This site is dedicated to Iggi Pink..

Iggi was approaching 13 years when he was diagnosed in April 2001 with a cancerous pelvic growth which restricted his colon and prevented normal bowel movement. At the time, he was the alpha cat in a household containing 17 other felines.

Iggi was born in Florence, SC, in 1988 and came to live with me in Raleigh, NC, while I was a graduate student at NCSU. He was a scrawny, coccidia-laden little puss. He wasn't more than an inflamed asshole on sticks. Since he looked like a cross between the Pink Panther and Jim Ignakowski of Taxi fame, the name Iggi Pink seemed appropriate. Lucky for us, the NCSU vet school provided us with some antibiotics and a recommendation for IAMS cat food. It did the trick.

Over his lifetime, Iggi traveled with me to Minnesota, then back to SC, until we found ourselves once again in NC. He made many friends and left a lasting impression on all that knew him. A consumate talker, Iggi was first to greet any guest with a few choice words and a shake or two of the tail. As the numbers in our household grew, Iggi always maintained his alpha status without a fight. It was apparent to everyone.

While each departure leaves a space that never fills with the same shape, life's flow continues. Iggi wasn't ready to go just yet, as was evident in August 2001 when Keeper, aka Punk, entered the scene. A road dump with a fractured hip, the Punkster is a silent little fella with an attitude. Although last in line, he has that unconcerned resolve befitting a alpha cat.

Last updated: January 04, 2002.

E-Mail: Iggi Pink