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Jesus is our Foundation.
Phil 4:6-9
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Our Site History
Come Back, Visit Often: Watch as "Our Page" Develops.

Hi! We are Ken and Patsy Payne of San Antonio, Texas.
How "Time Flies"! Wow! Although I am learning a lot of new techniques, I still have a lot to learn. Come back often as I generally learn a new technique each time I look at another site.

We have been married 28 years on May 24, 2002; and have lived in San Antonio, Texas since October 1976.
AND we are the PROUD parents of
"FC2 Chris Payne ", USN.

A page dedicated to Our Son, Chris Payne

We have one 'very spoiled' dog. Just ask Skamp .
Our first dog was "Fluffie". She went to doggy heaven in 1992. Our second dog was Toby. He was a 55 lb shepherd mix. He too has gone to doggy heaven. Skamp is our third and is a 35-40lb 'Heinz 57'.
Although Toby was larger, Skamp frequently forgot that and 'bullied' Toby. It was fascinating to see that size has nothing to do with who owns the most territory. Skamp frequently had her 'big brother' totally ' buffaloed'.
If she decided she wanted a chair or the bed, Toby moved.
On the other hand, sometimes he doesn't want to give in,
so he just jumped up and flopped on top of her.
She moved!

Both Ken and I retired from the US Air Force as E7's.
Ken is retired with 28 years, active and reserve service and
a Desert Storm veteran.
I retired from the Air Force in 1986 and am currently self employed.

Ken WAS fully retired, and loves to dabble with his video
- Transfer pictures {Old Family Album to Today's
pictures} to VHS tape format.
- Transfer 8mm/super 8mm to VHS format.
Pictures and home movies can be co-mingled.
- Computer Generated Title {created by Patsy, my wife}.
- Music
Ken still dabble's, however, has returned to professional love, driving. Ken is now doing lab work with minimal driving and has learned both lab technician and dispatch. He's not sure which of them is more challenging. Syncor makes and transports special medical supplies for most of south Texas. We are saving money for our trip to Washington state, this Christmas to visit Chris, his wife, Charity and our granddaughter, Emily. Our plane tickets are bought and taped to the file cabinet.... Would you believe it's been a while since I updated. Not only did we visit Chris in Florida in August 1998, we visited again in March 1999. We had the priviledge of sailing on his ship, "USS Hue City" as "Tigers". This was our 25th Wedding Anniversary cruise. Chris is now on shore duty as a USN Recruitor in Tacoma, Washington.

I am self employed and have my fingers in lots of pies. Run over and visit my Tupperware site:
I also play a lot on the computer and in the process earn a few extra cents!
Come take a peek, although this site in still under CONSTRUCTION. "I've only just begun..."
Come see Heartland Ranch 5160 for some tips on
Anger Management; Active Listening; Problem-Solving;
Negotiation Skills and Conflict Resolution.

This page is Our Favorite Links
Be sure and visit Heartland Meadows 8655, - A Page for the Deaf - designed by - Jennifer,
a special friend and neighbor in the Heartland.
And her mother, Barbara, lives at Heartland Meadows 8616. Visit Teacup Ministries.
In our "spare" time, we love to trek to the coast.
Our favorite places to stay are:
- Isla Blanca County Park
- Padre Bali County Park near Mustang Island
- Mustang Island State Park
- Pioneer RV Park
- and now our dream is to visit Mexico, Keno Bay RV Park

Follow the village chapel to "Our Cell and Celebration".
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A page Designed for Our Credits, Graphics, Backgrounds and HTML Help; Ratings and Awards. This page is difficult to develop, because I get a lot of ideas just surfing. If I have missed a credit, please email us and we will make a correction.
Say Hi to us at:

Ken and Patsy j. Payne
We look forward to suggestions and comments.
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Page last updated: September 2002, boy did I have to relearn techniques.
July 15, 1998...Check out the HISTORY page for more complete details.
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