FROM: NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL & GENEALOGICAL REGISTER Volume 3, Year 1849, Page 344 Miscellany To the editors of the National Intelligencer. -- In looking over a file of the Old Virginia Gazette for the year 1748, (No. 642,) I have stumbled upon the following curious epitaph, which is said to have been copied from a tombstone at Arlington, near Paris. Your Lady readers may be pleased to study out the meaning: Here lies Two Grandmothers, with their two Granddaughters; Two Husbands, with their two Wives; Two Fathers, with their two Daughters; Two Mothers, with their two Sons; Two Maidens, with their two Mothers; Two Sisters, with their two Brothers; Yet but six Corpses in all lie buried here, All born legitimate, from incest clear. From the National Intelligencer for Jan. 16, 1849.
Here is one possible solution to the EPITAPH PUZZLE... can you think of another one? E-mail the webmaster if you come up with another combination that fits all the categories, and I will include your solution as well!