First, we should thank God that if we agree on the salvation of these people on the roll call, Our Father will bring about the opportunity for their salvations.
Praise God for the salvations we've already seen from the Roll Call.
Praise The Lord for all the ways that He shows His love for us!!
Below are some answered prayers, testimonies, and just a few of the countless reasons that we have to praise His name on High.
Praise God that Curt C. got some answers to some of his perplexing questions. He sold his truck for the price he was asking, plus he received a smaller truck and a TV for the RV that God recently blessed him with. Curt has been giving to God, and Curt is receiving it all back, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and RUNNING OVER!!
Praise God! Luckenbach was a success. The enemy fought hard against us, but we prevailed. The Love of Christ was apparant as many Christians gathered together and worshipped the Lord in one of the most widely publicized Country-Western "Sin City" in the world. Luckenbach is a party town, very small, but made famous by country singers like Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings. This year, history was made as Luckenback opened it's doors for the first time ever to Gospel music. Let me tell y'all, it was a blast! Although the finances even got screwed up, God worked it out as the owners were so impressed that they waived many of the costs that had been anticipated. God moved mightily in a spirit of unity and brought Christians of every background and denomination together to experience the move of God in the small town. The spirit broke through so mightily, that Luckenbach is anticipated to add to it's next year October gathering, Luckenbach in the SPRING! We'll keep you updated!
Well, we finally got a praise report from David and Elizabeth N. who were the first people to ever submit a prayer request to us. They write: "Our Creative God is at work and recontructing our ministry. We are learning to trust Him day by day in new ways!" They received a half-time position in the music ministry with health insurance for a growing, thriving, exciting Lutheran Church. They were thinking that they would have to do major relocation, but the church happened to be only a half-hour away from their home! They say that in many ways, their new job is a musical mission field as they and their pastor are in unity about bringing the worship life into the 90s! God has also supplied thier needs by providing David with accompanying work at one college and another night class at another university. God opened doors for Elizabeth and she is now teaching 2 classes for a local adult education school. Continue to stay in prayer for them and enter into their joy!!! When one part suffers, we all suffer, when one part rejoices, we all rejoice!!!
Praise God, we received a praise report from Kathy and Kelly, the young couple that was having some financial difficulties. Kathy writes: "We had talked to our landlord about our situation because we couldn't afford to live in our home anymore, we hadn't had any income in over two months. Our landlord told us that he didn't want us to leave and that we could live here indefinitely without paying him rent!! But when he decides to buy property he will buy it through Kelly and we will use his real estate commission towards the rent. Without saying, that is an AWESOME barter for us. He said that its his loss if he doesn't buy anything, and our loss if he buys more than the rent(which is fine with us!!) So God has helped us in that area of our finances. Also, Kelly has two closings at the end of this month, one which will be good enough to catch us up financially and then some... He also has another deal in the works right now! So again, thank you so much for your prayers! God is so faithful!"
Praise God, we have an AWESOME testimony to share!! The air conditioner on our Suburban kicked the bucket, and with us living in this Texas heat wave down here, we knew we had to get a car with an A/C. We got on the Internet and started searching the Auto Trader Online. We found several cars in South Texas, and just as we were on our way down there to look at them, we spotted an ad for a gold 1991 Toyota Camry. Well, I (Brandy) wanted a gold car from the start, so we went to Ft. Worth to look at the car. The people were amazed that we drove 3 hours to look at a car!! We talked with them about the car and made arrangements to connect them up with our bank the next week. Well, the bank wanted at least $500 down, and we didn't have it right then, so we called the owners of the car back to let them know that it might be a week or two until we could come up with the down payment. When we called them, they said that they had prayed about it and the Holy Spirit had told them to give us the car!!! Praise God!! We got a GREAT car and met some new Christian friends!! The Lord truly does provide all of our needs!!!