Fort Collins, CO Chapter of F.E.M.A.L.E.
Fort Collins, CO 
Mothers & More Chapter #68
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Home alone?You've decided to take time out from the paid workforce to be with your children. You're happy with your decision, yet at times you feel as if you're "home alone." Perhaps you are struggling with a sense of isolation, loss of identity, financial insecurity, or guilt over not being able to "do it all". Be assured, you are not alone. 

Mothers & More is an international not-for-profit organization supporting sequencing women - mothers who have altered their career paths in order to care for their children at home. Mothers & More addresses women's' personal needs and interests during  their active parenting years; advocates for public and employment policies that accommodate sequencing; promotes recognition and respect for sequencing mothers and respects the right of all women to choose if and how they combine parenting and paid employment. 

Mothers & More advocates for public and employment policies that accommodate sequencing while addressing women's personal needs and interests during their active parenting years.  Since its inception in 1987, Mothers & More has grown to more than 180 chapters and almost 8000 members worldwide. 

The Fort Collins Chapter meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 6:45-8:30 p.m. at the Allnutt Family Center. Child care is not provided but young infants are welcome. Visitors are welcome to attend three meetings as our guest before deciding to join!

| Our Chapter | Membership | Calendar | Photo Gallery | Guest Book |

To contact our local chapter, send us e-mail at
Or contact us by phone by leaving a message at:  (866) 841-9139 x2286

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