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Hi, and welcome to my humble webhome *S* If you know me from the Chathouse, you know me as HIPS, (or a few other handles that some know...and some don't *W*) If you've ever visited my homepage thanks for coming back....this is the updated version. ~~Enjoy your stay~~

For those who don't already know it, my name is Terri...I was born on December 23, 1960 (do the math *g*)in Akron, Ohio, where I still live today, in the same house where I was raised (Yeah, so I'm not very adventurous...so what's your point? ~laughing~) I live here with my husband, Ed and my son Nathan (You can learn more about Ed, Nate and the rest of our family by following the Family link below)

We bought the house from my parents in May of '97 and we are very happy here. So, what did you do with your parents, Terri? you ask...well, they have moved to a (non-working) farm in La Jose, Pennsylvania where they have built a beautiful home for their retirement years. The farm, by the way, has been in my mother's family for over 200 years...talk about roots, eh? *s* Anyhow, its 23 acres of pure, blissful peace and quiet. My son escapes there for weeks at a time and Ed & I enjoy getting away and spending weekends there as much as we possibly can during the summer months.

I have varied interests. I enjoy my flower gardens...weeding can be very therapeutic, dontcha know *g*....I love to read anything scary ~Thanking God for Stephen King~...Love to bowl and am on a couples league with Ed ...I'm certainly not the best bowler in the world, but carrying a 142 average doesn't exactly make me a slouch either ~laughing~. Of course, I love to chat and have enjoyed actually meeting several of my *chat friends* in real time (You can meet some of my friends by following the Friends link below) Hmmmm...Sunday afternoon drives in Ed's '74 Roadrunner...movies~~Any kind really...My fav of all time being Steel Magnolias~~What a touching movie *sigh*....Music...Always have the stereo on...country, '70's & '80's Rock-n-Roll, Motown, Blues (and don't tell anyone but sometimes..when channel surfing...I'll stop for a few minutes on The Three Tenors..shhhhhhh!! ~grinning~)

I work for a small General Contracting firm here in Akron. We specialize in hospital renovations and additions. I have worked for this company for over 10 years~~off and on~~long, ugly story behind that one......It's a "Family" owned business and I've known the owners for over 20 years so I guess I'm pretty much family now too. I enjoy my work here very much and because I've had "real jobs" in the past I know that I could never survive "out there" so I'll be keeping this job for a long while ~laughing~

Well, enough about me~~~Please feel free to visit the other pages of my life by following the links below~~~Enjoy your stay *S* And sign the guestbook if you will~~~I like to know who's been here *S*

Backgrounds and buttons are here due to the generosity of LingerLonger, who selflessly made my homepage a beautiful place to visit *g* Thanks Linny *hugs*

Practice Random Kindness & Senseless Acts of Beauty--Anne Herbert

You are listening to Golden Earrings ~~Twilight Zone~~...Welcome to my world...*G*



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