking Auto Tech as a vocational subject, and working for Goodyear Gemini.
Nate has his own homepage that you can visit by following the link below.

Ed would be next here~~~I met Ed in February of 1994~~~and I married him on June 18th, 1994...and I'm going to keep him for about 30-40 more years *s*....
Knowing that sometimes stepfathers and stepsons do not get along, I am most fortunate that these two share common interests and although they get on one anothers nerves at times, I know they have a love for each other and again, I thank God for that...*s*

My stepchildren~~~Frank Jr., Nates big brother, Ed's daughters Leah who is 20 and Angel who is 13
Hmmmm...she didn't say much about her stepchildren did she? hehehe

My parents~~~Chuck and Janet~~~They've been married for 43 years and are still in love...Not many people can say that, eh? *s*
They raised their family the best they knew how and we all turned out pretty well~~No axe murderers, no bank robbers, just decent working class folks. *g*
They live about 200 miles from us now and we don't get to see them as much as we would like, but holidays are wonderful and we get to take mini-vacations to their place in PA on weekends

I have an older brother, Dennis, who is one of my best friends in all the world....he just moved back to Ohio from Arizona and just began working for the same company as I, as the Warehouse guy/laborer/material delivery guy

My younger sister, Wendy and her husband Roy have blessed us with 5, yes, I said 5 children ~laughing~ His, Her's & Ours *BG* Wendy's first daughter, (and I claim second mother status) Ashley, 12, Roy's daughter Alexis, 18, son's Andrew, 8 & Christopher, 7, and last but not least, our Beau Harrison who is 7 and such a pleasure *s*

And lets not forget the family pets *bg* We have Ricochet, a 3 yr old rott/terrior mix, Amos the anole, EJ, a 2 yr old iguana, and 2 parakeets we've had for a couple months and remain nameless...seems when you name them they die so I'm trying it this way *l*

Well, now you've met my family....We are a very close knit bunch, and I am so thankful that I have each and everyone of these people in my life...Earlier I said I was a single parent, but actually I haven't been~~~I've had all the help that a person could ask for.
To all the folks in my family~~I love each of you very much and hope that you feel that in everything I say and do *s*

Practice Random Kindness & Senseless Acts of Beauty--Anne Herbert

You are listening to Garth Brooks ~~If Tomorrow Never Comes~~
