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Our History of Heartland Meadows 7880.

July 6, 1997:Ken and Patsy j. Payne bought a lot at 7880 Heartland Meadows.
What is HTML???Is it Spanish, German or Jibberish?

July 11, 1997:The moving van pulled up and began unloading HTML. What a MESS! HTML code here, a code there, HTML code everywhere!
July 13, 1997: Patsy added a guestbook and counter.
We're still not sure the guestbook is being accessed properly.
One day I met a bass player, he switched to LPage.
I'm not sure who I'll meet this time. Maybe I'll meet "Our Guestbook".
July 15, 1997:
Pasted GeoGuide at the top and bottom of the index page.
Learned how to put "Label" and "Links".
July 17, 1997: Learned to add graphics and learned to use EZ-Load.
July 24, 1997:
Fixed Guestbook graphics. Finally got background
wallpaper on index page.
July 26, 1997:
Learned how to "mailto" e-mail.
Learned to create links to other pages, thus the "History Page".
July 30, 1997:
Self Evaluated site by SafeSurf and added Safesurf graphic.
July 30, 1997:
Link to "Come and See" is not functioning.

August 2, 1997:
I didn't realize that our history page was
not operating properly. It is now operating properly.
August 2, 1997:
Register, rated and posted RSACi to Web site.
Took a couple of days off to celebrate Patsy's Birthday.
Never mind which one, just 29 and holding, as the saying goes.
My husband, Ken, bought me a gift that has me distracted from playing on the web. We took delivery of a 25.5 ft Allegro Motorhome to enhance our spare time hobby.
Traded in our '88 24.5 ft. We are planning a major trip to Florida to greet Chris when his ship returns to home port in October. The maiden voyage of the 24.5 ft Allegro was a trip to Florida. We took Chris to Disneyworld and down the Florida keys in 1988. 9 years later, Ken and I, are returning to Florida.
Plan on fixing the 'broken link' tomorrow.
August 3, 1997:
Link still not fixed, however added 'graphics'.
Not sure what my error is. Added graphics of our son's 'rating' in the Navy. Going to link his rating to his ship home page. {I hope?}
August 9, 1997:
Fixed "cell and celebration" graphic and link.
Added "Safe Directory". Found broken e-mail and fixed. I Thought I Learned how to change text color.
Can you tell? Have link to Chris's ship Home Page. Found another
"Cool Christian Site". P.S. I Thought I learned how to change
TEXT Color, however???
August 12, 1997: Found a "New Site"
designed by "Jennifer". Be sure and visit the site.
I attempted to "Link", however have made an "HTML" error
that I cannot find yet.
Also, think I fixed positioning of 'graphics'
on bottom of page. Positioning is a little sloppy,
however, at least they no longer 'overlap' each other.
August 16, 1997: Added a tracking page counter to bottom of index page.
August 16, 1997: Adding index graphics to list of history page. May take a couple of days.
August 17, 1997: Graphics, graphics, all over the place. Now, how do I get you where "I" want you. Is this a "battle of the minds"?
What a challenge, it is, learning HTML and graphics, self-taught. Yet, as I put each piece together, . . .
August 19, 1997: Today was our son Chris's Birthday.
Fixed graphics and address of Pagecount. Gives useful
information about the hits your page gets.
September 7, 1997: Haven't been here in a while. Check out the main page and finds lots of changes. I found a battleship for our Son, Chris. Still having trouble with Mom's page. Not sure what the problem is. Took our "shakedown" with the new coach. It went well, only minor problems. Got most of them fixed already. Planning for the big trip betginning October 24, 1997 to Florida. Chris's ship returns to port on October 28, 1997.
November 29, 1997: Back from Florida and Packard is fixed, so will begin working on page again. Trip to Florida was FANTASTIC. Chris has been notified that he will be awarded his next stripe on December 18, 1997. Just in time to come home for Christmas.
December 20,: Chris is home. Got home December 18. He was promoted and wore his uniform today. He looks good. I'm not a proud mother, am I? He is now: "FC2" Christopher Payne".

January 1, 1998: Chris and I went to Kansas to visit his "granddad", Ken's Father. We left December 23, 1997 and came back December 26, 1997. Had a white Christmas Eve day and a white Christmas. Chris and his "grandad" talked Navy the whole time. We went over to a cousin's place for a family gathering for Christmas meal. What a spread! Thank You, Debbie and Dave, Doyle and Betty and rest of family in Kansas. We had a great time. We found the neatest BBQ place in Roundrock, Texas, called "Poke'Joes". Best BBQ I have ever tasted and I've lived in Texas for 20+ years. Well, not a whole lot else going on. Chris has gone back to Mayport, Ken and I are settling back into the "after the holidays" routine. Be sure and come back, as I hope to update soon. Maybe I'll even get the other address up and running.

February 22, 1998: Added new graphic "Jesus Lives".
Learn something new everytime I get on the net. Working on other address too, so check it out.
Heartland Ranch 5160.
March 28, 1998:
Back again. This trip I created a page dedicated to our Son, Chris Payne. Still want to add some links to it, regarding his career, however, time is at a premium. Now that I have figured out how to create pages and link them, I'll put our "surf rating" on a separate page. They take a long time to load. Noticed that our page takes a long time to load. I know it is graphics heavy, therefore, make pages. Next task is to learn how to index and create buttons.

April 11, 1998: Beginning "Clean-Up" process. Paying attention to detail and cleaning up little errors. Joined "Family Connection Ring". Looks like a really neat ring to visit and be a member of. Still have a problem with Jennifer's Banner. Haven't managed to find the problem.
Noticed that "old" Geoguide is still at bottom of this page. Will put new one on next time and "Ratings" page to save load time of index page. Don't have any awards, yet! When they come they will be on their own page.

April 18-19, 1998: Continuing to correct spelling and typographical errors. Created a "New Page". Click on the 'Animated Fish' to check it out. Replaced the 'Old geoguide' with the new one at the bottom of the page. Moved Geocities Ring to History Page. Learned that there is a program to reduce the load time of graphics. Next goal is to learn how to use it. Have found a neat program called "Garage", even though I don't understand all of its messages. I think it will assist me in cleaning up our site.

April 25-26, 1998: worked on site this weekend. Fine-tuned Salvation Plan page. Developed Favorite Links page. Planning on Bookstore and Helps page. Hope to get those done during the week, Then, check all images and links. Make sure pages are linked together smoothly. Helps page is HTML help, Design help, Color help, etc. Want to develop nonimage indexes. Also want to do some more work on Heartland Ranch 5160. Have someminor problems on index page to clean up, then begin submitting for awards. Heartland Review is first, then others.

May 1- 8, 1998: Fixed Credits page link. Corrected repeated pointers for lines. Set a variety of pointers for lines. Added a couple of credits to Credits page. I work on the site a little each day.

May 25, 1998: Developed Home page versus Index page. Index page is now index to other pages versus home page. Home page is "Home.html".

May 29, 1998: Attempted to activate Helps Page, Oh, Boy. Have lots of errors to correct. The link to the History Page isn't working on the index page. Don't know what the problem is. The image 'village chapel' isn't working. Don't know the problem. It seems like the harder I work, the problems I make. Oh, well, such is the life of HTML.

May 29, 1998: Need to put Link Exchange and Geoguide on Helps Page.

June 10, 1998: Working on gettting a banner made for geoguide. Karissa, a born-again Chrisitian from Minnisota is making it. The banner is gorgeous. Hope to have it uploaded in the next 10-15 days. Don't know the backlog at geo for uploading banners. Have corrected geoguides at top and bottom of pages as well as Link Exchange at top of pages. The site is getting so complex, for me, that I created a spread sheet to keep track of which page has what. have worked extensively on Heartland Ranch 5160. Heartland Ranch 5160 has minimal graphics. haven't had time to search the web and find appropriate graphics. I correct spelling errors and typo's each time I come online. Still have broken images and broken links that I'm working on. Well, it is getting late, so will shut down for the night. Oh, almost forgot to mention: Chris is home on leave for 6 days. We are enjoying some Mother, Son time. Went to Fiesta, had a lot of fun.
I'll keep updating out history page, so come back and
check my Learning Curve.
Remember to get your own
FREE personal home page
Go to GeoCities and sign up now.
When you are up and running, come back and give us your URL.
We'll come and visit.

Ken and Patsy j. Payne
Have fun surfing.

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Page Dedicated to our Son, FC2 Chris Payne