Welcome to my page about Freemasonry

My Travels:  Initiated   October 6, 1981
                                        Vertigreen Lodge #919 F & AM
                                        Cherokee, Alabama

                     Passed        August 4, 1998
                                        Littleville Lodge #881 F & AM
                                        Littleville, Alabama

                     Raised        September 1, 1998
                                        Littleville Lodge #881 F & AM
                                        Littleville Lodge

I am currently serving as Senior Warden for the year June 2001 to 2002.

Please visit Littleville Lodge #881 on the "Web"



The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama



Back to "The Dog House"

E-Mail Me at --- 7eagles@bellsouth.net


Senior Warden, June 2001 - 2002

Click here to see Emblematic Structure of Freemasonry in USA