John Shumanow's Home Page

Dedicated to Personal Values and Family Oriented

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Today in History

Soar with the Eagle!

Find the Site that meets your need without surfing forever. Keep it simple and use the sites listed here to help you get where you want to go. The Web has so much it boggles the mind. A few clicks and you are there. I dedicate this page with things to do and Places to visit. Listed are some sites that may be of interest to you, but Yahoo Geocities will unfold the world at your finger tips.

I will always search the web for interesting places to visit so keep me informed.

American Legion

DAVDisabled Vets in Cyberspace. This site is has links to many useful services.

For God and Country

Proud to be an American and to have served my country!!

I'm Retired

I retired from General Motors Corporation and am free to fly like the eagle. I now live at Normandy Farms Estates, a retirement commuity in PA. The community is one of 17 facilities controlled by ACTS inc. (Adult Total Care Servicies) I travel when the mood strikes. I like fishing and bird watching for relaxation. I donate and support Indian relief projects and the Christian Relief Services, The American Red Cross, and The American Veteran. I belong to clubs like Good Sam, North American Fishing, National Home Gardening, The National Audubon Society, National Arbor Day Foundation, Natural Resourses Defense Council, The National Trust for Historic Preservation. I am a life member of the American Legion, and Disabled American Veterans. I enjoy creating simple Home Pages. My pages are no where near the experts, but I try to be creative. I want to keep my home page personal and friendly to share with others of similar interests. If you like what you see please E-Mail your comments.

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I downloaded the animal images from some wonderful people to use in my page. The images speak for themselves. I love cats! They are independent, do what pleases them. Here are some of my favorite Sites.

Sign Guestbook ---View Guestbook

SMILEA refreshing departure for all my friends.

Where the money goes The non partisan Federal Cndidate Campaign Money Page

Knowledge is more than equivalent to force.

Samuel Johnson

FOOT TALK-If you are concerned about the care of your feet a visit here will help.

Shroud of Turin Very interesting information about The Shroud of Turin.

FREE SERVICE?visit this site and get an interesting surprise!!

TODAY-If you want a lot of information on what happened today, this is the place to go !!
FAMILY PHOTOS This page will have all new pictures of the Shumanow Family. If you are a part of my family please send me your new pictures.

MORE FAMILY PHOTOS..More photo albums at Yahoo

ACTS A retirement Community well worth looking into!! ACTS maintains 17 facilities in Florida, North Carolina,and Pennsylvania. I live at Nornmany Farm Estates in PA. and am enjoying it.

HOME TIME-If you are interested in home repair this is the place to go !!

COOL SITE- This is dedicated to finding the coolest site of the day.

Well I did say that I like to fish, and am trying to have this Page dedicated to the fisherman. I have some links that you may find interesting. Please visit and send your commentsFishing Pageenjoy some of the links!

Want to find your High School friends? Classmates is the place to go. Click on the LIPS and join the the many school chums listed. This Site is also growing at an alarming rate with many of the more recent graduates, but I was able to locate some of my classmates and in turn learn about others.

KEEP IN SHAPEIf you need to know anything about Health and Fitness Please visit this Page

Hummingbird PageRecomended By Bob Hardy

Bird PageAnyone interest in Birds?? Open For people who care to share.

MIKES PAGE Do you like music, and great cusine? Visit Mike's Page!! click on the devil!!

INSPIRATIONAL POEMSThe poems listed were made by the Salesians. The Salesians were originally founded in 1859 by John Bosco to care for poor and needy children. Please visit this page to learn more about the good work they do. The poems are truly inspirational.

New Page.Just a bit different

New PageI Think that you will like this new page. I found some interesting funny palces to visit.

..Fun PageAnother page with a fun twist

--Updated by John Shumanow on October 24th, 2008 --

Here are other Sites that might be of Interest


More places to visit when you click here!!


Please remember that all The Medical links, as well as All Links to other Sites and transcripts, are for interest only. They are not intended to substitute for appropriate diagnosis or treatment and do not claim to be the final or definitive word on any medical or psychological condition. Information and links offered here on these web pages and in our transcripts are not necessarily the views or opinions of Page Talk and are offered to the viewer as just another source of information or opinion.
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|I'll keep looking for more interesting places to visit. Please stop by again.|