Bonnie's Laundry Room
Welcome to my first attempt at a home in cyber-space! Feel free to look
around while I throw in another load! I am a stay-at-home mom in Tiffin,
OH. I attended Thiel College and have degrees in History and Economics.
The minute my first son was born, I knew I'd be a SAHM for awhile....I
just couldn't tear myself away!! I've been married to my hubby for
15 years and we now have 3 great sons (Brandon, Evan, and Colin).
In a household of 5.....laundry is a necessary evil that consumes a huge
portion of my time. Between laundry and the other chores, I spend some
of my free time online surfing. I also enjoy volunteering at church and at my sons' schools,
reading, sewing, Noah's Ark collecting, antiques and crafts of all
kinds. Since "laundry is my life".......I wanted to create a
page with loads of good, clean, family fun.
I hope you enjoy my home away from home. Please take time to sign my guestbook
or e-mail me with comments and/or suggestions.
work and no play would make for a very dull page! Sit back, click
a cup of coffee and enjoy some of my favorite diversions with me.....
~A Mother's Prayer~
Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day,
With little time to stop and pray,
For life's been anything but calm
Since You called me to be a mom-
Running errands, matching socks,
Building dreams with wooden blocks,
Cooking, cleaning, finding shoes
And other things that children lose,
Fitting lids on bottled bugs,
Wiping tears and giving hugs,
A stack of last week's mail to read-
So where's the quiet time that "I" need?
Yet, when I steal a moment, Lord,
Just at the sink or ironing board,
To ask the blessings of Your grace,
I see then, in my small one's face,
That you have blessed me all the while-
And I stoop to kiss that precious smile.
email me!
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