5 Acre Home
Our Five Acre Home

October 2008

Five Acre Home's website is being rebuilt "from the ground up," since we've finally graduated from homeschooling and are going on to other activities in our lives.

The site will still feature a section containing our past homeschooling articles, but will now focus more on fiber arts, cooking, graphics, music, church and family activities and news. Many of these pages will be familiar ones, but I hope to add more as I am able to renew my involvement in various hobbies and interests.

One new activity is my involvement in the Pacific Northwest New Horizons Band (Olympia group). This is a wonderful nationwide organization begun a few years ago to encourage people "50 and better" to renew (or begin) their involvement in instrumental performance groups. Our group ranges from 53 to 85 years of age, and has progressed in less than 10 years from playing beginning band music at the first concert to playing ragtime, musical, big band, and even opera music this year! I am using the same alto saxophone I played in high school 40 years ago! The ability to play has come back to me pretty well, and I was glad to find I can still play without becoming winded. And, although my fingers aren't as limber as they used to be, they are getting better all the time!

I hope I can get most of the newly organized "old stuff" up quickly, as well as adding "new stuff" in a timely manner. Although I don't have homeschoolers in the house anymore, "free" time is still elusive. Besides my own activities, I now have 7 grandkids living next door, so I have a hunch I'll be able to keep my hand in at teaching for a few more years. I'll let you know how that goes, too!

May God bless you in all things, and may you always go to Him for help when you hit the rough spots in life, as well as when you just want to tell Him thanks for all the good things He's done for you.


Site last updated: 11-07-08
Site originated: June 7, 1997
Site redesigned: October 2008

If you have any questions, please contact me!