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this site!
Graphic arts started out as a hobby for me. When I was in college,
I knew basically nothing about computers. Then my best friend joined the
college yearbook staff, I thought that sounded fun, so I joined too. My
first year I did grunt work...writing captions, cropping photos, whatever.
The next year I moved up to a copy writer position. And my final year I
was an assistant editor. I actually wrote most of the book, designed layouts,
and did anything and everything that needed to be done (that yearbook took
5th in the nation at competition, not too bad). All this time I never had
a computer of my own. Then I got one, and worlds opened up.
Now I am what you see before you...a full-flegded graphic artist.
Someone actually pays me to do this. Pretty cool, eh? Basically it just
takes sitting down and trying stuff, and asking lots and lots of questions.
How To
Want to know how I did some of this stuff? Or find out some fabulous graphics
Things That Annoy Me
I'm really picky when it comes to people's sites. Here are some things
that really bother me.
Free Graphics
Sheila-Made graphic for you web page.

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