I love cats. I just adore them... infact I'm crazy about cats. I have 60 (yes.... 60 furry critters) I got involved seriously in cat breeding in 1991. My first Persian was Messy ( a tortieshell ) After winning in cat shows I acquired my stud named Prince - a handsome guy whose sire is a pedigree.

What produced good temperament? In short good parents and handling. The first seven weeks are crucial - after that it's too late. The best kittens are those which have been hand fed, for instance with big litters, when there are often not enough developed teats to go round. Otherwise daily handling is essential from birth and, when they get mobile, playing with them for many hours that could have been spent in the "Gerai Mamak"

CAT FACTS Cats are the sleepiest of all animals. Cats average 16 hours of sleep a day. The most popular Malay names for cats in Malaysia are Tompok (Spot) and Belang (Tiger). The average life expectancy of cats is 16 years. The oldest cat on record was named Puss. Puss lived to be 36 years old. In an average year, U.S. cat owners spend $2.15 billion on cat food. In an average year, U.S. cat owners spend $295 billion on cat litter. Cats shed more in the light. Even ilumination from a TV set is enough to to spur shedding. Asprin is poisonous to cats. Chocolate is deadly to cats. Cats use their noses a thermometers. Cats walk can on their claws rather than their pads. Cats use their whiskers to find their way in the dark. Or to determine if they can fit in in a tight place. Cats spend 30% of their waken hours grooming themselves. Bathing cats can be harmful, it may remove natural oils on the skin, causing infection. Cats can't really see in the dark. Their daytime vision is only fair. However, their semidarkness sight is better than humans. Cats hearing rates as one of the top in the animal kingdom. Cats can hear sounds from hundreds of feet away.

Currently I am the Assistant Secretary of The Malaysian Cat Club.