The History of the Jersey Shore surrounding Shark River, from Brielle to Asbury Park, originally published as a regular feature in "The Herald" Wall, N.J. between 1990 and 1992.
Postcard Views of the Palace and Ferris Wheel in Asbury Park.
![[Wesley lake and Palace from Ocean Grove about 1910 post card #1]](wesley_lake_palace_ferris_oceangrove.jpg)
Westley Lake and Palace from Ocean Grove. - 1900s
![[Wesley lake, Palace and Ferris Wheel from the Casino about 1906. post card #2]](wesley_lake_palace_ferriswheel_aspk.jpg)
Wesley Lake, Palace and Ferris Wheel from the Casino. - 1900s
![[Wesley lake, Palace and Ferris Wheel from the Casino 1906. post card #3]](wesley_palace_ferriswheel_1907_aspk.jpg)
The Palace and Casino from in front of the Casino. - 1907
![[Lake avenue looking west at Palace and Ferris Wheel 1908. post card #4]](lake_ave_palace_1908_aspk.jpg)
Lake avenue looking west from corners of Asbury ave, Lake ave and Ocean ave. - 1908
![[Lake avenue looking west at Palace and Ferris Wheel late 1930s. post card #5]](lake_ave_palace_aspk.jpg)
Lake avenue looking west from corners of Asbury ave, Lake ave and Ocean ave. - late 1930s
![[Wesley lake view of Palace and Ferris Wheel from the Casino side, 1906. post card #6]](wesley_lake_palace_1906_aspk.jpg)
Wesley Lake, looking north west toward Palace and Ferris Wheel. - 1906
![[Wesley lake view of Palace and Ferris Wheel from the Casino side, 1906. post card #7]](wesley_lake_ferriswheel_1906_aspk.jpg)
The Palace and Ferris Wheel looking from the head of Wesley Lake. - 1906
![[Wesley lake, Palace and Ferris Wheel from boats in front of the Casino. - 1942. post card #8]](wesley_boatride_palace_1942_aspk.jpg)
The Palace and Ferris Wheel looking from the head of Wesley Lake. - 1942
![[Wesley lake view west from the top of the Ferris Wheel. post card #9]](wesley_lake_from_ferriswheel_aspk.jpg)
View of Wesley lake west from the top of the Ferris Wheel. - 1920s
Tokens from the Palace Amusements. 1980s
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