Adopt-A-Golden-Framed Unicorn
If you like my Unicorns, take them!
I do ask that you provide a link to My Site.
That way others can come and adopt a
Unicorn too.
This is the Adoption Certificate
for the Unicorns

PLEASE place one WITH
your Unicorn
Do you need help with HTML Codes ?
you've placed the Unicorn on your page,
come back & Sign My Unicorn Adoption Book
Perhaps you'd like to Read My Unicorn Adoption Book ??
Then upload it {them} to YOUR server.
Do you like...
Unicorns ??
Then check out...
The Last Unicorn

Thank You,
Just Copy and Paste the following code...
Adopt A Little Unicorn
Adopt A Heart Unicorn
This site was created & is maintained by Ladyhipoo
All images and contents ARE © Ladyhipoo 1999
Unless otherwise stated.