Welcome To Our Family Homepage

Welcome to our family homepage. My name is Tom Roth and I got my start in genealogy in the winter of 1995-96. My wife had gotten a box of photos from her parents when they died, and they hadn't been looked at for at least ten years. Her brother had looked at them at one time and said "What a rough-looking bunch of characters", referring to the pictures of a group on a trip to the Oklahoma Territory on a hunting trip. When I looked at them, most of the pictures were of long-dead relatives, but with enough of my mother-in-law to make me wonder if it wouldn't be easy to try to put names with the faces.

I began putting them in piles based upon who was in them, and based upon which generation they were from. Then, there were those which were somewhat familiar, and those which were complete mysteries. The family had taken a lot of pictures of family reunions which were common back then, and I could distinguish the people in them as they got older as the years passed, though I couldn't tell who they were. We contacted her aunt, the oldest living relative who might give us some names and clues as to where to begin to put the family tree together. She had already done a small family tree, too, and it included her parents and grandparents and a few uncles and great uncles. With a little guessing and intuition, I was on my way. Contacting her second cousin was another big help, since she had kept in touch with more distant relations, and they had also done some family trees and had photos similar to ours with names on the back. Another second cousin had been working on the family tree for about ten years, and had put it in a book I came across at the library on Montgomery County history. Talking to her helped a great deal, as she had organized the reasearch she had done on the family, and I was on my way toward being an "expert" on the Roth, Maue and Paul family histories.

Since then, I have spent a lot of time getting in touch with more and more members of our families and piecing together the partial information from the various sources. My computer software has allowed me to do this in a better manner than I could have without it, and I purchased a scanner, more memory, and a bigger hard disk so that I can save and restore the pictures we have. Trips to the library and cemeteries as well as to the various county courthouses and archives have become routine. I couldn't do it without the assistance of relatives who have provided me not only with the data they have, but have put me in contact with those who have pointed me in the right direction more than a few times.

I would love to hear from you - especially if you find that you are related to either my wife's or my family tree. My email address is: rothx11@ibm.net.

Our Family Page Index

The Eichler Family TreeThe Roth Family TreeThe Paul Family Tree

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