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This is our first attempt at a newsletter, and we welcome any comments or suggestions to make it better.
The goal of this newsletter is to provide all of the subscriber's with an outlet for their theories, speculation and such, concerning their research of the Baker and/or Bolin Surname.
It is my hope that we gain a better understanding, and make it impossible to ignore the facts of the Baker and or Bolling Genealogies.
This newsletter will contain information that has been discovered in our research, as well as theories to be tested, and an open forum for people to dispute this information while providing documentation to prove their point.
The Bolling genealogies conflict, and often contain assumptions, and worse. No true genealogy has ever been written on any branch of the Bolling family, including the often written of Pocahontas-Bolling connection by the Robertsons.
I suspect the solution to our reading problem is to develop a list of all known printed sources. As to the question of what we ought to read, the answer is to use the CIA method, which to me, means Collect It All, as it is likely we may get the most out of books which do contradict each other, as the contradictions serve to bring the problem genealogies into focus.
While reading, we ought to note that the better genealogies will document everything possible. The best sources of documentation are deeds, wills, old letters, Bible records, court records, tombstone evidence, etc. These sources are known as primary sources, and are considered to be high quality documentation.
Books which fail to mention the sources from which they draw their conclusions are a poor source of information. Even if the book is correct, is still lacks documentation. Sources of this nature are called secondary sources, and are considered to be of a lower quality. Vertical files, in the local libraries, are a common form of this type of documentation.
But back to the question of what to read; there is no easy answer, you will have to read everything, and decide that for yourself, and base it on the quality of the information offered.
I have begun a list of Bolling Sources, and place it here for your use. I have not read all these, and am looking to find some of them also. This list is far from being complete, so please forward any books you may have learned of to me, and I will place it on the list
Pond Creek and Letterbox, Robert M. Shepherd,
Professor of Art at the University of Kentucky. 1990.
From Pocahontas to the Bollings, James Reed Lawrence, Jr., 1985.
From Benjamin II, son John.
Our Kin, Mary Denham Ackerly and Lula Jeter Parker, JP Bell Company, Lynchburg, VA.
Bedford, Virginia History, likely they copied from the "Colonial Families of America." (Not my note).
The Bollings - Bowlin, Bolen Family, Todd Bolen and Lois (Bolen) Stange, a search for Henry Bolen b. 25 Dec 1782 or 84.
Said to be an excellent book, and was written as given to them. 1st Edition printed 1987, 2nd edition printed 1997.
Memoir, Robert Bolling, c. 1764, 1803.
on this strange item later)
The Bollings of Wise County, Virginia, WS Rose.
Pocahontas' and her Descendants, Wyndham Robertson.
This book was written in 1887 and re-printed in 1982 by Brown. (It states on page 32 that Major John Bollings had nineteen children, but goes on to list only seven. Edward was omitted in this book, he would become number 20.) ( No documentation, poorly written, contains errors.)
Of Whom I Came, Ect., Zelma Wells Price. 1963.
She was a DAR member, National Number, 455405. (Judge Zelma Price, she makes an effort to document)
My Bradshaws and Allied Families, Carrie Bradshaw Bolin.
Bollings, Hattie L. Bollings.
Bollings Descendants, Edward Watson Bollings.
(Follows Benjamin 1, and states they were from the lineage of Pocahontas)
Perry County History, Hazard Chapter of DAR.
Pennington, Will Lake.
Dozens of Cousins, William G. O'Connor.
History of Wise County, Luther Addington.
Cantrell File, JF Cantrell.
Dickey Diaries, Rev. John J. Dickey.
Pioneer Families of Clay County, Kelly
Chart, Benjamin H. Latrobe. May 1796.
This chart listed 18 children. (No one can source the chart, or prove it goes back to 1796.)
Old Manuscript, which we are told includes the names in the Cobbs family Bible. (This list is said to be the same as the VOLTA list. Having told you this, remember that it is important to understand there is not a shred of evidence that a COBBS family bible ever existed. Said by Poole, "Perhaps it belongs under the label, "proper garniture". Did the "Ugly Bolling" invent the COBBS bible? This does
seem to have happened." )
Family Trace of Bollings.
History of Bristol Parish, by Slaughter.
The Bolling, Bowling, Bolen Family in America before 1800, by Todd Bolen.
(Todd has used the CIA method, and has a wealth of Bolling information. Todd printed what he found, even if it conflicted.) Our advice, buy it.
My McGee and Joyner Families, Pioneers, Patriots, and Preachers by Helen McKnight.
Several years ago, I had in my possession for a few hours, the Journal of Robert Baker, son of John Renta Baker. This little old book, tattered and worn had been in the Baker family for over 175 years. Handed down from one generation to the other. The book had originally been issued to Robert Baker by Governor Isaac Shelby, as it was to all the officers in the War of 1812. It was a book of Acts, Rules, and Codes the soldiers were to follow. This little book had evidently been one of Robert Bakers
prized posession. He had carried it all through the War of 1812, and until the day he died, writing important events in his life, such at births, deaths of his children and grandchildren. I have enclosed a list of names I copied that are in this book. Look close, you may find one of your ancestors.
Robert Baker was born March 1st 1774
Robert Baker Sr. was born March the 1st day 1774 and God has spared his life until the 29th day of January 1836.
Catherine Baker was born May 10, 1776 (Catherine Amis, #2 wife)
Elizabeth Baker was born August 15,1791 (Elizabeth #1 wife)
John H. Baker was born October 12, 1793
Polly Baker was born November 27, 1795
William Baker was born July 11th 1797
Ester Baker was born 1st June 1798
Robert Baker was born April 29, 1800
Lucinda Baker was born January 19th 1802
Nancy Baker was born January 8, 1803
William Baker was born April 6, 1803
Adoniram Baker was born March 1th 1805
Zilphy Baker was born April 9, 1806
George Baker was born May 6, 1807
Jane Baker was born September 13th 1808
Andrew Baker was born January 28th 1810
Job Baker was born October 22, 1810
Susan Baker was born March 26, 1813
Wilie Baker born December 12, 1816
William Baker was born Febuary 4, 1822
Nancy Baker was born May 17, 1824
Polly Baker daughter of John H. Baker was born January 22d 1826
Andrew Baker was born April the 3d 1827
Almyray (china) Baker was born September 8, 1828
Jane Baker daughter of Robert Baker Jr. was born January the 5th day 1827
Ester Baker was born Febuary 17, 1829
Andy Baker was born April 3, 1829
Margaret Baker was born January the 18th 1830
Susan Baker daughter of John H. Baker was born January 22nd 1830
Wiley Baker was born December 8, 1831
Robert Baker son of Robert was born March 13, 1831
Zilphy Baker was born August 3, 1833
Nathan Baker was born January 15, 1833
Robert Baker son of John H. Baker was born Octomber 18, 1833
Christency Baker was born May, 15, 1835
Wiley Baker was born Dec. the 8th 1837
Andrew Baker was born April 3, 1837
James Baker was born May the 28th 1839
Isaac Shelby Baker was born March 4, 1843
Isaac Shelby Baker was born March 18th 1843
Isaac Shelby was born March the 11th day 1843
William H. Baker was born July 2nd 1848
Andrew Baker was married May the 15th 1850
Nancy Baker was born March 6th 1851
George Baker was born 1851
Susan Baker was born Oct. the 19th 1852
Elijah Baker was born September the 23th 1854
John Baker was born December the 16th 1856
James Baker was born November the 11th 1859
Granvill Baker was born November the 25th 1861
Robert Baker was born January the 12th 1864
Isaac Baker was born August the 5th 1866
Elah Baker was born March the 15th 1868
Isabelle Baker was born December the 7th 1871
Jefferson Baker was born April the 26, 1875
Emeline Baker was born December the 5th 1871
Lee Baker was born Feb. the 8, 1877
Millard Baker was born June 21, 1887
Jefferson Baker was born 1887, Sunday
Beverly Baker was born January 29, 1887
Millard Baker was born June 21, 1887
Jefferson Baker was born June the 30th 1889
Evaline Baker was born March 11th 1889
Alex Baker was born March 10th 1890
Alfred Baker was born July the 15th 1890
Alfred Baker was born March 6, 1891
Martha Baker was born April 2, 1892
Greenberry Baker was born July 14th 1892, Thursday
Mary Baker was born July 6th 1893
Emiline Baker was born June 5, 1895
Daniel Baker was born October the 23, 1896
Daniel Boone Baker was born October the 26th 1896, Thursday
Arah Baker was born September 25, 1897
Dora Baker was born Feburay 22d 1898, Monday
Margaret Baker was born October 25th 1899, Wednesday
Dewey Baker was born June 18, 1900
Henry Clay Baker was born September the 11th 1903, Friday
Merty Baker was born May the 31st 1903
J. Albert Baker was born May 21st 1907, Thursday
Bethel Baker was born April 4, 1911, Thursday
Kenneth Baker was born October the 21th 1924
Wilgus Baker born July the 4th 1927
Granvil N. Burns was born October 23, 1823
Hugh W. Burns was born Febuary 16, 1825
Pary S. Burns was born January 1, 1827
Sebey Jane Burns was born October 5, 1828
Robert A. Burns was born December 9, 1832
William Burns was born January 25, 1830
Joyse Sandlin was born March the 12th 1822
Lewis Sandlin was born September 28, 1824
John Sandlin was born January the 30th day 1827
William Henry Harrison was born July 2, 1848
William Franklin Hunt was born in the year of our lord Febuary 10, 1834
Nancy Hunt was born Febuary the 6th day 1837
Robert Williams was born January 3, 1820
John C. Allen was born August the 17th day 1813
Susan Allen born April the 29th day 1815
James Allen born January 18th 1817
William Allen was born January the 3d 1820
Nancy Allen was born January the 3th 1820
Robert Allen _____
Thomas Amis was born the 6th day of December, decased in the year of our lord August the 23th 1833
Alice Amis was born December 15, 1800
Welborn Amis was born December 3, 1802
Leathy Amis was born 3th day 1806
Thomas Amis Jr. son of Wile Amis was born April 3, 1835
Wiley Horton was born 7 September 1811
Boling Lyons was born March 15th 1808
Elizy Riley was born December the 9th 1860
Granville Riley was born March the 9th 1843
Samuel Riley was born Jan. the 1th 1827
Allen Riley was born November the 4th 1863
Mary Ann Riley was born July the 9th 1866
William Abner was born the 4th of August 1807
Jane Abner was born the 13th of November 1808
Baker Abner was born 23, Octomber ____
John S. Boling born June 18th 1830
I had mentioned earlier about Andrew Baker's claim, called "Peach Tree Bottom" in Grayson Co.,VA., I also mentioned about him and his family being ran out by the Indians in 1752.
I would like to follow up. Andrew Baker was the first to lay claim at "Peach Tree Bottom". His orginal claim was for 4400 acres. But, after he was ran out by the Indians in 1752, Doctor Thomas Walker, came in and surveyed Andrew's land, for Loyal Land Company. This Walker's claim was dated March 16, 1753. I think Andrew had to buy back part of his own land. At any rate he ended up with only 1000 acres of his land, at "Peach Tree Bottom", in Grayson County. (I have a feeling he was after the iron deposits there.)
I also stated that Andrew Baker Jr., was born in Grayson Co., VA., 1749. He had been a Captain in the Revolutionary War and had settled at Osborn's Station on New River, in what was in Wilkes County, now Ash County, N.C. It was here he probably met and married Elizabeth Avant. Both Andrew and his wife, Elizabeth, were baptized in the settlement by the Rev. William Hammond. Several of their children were born while living at Osborne's Station. After leaving Osborne's Settlement, he and his family moved to Grayson Co., VA.. It was there that he became the pastor of the "Fox Creek Baptist Church".
It appears that Andrew pastored this church off an on for about sixteen or eighteen years, rotating between this church and the Brier Creek Baptist Church, in Wilkes Co., N.C.. Records show that the Rev. Andrew Baker was a pastor at the Brier Creek Church, in Wilkes County, from June 25, 1790 to February 22, 1794. He then left this church and was gone about six years. He returned and became pastor of Brier Creek Church once again and was there from 1800 to May of 1802. He then returned to the Fox Creek Church in Grayson County. It was there that his daughter Martha married Eli Davis, on April 3, 1806. They were married by her father the Rev. Andrew Baker.
Andrew Baker, after leaving the Fox Creek Church, moved to Lee Co., VA.. Here he became the pastor of the "Thompson's settlement Baptist Church". This church was located about 7 miles southeast of Jonesville. This was just a few miles from the "Blackwater Settlement", the popular stopping off place for the Bakers, Bolins, and Osborns on their way to Kentucky. It was there that Andrew Baker died in 1815, and was buried in Robert Clark Cemetery, on Wallings Creek, in Lee Co., VA.
The children of Andrew Baker Jr. and Elizabeth Avent were:
Solomon Baker b. April 13, 1770
Henry Baker b. August 14, 1774
Andrew Baker b. February 18, 1777
Joseph Baker b. April 8, 1779
James Baker b. January 27, 1782
John Baker b. August 15, 1784
Nancy Baker b. January 10, 1787
Elijah Baker b. May 8, 1779
Martha Baker b. October 27, 1791
More on the Rev. Andrew Baker b. 1749 age stated in the bible record belonging to Grace Witt Brockman, of Houston , TX. a descendant of Martha Baker Davis, dau. of Rev. Andrew Baker.
Andrew Baker was a Private under Capt. Isaac Ruddles during the Revolution-------From Collins History of KY. (what is this History of KY. doing with Andrew Baker Wilkes NC VA. d. VA.? Why was this there? )
Andrew Baker was a Baptist Minister and served as Chaplain of his Company in the Rev. War. He was a great preacher of the Frontier Settlers. He was one of the very first settlers of Newriver in the new County of Ashe, N.C. abt. 1769 {sic}(called Wilkes County N.C. Ashe CO. made 1799) Rev. Andrew Baker was was a Chaplain, a good whig, a great influence, eminence for morality, of the Baptist religion------Drapers MSS. 12DD 51 (8)-52 (1) He moved around among this area starting Churches and Pastoring Churches. Rev. Baker was one of the ablest, wisest and most successful ministers in Wilkes County, N.C. and adjacent parts of Virginia. ----History of N.C. Baptist A.G. W. Paschal
Some of the Churches in which he preached and pastored were:
Eaton's Church constituted Dec. 16, 1790 by Ministers who assisted Rev. Petty and Rev. Andrew Baker. Eaton's Church was a continuation of Dutchman's Creek Church which was broken up during the Revolution period. It was started on the same site in the former Surry County, now Yadkin County, North Carolina.
Brier Creek Church, Wilkes CO. 1781-1794; 1800 to 1802;
Lewis Fork Church, Wilkes Co., 1792-*1794; Cedar Island later Ausburn, still later, Fox Creek Church in Grayson CO. VA; Sinclair's Bottom Church in Washington CO. Va.; Providence Church, 1805 in Yadkin CO., N.C. are among Churches in which Rev. Andrew Baker served. The last church that Rev. Andrew Baker was in was the Thompson Settlement Baptist Church, Lee County, VA. near Jonesville, VA. This church is still in existence today.
June 12, 1812 --Rev. Andrew Baker became Pastor of the Church---Church Records, On the Sabbath, the 23rd. day of April. A.D. 1815 a remarkable occurrence was transacted by Elder Andrew Baker who baptized James Gilbert and Matilda Randolgh, the wife of William Randolph, in the Loan Branch, a tributary stream of Walling's Creek, James Gilbert was the last male he baptized in his life.
The Sabath, the 24th day of Sept., A. D. 1815 - Was a remarkable day in the memory of several persons, for on this day old father Andrew Baker expired after some days of sickness, aged 66 years. He lived 22 weeks after he had baptized James Gilbert and Matilda Randolph. His remains were buried in Robert Clark's Cemetery South West of Jonesville, Lee CO. Va. Elder James Gilbert was born in Giles CO. VA. A.D. 1787. He was baptized by Elder Andrew Baker 23rd. day of April, A. D. 1815. He deceased at Sneedville, on Oct. 3rd. Sat. A.D. 1815.
NOTES ON ANDREW BAKER=Research by Mrs. H. L. Brockman Told us on Aug. 25, 1938 by cousin Newt Click and Cousin Ellen Click, near Sneedville, TN.:
Elizabeth Avant (or Avent) was of French Huguenot descent, from an aristocratic family, and when she married our great-great grandfather, Rev. Andrew Baker, her people disinherited her and told her never to return home; she said that she never would until they sent for them both. After many years, the Avants sent for Elizabeth and her husband to come and see them in their old age. Rev. Baker told his wife if she would not cry when she went home that he would send to a big seaport town (Wilmington?) and buy for her the nicest dress they could find. She promised and got the dress, but when she came in sight of the old home of her parents she burst into tears.
When Rev. Baker was first married, he was a fiddler for dances (before he became a preacher). One night he and his wife left their children at home and went off to a dance and stayed all night; when they returned they found their house burned up, along with their children. He never went to another dance and became converted and a preacher. There are several versions of this story--one is that he left his wife and children at home. The mother laid down with a headache and the little girl playing by the fire caught her dress afire and burned to death, before they could put it out.
A descendant, Mrs. Meorle, (Lewis) Ramsey says that she has a letter in her possession telling of Andrew and his wife going to a party and three of their children burning up in their house, while they were gone. She also has the old Andrew's bible. (1975). Her address is Mrs. Lewis Ramsey, Rt. 1, Sneedville, TN. 37869
In 1765 or 1768 Andrew Baker settled and made improvements on land under the Loyal CO., now in Grayson CO. VA. Several years afterwards he sold to Jeremiah Harrison who also removed to and lived on the land for some time and then sold to James Mulkey, who also settled and lived on the land and then sold to James Blevins, father of Orator John B. Blevins, 1772, James Blevins, then moved to the land where he resided until his death in 1801. In 1790 James Newell made an entry on the lands. Geo Reeves deposes that Andrew Baker was the first settler on the land in 1768. Copy of survey of 100 (4400) acres (known as the Peach Bottom) surveyed for Peter Jefferson, Thomas and David Meriwether and Thos. Walker, 16th March 1753--From Chackley's records of Augusta CO., VA. Col. IX. P. 143. "Blevens" (Blevins) v. Newell, O.S. 174. N.S. 62 Bill, Sept. 27, 1805.
They have that Andrew Baker married Elizabeth Avant who was born Sep. 12, 1753 at Burnswick CO. Va.
Family of Elizabeth Avant
The will of Peter Avent recorded in Northampton CO. NC Book I, p. 216, proved Sept. Court 1779, shows Elizabeth Baker daughter of Peter Avent. Peter m. 1st Any Massie; Ch: William , Isham, Joseph, Thomas, Sarah, Elizabeth (Baker), Lucy (Truelove), Rebecca, Mourning (dau.), Peter m. 2nd. Mary Tomlinson. No CH.
Now we have another thing to sort out. What about Peach Bottom? And could it be that Rev. Andrew Baker is in the Collins book of KY. since Solomon s/o Rev. Andrew lived in Harlan CO. KY, as did Johannah his dau.?
If you have any article or information you would like to submit, please e-mail it to the editor at lgunter@psn.net.
© Leslie Gunter 1997