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Selected cards - see notes for details.
The "Boston Transcripts" I have included on this page are the majority of what I have in my files.
If you are visiting here simply because you are looking for "Boston Transcripts" and not because you are researching the genealogy
surnames that I am, then you will probably be disappointed. Please note that I obtained my xerox copies of the "BT" from microfilms
housed in the public library - Multnomah County Library - in Portland, OR - I no longer live in that state, so am unavailable for doing
additional research from the "BT" microfilms. Perhaps contacting that library (calling or writing) and requesting their assistance,
you might be able to obtain the research you are seeking.
Are you a descendant of Capt. John AYRES of Ipswich, MA (1643, 1648) & Brookfield, MA (d. 1675)? I am a descendant of this lineage & his immigration from __?__ is still trying to be proven.
Are you confused with the lineage of John AYERS/AYRES/EYRES of Haverhill, MA? His ancestry is definitely from England, and different from Capt. John above.
I encourage you to check out not only the Boston Transcripts included here, but also New Engl Hist. & Gen. Reg. which various volumes discuss the two different Johns.
See also "Ayres & Ayers Archives" research page, for other records to help in this research.

BT - 1904 - Card 8 - April - June 1904 - - Apr 27, 1904
Appleton, Ayer, Everard, Evered, Eyre, Webb
BT - 1904 - Card 10 - April - June - - No Date
BT - 1907 - Card 3 - Feb 13 - Mar 6 - - March 4, 1907
Ayer, Shepard
BT - 1907 - Card 5 - Mar 27 - Apr 22 - - March 27, 1907
Ayer, Dow, Evered, Everett, Johnson, Palmer, Shepard, Webb
BT - 1907 - Card 5 - Mar 27 - Apr 22 - - April 10, 1907
Aslebe, Ayer, Barker, Blanchard, Bowman, Dollivir, Evered, Farnham,
Farnum, Frye, Gage, Hasse, Holt, Johnson, Martin, Osgood, Parker,
Seborne, Short, Sprague, Stevens
BT - 1909 - Card 14 - Oct 27 - Nov 17, 1909 - - November 8, 1909
Abbott, Allen, Ayer, Clement, Colt, Evered, Goodale, Graves, Griggs, Osgood
BT - 1910 - Card 14 - Nov 7 - Nov 28, 1910 - - Nov 23, 1910
Arlebe, Ayer, Browne, Chamberlain, Evered, Eyre, Eyres, Fish, French, Frye,
Hinxman, Parker, Short, Stevens, Webb, Webster, Woodbridge
BT - 1911 - Card 4 - Mar 13 - Apr 5 - - March 20, 1911
Allen, Arsliby, Bennett, Boishopp (sic), Braiding, Cooke, Dinsdale,
Eayres, Evered, Fisk, Hincksman, Lilbourne, Mercer, Nelson,
Parker, Raghtiliagh, Richardson, Stedman, Stone, Watts, Web
BT - 1911 - Card 5 - Apr 5 - May 1, 1911 - -April 10, 1911
Ayer, Dinsdale, Evered, Fayerweather, Goodhue, Webb
Sloan & Reed
BT - 1912 - Card 2 - Feb 21 - Mar 20 - - March 20, 1912
Brockport (or Brockman), Chapman, Daugherty, Fellows, Kellogg,
Sillaman, Sizer
BT - 1912 - Card 5 - Apr 3 - May 1 - - April 17, 1912
Ayres, Cross, Fellows, Hall, Remington, Sizer, Stevens, Varney
BT - 1914 - Card 8 - Aug 17 - Sept 16 - - Sept 14, 1914
Ayres, Bell, Fellows, Hurd, Osborn, Wait
BT - 1916 - Card 13 - Nov 22 - Dec 20, 1916 - - Dec 6, 1916
Aires, Ayer, Ayres
BT - 1916 - Card 14 - Dec 20 - 27 - - Dec 27, 1916
Allen, Ayer, Ayres, Hutchins, Savage, Stearns, Symonds, Williams
BT - 1917 - Card 1 - Jan 2 - 22 - - Jan 15, 1917
Allen, Ayres, Caldwell, Dutch, Errington, Fellows, Hutchins, Moses,
Scales, Soules, Symonds, Whitmore, Williams
BT - 1917 - Card 3 - Feb 19 - Mar 19, 1917 - - Feb 26, 1917
Ayers, Bradley, Brickett, Chase, Ela, Green, Hazzen Johnson, Kimball, Morrison, Palmer, Sargent, Symonds, Tuttle, White, Williams
BT - 1917 - Card 4 - Mar 19 - Apr 11, 1917 - - March 19, 1917
Ayer, Ayres, Clement, Eyres (or Eyer), Symonds, Woodam (or Wooddam)
BT - 1917 - Card 6 - May 16 - June 20, 1917 - - No Date
Ayers, Everett (or Evered), Eyers (or Eayres), Goodhue, Symonds, Webb, Williams
BT - 1922 - Card 7 - July 3 - Aug 2, 1922 - - July 12, 1922
Ayers, Hooker, Hutchins, Law, Rogers, Swan, Travis, tucker, Webb, Williams, Wooden
BT - 1922 - Card 9 - Sept 5 - Oct 4 - - Sept 20, 1922
Ayres (or Ayers), Bolton, Brown, Carpenter, Cole, Fuller, Gove,
Hughes, Leavitt, Lovejoy, Manchester, Sanford, Tidd, Prescott
BT - 1922 - Card 9 - Sept 5 - Oct 4 - - Oct 02, 1922
Ayres, Barnard, Bell, Caldwell, Coffin, Epps, Fellows, Gardner, Hurd,
Jones, Lyman, Macy, Osborn(e), Reade, Smith, Starbuck, Symonds, Tomlinson, Wait
BT - 1922 - Card 9 - Sept 5 - Oct 4 - - Oct 02, 1922 (#2)
Allen, Arlebe, Ayer(s), Ayres, Belknap, Evered, Osgood, Pike, Rogers, Symonds, Travis, Truelove, Webb, Webster, William the Conqueror, Williams, Wooden
BT - 1922 - Card 10 - Oct 4 - Nov 6, 1922 - - Oct 18, 1922
Aislabee, Ayers, Fellows, Hooker, Law, Parker, Swan, Tucker, Webster
BT - 1922 - Card 11 - Nov 6 - 29 - - Nov 6, 1922
Alling, Ayres, Baldwin, Gunn, Hurd, Mallory, Miles, Osborn, Rogers, Smith, Tolles
BT - 1922 - Card 11 - Nov 6 - 29 - - Nov 22, 1922
Ayer (or Ayres), Caldwell, Day, Errington, Fellows, Symonds
BT - 1923 - Card 1 - Jan 2 - 22 - - Jan 2, 1923
Ayres, Briscoe, Clark, Gunn, Hawley, Hurd, Mallory, Miles,
Osborn(e), Pech (?sp), Riggs, Smith, Tolles
BT - 1923 - Card 2 - Jan 22 - Feb 19 - - Feb 5, 1923
Ayres, Buel, Gunn, Hurd, Meeker, Miles, Osborn, Seaversmith, Smith, Wheeler
BT - 1923 - Card 4 - Mar 19 - Apr 16 - - March 19, 1923
Ayres, Eaton, Fenn, Gunn, Hawkins, Holbrook, Hurd, Meeker,
Miles, Osborn(e), Tuberfield, Wheeler
BT - 1923 - Card 5 - Apr 16 - May 14 - - Apr 16, 1923
Aires, Avery, Ayers (or Ayres), Bell, Fellows, Fuller, Goddard, Johnson,
Miner, Randall, Stevens, Symonds, Wait, Williams
BT - 1923 - Card 5 - Apr 16 - May 14 - - May 2, 1923
Ayres, Gunn, Hawkins, Mallory, Meeker, Miles,
Osborn, Wheeler, Wilmot
BT - 1923 - Card 6 - May 14 - June 6 - - May 23, 1923
Ayres, Caldwell, Dillingham, Fellows, Harlakenden, Symonds
BT - 1923 - Card 7- June 6 - July 3 - - July 2, 1923
Ayres, Bell, Fellows, Hurd, Osborne, Wait, Whitmore
BT - 1923 - Card 8 - July 3 - Aug 1 - - July 30, 1923
Ayres, Bell, Buell, Constable, Fellows, Hawkins, Hurd, Johnson, Mallery (or Mallory?),
Meeker, Miles (or Myles), Osborn(e), Tomlinson, Wait, Wooster
BT - 1923 - Card 9 - Aug 1 - 29 - - Aug 8, 1923
Ayres, Bolton, Slayton, Stevens, Wait
BT - 1923 - Card 10 - Aug 29 - Sept 24 - - Sept 19, 1923 (#1)
Ayres, Bassett, Buel, Jacobus, Merwin, Miles, Nickolls, Pettit (?),
Sharpe, Tibbals, Treat, Wilmot, Wooster
BT - 1923 - Card 10 - Aug 29 - Sept 24 - - Sept 19, 1923 (#2)
Hubbell, Hurd, Mallory, Miles, Osborn(e), Smith, Thompson, Trowbridge, Wallis, Wildman
BT - 1923 - Card 13 - Nov 19 - Dec 19 - - Nov 21, 1923
Lyman, Maltby (?), Osborn
BT - 1923/1924 - no card - Oct. 17, 1923 & 26 March 1924
Burr, Couch, Osborn, Smith, Sturgis
BT - 1927 - Card 17- Nov 9 - 30 - - Nov 16, 1927
Ayers, Symonds, Williams, Woodan (or Woddam)
BT - 1939 - Feb 25, 1939
Ayers (or Ayres?), Barker, Caldwell, Pitman
BT - 1939 - April 8, 1939
Ayers (or Ayres), Griffith, Symonds
NOTES: In the BODY of each Boston Transcript , the first date identified is a reference to a previously written query in this
The selected "cards" used here (really they are long printed sheets printed from the microfilm reader)
were based on my research in the early 1980's pertaining, the majority, to AYRES & AYERS, but
having some associated families of OSBORN(E), GUNN, FELLOWS and some others. The Boston
Transcripts microfilms I used and printed copies of them, were from Multnomah County Library in
Portland, OR. I no longer reside in that state.

Page created 20 Nov. 1997
Copyright 1997 by Gloria ODOM
Visitors since 17 Dec 2003
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