Apply for Alana's Awards 
So are you looking for Awards?
Well you have come to the right place.
Please feel free to download the award of your choice to your webpage.
All I ask is the following:
1. Have a site suitable for veiwing by "children".
2. No (or very few) broken links.
3. Site must be "user-friendly".
4. Sign my guestbook.
5. Site should show some "creativity", not just links.
6. I've got to like it.(It is my award after all)
7. A link back to my site would be nice.
If you still feel like you would like to have one of my awards,
just save the award by clicking your right mouse button.
You can then download it to your webpage.
Please consider a link back to my page
Please e-mail to let me know where you place the award so that I can visit your site.
E-mail me here!">

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