Matt 18:19
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on
earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be
done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Mark 11:24
24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have
Phil 4:6
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
unto God.
The Word says that we should make our requests know to God!
It also tells us that we do not receive because we do not ask!
God doesn't want us worrying about the things of this life, He
wants us focused on Him and His Word. He wants us to praise Him
for the things that we have and depend on Him for the things we
don't have, doing all things with praise and thanksgiving in our
hearts! Below are a few prayer requests that people have sent in.
Please send us your prayer request so we can stand in agreement
with you knowing that God will move in your behalf. Please stand
in agreement with these that have already written. God Bless You

Don't forget to check out the
Praise Reports
"Prayers for Your Every Need!"
David and Elizabeth have committed 12 years to the ministry
of praise and worship. They covet the prayers of the saints to
stand in agreement with them that God is going to lead and guide
them into the position where they are most needed. Pray for
their family and for grace abounding in everything that they do.
Elizabeth, we'll be eagerly awaiting a praise report!!
Kelly and Kathy are newlyweds adjusting to married life. Pray for
God to give them wisdom in their marriage and a financial blessing.
Let's all stand in agreement that they would prosper and be in
health even as their souls prosper!!

Lift up Eddie and his family, and pray that GOD will lead him
and birth in him the vision of "New Living Ministry" that's
purpose is to show this dying world a relationship with Jesus
Christ and not a religion. Thank you Father, that you led captivity
captive and gave gifts to men so that your name might be glorified
in all the earth.

Continue to pray for Damon and Eudene R. The prayers of
the saints have been availing much!! Both have been seeing the power
of God and are on the brink of salvation! We're very near a
salvation praise report!!!

Curt C. is seeking God's wisdom in many areas of his life and just
wants us all to agree in prayer with him that God's hand will lead
him in all the paths that he takes. Curt wants more than anything
to simply be led by the Spirit of God. Thank you for your wisdom
that dwells within each of us, Father!

Jesse and Susan have just lost their baby to SIDS. Neither
of them has accepted Jesus into their lives. Support them in prayer
for their salvations, and for comfort in their time of grief. We
are expecting that God is going to be glorified in this situation
and that Jesse and Susan are going to come into the knowledge that
God loves each and every one of us, that it is not by His will that
they have lost their son. It is by His will that they too will
be saved from death and hell. Thank you Lord Jesus that You can
use even the worst situations that the enemy brings against us to
draw us closer to You.

Ryan B. has been living for Satan for some time now. The enemy has
a strong hold on his life through drugs and alcohol. The enemy is
now attempting to destroy him further by sending him to prison where
Ryan will have to make some very tough decisions. Ryan still has not
come to know Jesus as His Saviour. Pray in agreement with the saints
that Ryan will come to know Jesus as his fortress and his shelter.
Pray for his safety, and a supernatural move of God in his life.

Ralph has just been diagnosed with liver cancer after undergoing a surgery and heart attack. Please pray for comfort and peace for Ralph during this difficult time. Let's believe God that He can heal Ralph, and that Ralph will come to a deeper walk with God through this situation. Also, pray for stregth in Ralph's family to endure through this situation.

Richard A. has asked for the saints to pray for the restoration of his marriage to his ex-wife Joellen. He is praying ernestly and has asked us to agree in prayer with him. Jesus, we just come boldly before your throne of grace knowing that we can find help in times of need. We first of all bind Satan in Richard and Joellen lives. We pray that the strongholds in their lives and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be torn down and destroyed. We agree that Richard and Joellen will take every thought captive to the obedience of You, Lord Jesus. We agree that your mighty power and your love for us will thwart, confuse and destroy the plans and the works of Satan in both of their lives. The saints agree that you will place a hedge around Richard's heart and mind, Lord Jesus, as he continues to intercede for his wife and his marriage. We pray in agreement that the spiritual walls torn down by Satan in their lives wil be rebuilt. We also pray for Richard to receive spiritual understanding, wisdom and courage to discern the wiles of the enemy. Finally, we command the spirits of blindness, rebellion and pride that have bound JoEllen's life will be bound and that her eyes might be opened and the eyes of her understanding be enlightened so that she might comprehend the love of Christ and repent, acknowledge him and be delivered from the snare of the enemy and be reconciled back to her first love. In Your Holy Name Jesus, we praise you for your faithfulness.

In a small town called Brownwood, Texas revival is in the air. The people are beginning to realize that all the deceitfulness that has infiltrated the churches is a bunch of Hoopla, and they are praying for unity. One particular church family has committed to interceding for Brownwood for 40 days. So far, there are 60 intercessors, and the number is growing by the minute. Something very big is happening here, as we are all learning that we cannot fight the devil alone, but as an army, we are undefeatable. Agree with us that the plans of Satan against this revival be thwarted and that unity come to the 103 churches in this small town, that we can lay aside our differences and glorify the LORD! Pray for healing in Brownwood Texas! Thank You.

Chuck & Shelley Kirk are in the Marraige Ministry Internationally. Please lift up their ministry in your prayers and pray that God will give them the mind of Christ to successfully minister to couples all over the world.

Travis wrote in and wants us to pray for his fiancee Casie. She is suffering from physical abuse in her family and spiritual abuse in the church that she is attending. Thank God that He is Almighty and loving, and that He will work this whole situation out to His glory according to our prayers.

All of the saints lift up Winston Rich Jr. who is hospitalized in the U. of M. hospital. Pray for his health and for his family to endure in the Word of God. Let us agree that the Word of God is health to Winston's flesh, and that Jesus bore our sicknesses and by His stripes, WE ARE HEALED!

Connie and her husband are fairly new Christians raising five children, one of which is in college. Since they have accepted Christ, Satan has been desperately trying to steal their faith. Let us all agree that this won't happen. The Bible says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. They are also going through financial difficulties with Connie's husband not being able to find a job, and Connie having to drive over an hour away to work, leaving her two preschool children at home. Let's all agree that God will use this time to strengthen each of them. Let us also agree that Connie will find hope in trusting the Lord, knowing that "MANY are the afflictions of the righteous, BUT the Lord delivers them from them ALL!" In Jesus Holy Name.

Please stand in agreement with Clev that all his debts($54,000.00) are paid in full and that God will provide him a van vehicle. Agree with him that he will have the money
to pay current bills and obligations so no more debting is required or temptation felt. Also, stand with him that his relationship with his daughter, Jessica, is unbreakable with God and that she is surrounded by Divine love, peace, beauty, joy, power, and wisdom. Pray and agree that Jessica is watched over by God and God's whole armor is around her always and Jessica make A's in school. Clev also asks that we claim and agree with him that his nephew, Melvin Jr., is released from a
serious troubled situation. Join in and claim that God's discipline and Word rule in Melvin Jr.'s life everyday, and he has worth while life goals. Claim with him the peace of God for Melvin Jr's mother and that she releases her burdens to the Lord.

Please pray for Angelo Johnson. He has been caught up with the wrong crowd of people. Pray God's protection over him, and for his salvation into the family of our Lord. Let us all agree that the Lord will give him wisdom and understanding and open his eyes to the lies of Satan that have him bound and deceived.

Pray for Helen. She is involved in a Spiritualist movement in Australia. Her son requests that we stand in the gap for her and agree that she will find the truth she is truly seeking through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. She is searching for God, and we agree that she will truly find him.

Faris has been experiencing the goodness of the Lord for some time now. The Lord has lifted his burdens and healed his soul. Some time ago, the Lord promised him a beautiful, loving wife, and now he has asked us to agree that the promise will come to pass. We agree right now that the Lord is not a man that he should lie, that which he says HE WILL DO!!

Larry is recovering from a heart attack last summer. He wants us to agree that God will give him the faith and wisdom to retain his healing. Also, since his heart attack, he has renewed his dedication to the Lord. He is seeking wisdom and direction in his life, as he yearns earnestly to serve the Lord in any way that he can. Agree with him for continued divine health, wisdom, and the peace of God that passes all understanding to be in his life now and always.

Leslie Owens is standing in faith for her good friend Michelle Edge. Michelle is 18 years old and was involved in a bad car accident where she broke her back. The doctors say that Michelle will not walk again, but we all know that with God, nothing is impossible. Agree with all of the saints that our sister will continue to minister to Michelle in her time of need, and that laborers will be sent across Michelle's path to minister salvation and healing to her.

Lucy is suffering from depression. She has asked for our prayers. Let us agree with her and stand on the Holy Word of God that promises us freedom from the bonds that Satan tries to capture us in. God has not given Lucy a spirit of fear, but he has given her power, love and a SOUND MIND!! Let us all agree that God will reveal his love for Lucy more and more each day to her. We claim the anointing of Jesus Christ for her life that breaks the yokes of fear and sin and sets the captives free. Hallelujah!!

Sheila has accepted the Lord into her life, but Satan is still trying to destroy her. She has broken fellowship with her Christian family and her natural family. As the Body of Christ, we all suffer as she is suffering. Let us pray fervently for her return to the Body. Let us agree that she will have wisdom and understanding, and that the eyes of her understanding are enlightened to the fullness of the love of Christ.